lundi 31 décembre 2007
Arabian Horse Association Now Included in World Registries
DENVER, CO - After nearly a decade of negotiations, an agreement has been made between the Purebred Arabian Trust (representing the Arabian Horse Association’s 100-year old purebred Arabian horse registry) and the World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) that grants the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) Registry exclusive authority over American registrations as recognized by WAHO. This status change is effective January 01, 2008, and returns all associated responsibilities from the Purebred Arabian Horse Registry (PAHR) to the AHA Registry.
"We are delighted in the success of this agreement," said Bob Fauls, Chairman of the Purebred Arabian Trust (PAT), "and believe this to be a momentous occasion promising a bright future of significant benefit to the Arabian horse community."
While this changes nothing relating to domestic registration procedures for AHA members, it does affect registration activity requiring WAHO involvement - namely certain international importation and exportation procedures of purebred Arabian horses and semen. Beginning January 01, 2008, the PAT in conjunction with the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) will be the only registering authority in the United States recognized by WAHO.
In order to facilitate PAT’s admission to WAHO membership, PAHR has agreed it will cease its activities December 31, 2007 and refer new and pending transactions to AHA. Since the WAHO membership of the AHA Registry’s predecessor, the Arabian Horse Registry of America, was terminated in 1997, PAHR has provided to the American Arabian horse community a venue for international Arabian horse transactions, importations and exportations.
A major consideration in achieving this agreement with WAHO is the fact that the Studbooks have been closed and the purebred Arabian database is now firmly established and defined. Hans Nagel, president of WAHO, said From now on, the world-wide Arabian horse breed is an exclusive and closed population and will be guarded as such.
More information will be forthcoming, including but not limited to the next AHA President’s Letter, Modern Arabian Horse magazine, and
samedi 29 décembre 2007
Successful Endurance Riding with Jill Thomas, Part 1
Champion Jill Thomas presents a video series on endurance riding training.
Episode 1 begins an in depth introduction to set speed rides for beginners. Part 1 of 3.
samedi 22 décembre 2007
Flu Vaccine for New Zealand- December 2007
3 December 2007
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAF BNZ) has lodged an application to use a vaccine to protect New Zealand horses against the equine influenza virus, the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) announced today.
The equine influenza virus caused major disruption in the horse racing and breeding industry in Australia earlier this year after infected animals were discovered in New South Wales. Thousands of horses eventually tested positive for the virus. Australia has since imported a vaccine to help control the disease.
ERMA New Zealand has received an application from MAF BNZ for a rapid approval for a vaccine called Flu Avert® I.N. This vaccine contains a weakened live equine influenza virus which is administered to horses intranasally. This vaccine stimulates an immune response that is similar to the response that occurs when the horse catches a virulent wild strain of the virus. The vaccine has been used in the United States since 1999 and also in Canada.
ERMA New Zealand’s General Manager, New Organisms, Dr Libby Harrison, says the rapid approval process being used in this case means the flu vaccine meets certain low-risk criteria and can be assessed more quickly than usual as long as the required level of information is provided. “An application like this requires information on the biological characteristics of the organism and the route of administration of the medicine. If the relevant information cannot be provided to show that the vaccine meets the low-risk criteria we can’t proceed with a rapid approval.”
Dr Harrison says once ERMA New Zealand’s Decision-making Committee has the information it needs, it has to consider whether the application meets the criteria for approval, which include assessing any potential adverse effects on public safety and health, valued species, the environment and natural habitats. “The Committee will then decide what sort of controls should be placed on the use, storage and disposal of the vaccine. Finally, in order to approve the vaccine the Committee has to determine that, given the controls, the risks it poses are negligible.”
The equine flu vaccine also has to be approved by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority’s Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Group before it can be used.
For further information contact:
David Venables, Communications Manager, ERMA New Zealand.
vendredi 21 décembre 2007
Musculoskeletal System: blog from Persian Horse
The Equine Musculoskeletal System
Written By: Leslie Berro.
The Equine Musculoskeletal System
The horse is an athlete; some are more naturally gifted than others. But the common denominator between them all, is that the musculoskeletal system, pound for pound, is their largest bodily component; over 60%! When you buy a horse, you're buying motion. When a million dollar horse no longer moves like one, he isn't one! And this is the system mainly responsible for motion. Yet it is mostly overlooked because it does not reveal itself in radiographic and other testing mediums.
...More: View full blog
samedi 15 décembre 2007
Endurance Great Britain
Leics & Rutland Endurance GB Group

Daniel Videla
Upgrading in 'ONE' season from Novice - Open to Advanced as a Rider.
Riding two horses Northwood Lass 11yr Arab x mare and Island Columbus 11 yr Arab gelding.
Daniel has a new 3yr Arab gelding Kazaiyid to bring into ridden work keeping him busy this winter . Daniel is from Mendoza , Argentina and is returning to the UK for Christmas and New Year . But he will be returning on the 7th Jan as he is in respsonsible for all the horses & people for two treks 150km across the Andes from Mendoza to Chile . The first is for The Princes Trust and the second is for the Antony Nolan Trust . If anyone fancies a horse holiday in Argentina and adventure of a lifetime just contact Fiona for details
Gillian Hasberry
Upgrading from Open to Advanced with her Connemara St Flannnans Niamh at the College ride in September by passing and gaining a Grade 1.
They have also qualified for the British Dressage Winter Regionals at Preliminary and Novice Level. Last but not least thye also won the Endurance Trophy in the Connemara Performance Award Scheme plus 3 other trophies .
vendredi 14 décembre 2007
Flu outbreak cancels show horse events - Dec 12 2007
THE equine influenza (EI) outbreak has claimed another victim, with the cancellation of horse competition from next year's Royal Easter show in Sydney.
Organisers today said they were left with little choice when faced with uncertainty over when the statewide restrictions on horse transport would be lifted.
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) president Rob Vickery said the 2008 Sydney Royal Horse Show had been cancelled.
"While it was our greatest desire to accept entries for the Sydney Royal, the reality is that come March the disease may not be at the stage where horses can be easily moved between zones, without extraordinary quarantine and biosecurity arrangements and some inherent risks," Mr Vickery said.
The Sydney Royal Show will not be totally devoid of horses however, with horse activities to include carriage displays, saddler and farrier demonstrations, along with horse and pony displays.
Quarantine zones remain in place across NSW, with testing for EI continuing on properties that have had direct contact with infected horses.
Getting the hump - Dec 14 2007
Cranky camels have been kicked out of the Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge after a mass show of desert defiance. The gruelling endurance event hit major problems during the desert trekking stage, after the 25 camels enlisted to carry essential supplies lived up to their cantankerous reputations.
And after camel-related problems prevented several teams from finishing the 87-kilometre journey, organisers decided to void the stage. That ruling meant the leaders before the desert trek - Team Eurosport NZ - returned back to first place ahead of the penultimate day's mountain bike trial.
The week-long, multi-event endurance event has been staged by the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority, and features intrepid teams from all over the world. Although two teams from the UAE are taking part, many of the competitors were entirely unfamiliar with the 'ships of the desert'.
Camel training was provided...
jeudi 13 décembre 2007
Ice skater turned horse rider gallops to success - Dec 12 2007 - Full Story By Gordon McCully
A former Chorley ice skater has galloped to success in another sport.
Shelby-Jade France (pictured) has just taken the horse riding endurance event by storm.
Shelby Jade used to be an ice skating star until unfortunately her mum Michelle began to suffer from ill health.
Shelby started to ride her mum's horse and this year began competing on him in endurance riding.
Shelby has just taken the endurance world by storm and has just be crowned the Junior Endurance Champion of GB in this, her first season, beating 26 other riders from across the country to take the title.
Points gained from each ride are added together for the championship.
Shelby competes on her mum's horse Streamcross Dakota and rides on average 80k in one day and an average speed of 15kph over varying terrains.
The fitness of the horse and rider is paramount. Shelby is hoping to retain her title next year and will be competing on two horses. Shelby is always supported up and down the country by her mum and dad and brothers Johnathon and Thomas.
mardi 11 décembre 2007
2008 Rambouillet
Contacts : Gilles et Caroline Cabardos
e-mail :
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup
Cette année encore nous avons le soutien fidèle et très important de la Ville de Rambouillet (Mr le maire G. Larcher), le Service des Sports (Mr Valette), les Services Techniques (Mr Jaureguy, Mr Latapie), et l’hippodrome (Mr Poisson, Mr Leymarie). Nouveauté, le Royaume du Bahreïn devient partenaire privilégié pour organiser Rambouillet 2008.
1 Semaine : 2 Sélections ! !
Objectif : Championnat du Monde
Dans la lignée de 2006 (JEM d’Aix la Chapelle) et de 2007 (Barroca d’Alva) Jean-Louis Leclerc utilisera le Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup (160 Km CEI*** et AmaEliteGP) pour sélectionner l’Equipe de France qui ira en Malaisie défendre les couleurs de la France. Cela permettra aussi de s’étalonner auprès des différentes nations présentes.
Objectif : Mondiaux des 7/8 ans
Après de nombreuse discussions et sollicitations, il semblait « naturel » que Rambouillet accueille une étape de la Sélection des jeunes chevaux pour le mondial des 7/8 ans (90 Km Pro1 GP, Ama1 GP. La qualité des sols, la situation géographique, le positionnement dans la saison (10 semaines avant Compiègne), le jumelage avec la CEI***, tous ces paramètres nous ont décidés à franchir le pas.
Objectifs 2008
Enduro-Cheval, confirme sa forte volonté de promouvoir l’endurance équestre pour tous. Cette volonté reposant sur deux piliers fondateurs :
*Un événement pour les cavaliers et leurs chevaux
*Une constante amélioration
Rambouillet :
5 Juin : Qualificative Jeunes Chevaux 7/8 ans
7 Juin : CEI*** Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup
Tartre Gaudran :
13 Sept. : Inter-Régionale Jeune Chevaux
14 Sept : Club, Départementale et Régionale
A travers ces événements Enduro-Cheval fera découvrir notre discipline équestre l’ENDURANCE. Lors de ces 4 journées d’épreuves nous pourrons donc mettre en valeur notre sport sur le plan national et international mais aussi amateur comme professionnel.
L’Equipe d’Enduro-Cheval vous souhaite d’excellentes fêtes de fin d’année.
mercredi 5 décembre 2007
Jeni Gilbert EnduranceGB Supreme Champion 2007
At the EnduranceGB Annual Awards Dinner on December 1, Jeni Gilbert was announced as the new Supreme Champion. She was awarded a saddle donated by Lorna Winn of Saintwestwell Saddlery.
Full list of awards are on the
trophy page.
mardi 4 décembre 2007
National Federations to Report Metabolic Eliminations

1) a metabolic elimination which requires invasive treatment occurs within 6 months of the Nominated Entries Date for the 2008 WEC.
2) two consecutive metabolic eliminations occur within the same 6 month period.
This loss of CoC will likely effect the decision by riders, trainers, and owners with respect to the application of invasive treatment following an endurance event. It is assumed that intravenous re-hydration following a metabolic elimination will cause the withdrawal of the CoC. Report
FEI Letter to National Federations
FEI Article 825.6 - Final Qualification Criteria
You may comment below.
lundi 3 décembre 2007
Oletta 2007

Click to photos Oletta 2007
2 x 60km on november 24th and 25th in Corsica, France
1 er - CALL FOR ME - BEGAUD Jack - Fr Midi-Pyrennes - 18.480 km/h
2 eme JAMILA DE JALIMA - THEOLISSAT Melody - Fr Provence - 18.470 km/h
3 eme M'AN NAQUE - MICHEL Nathalie - Fr Bourgogne A Hue et a Dia - 18.440 km/h
First podium for Melodie THEOLISSAT and Nathalie MICHEL.
dimanche 2 décembre 2007
Shaikha Madiya in 120-km Abu Dhabi ride - Dec 2 2007

Shaikha Madiya Hasher Mana Al Maktoum of Dubai and Solid as a Rock participate in FEI 3-star 120-km UAE International Endurance Cup sponsored by Sorouh, on the 36th National Day in Abu Dhabi.

AUSTR - Fair Treatment Recreational and Sporting Horse Owners? - Dec 2 2007
Fair Treatment Recreational and Sporting Horse Owners ?
Not least, thanks to the persistent efforts of the Australian Horse Industry Council with the full support of recreational horse owners , the Horse Racing Industry is back in business. And why not. Most horse lovers are glad horse racing is back and movement restrictions for the racing industry horses have been largely removed. Special conditions for the industry have applied all along anyway.
Now, what about the tens of thousands of recreational & sporting horses and their still suffering owners.
posted by
Horse welfare at top of FEI endurance review
Abigail Butcher, H&H news editor
2 December, 2007
A working party charged with developing new ideas for the sport of endurance submitted a raft of proposals to the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) last week.
Among them were suggestions for a new qualifying system for riders; suspending horses and riders from competition after they are eliminated from a race; and more specialised training for vets and officials.
The FEI announced plans to overhaul the rules of endurance in the spring, following vast growth in the sport, and a number of equine deaths in recent years.
Under review is qualification, organisation, equine protection, education, legal controls and competition structure — with the welfare of the horse a major priority.
Newmarket vet Fred Barrelet led a group charged with looking at horse welfare.
"One of the criticisms of endurance is that people can get on a horse and six months later ride in an international-level competition," he said. "A proper system of qualification could ensure that riders are competent to negotiate an endurance competition as they move up through the levels."
Mr Barrelet's group has also proposed more research is done on endurance, and that rest periods between rides be imposed.
"We've looked at whether a rider should be suspended if their horse is eliminated [at a vet check]," he said.
The introduction of an FEI-standard logbook and better training for officials have also been suggested, as well as ideas to make the sport more marketable and attractive to the public.
FEI endurance judge and technical delegate John Robertson has been chairing the group looking at competition structure.
"There's a lot of talk about different finishes, distances and the removal of weights for endurance horses," he said. "But nothing has been decided yet, these are only ideas."
Ian Williams, FEI head of endurance who presented the report, said: "The task force will produce their final recommendations by March 2008, after which the proposals will be sent to national federations for comment."
This news story was first published in Horse & Hound (29 November, '07)
dimanche 25 novembre 2007
samedi 24 novembre 2007
Endurance in Warka, Poland
By: Pawel Krawczyk
Four kabardian horses took part in Endurance Championship of Poland in Warka:
4th place - Tamerlan, rider Hanna Davidzenka, running for Belarus. Average 12,51 km/h. Notable heartbeat, on all gates it was 48-52 with 48 on finish.
5th place - Parit II, rider Alena Kalienkovich, running for Belarus. Average 12,51 km/h. Heartbeat from 56-60 with 56 on finish.
6th place - Bohun, rider Tomasz Tura, running for Poland. Average 11,65 km/h. This horse is quite well known, it's 16-years old anglo-kabardian which took part in many competition in the past. Heartbeat 56-60 with 56 on finish.
8th place - Almaz, rider Richard Zielinski, running for Poland. Average 11,51 km/h. Heartbeat also notable - 44-52 with 48 on finish.
Unofficial results:
Photos and coverage in Polish:
vendredi 23 novembre 2007
jeudi 22 novembre 2007
VOUS, membres FFE, êtes cordialement INVITES à participer au
ces 24 et 25 novembre 2007
Une Fédération Equestre qui demande l'avis de ses licenciés quant à
son orientation est probablement UNIQUE en Belgique et vous avez
la chance d'en être !
Ne manquez pas ce WE exceptionnel dans un site agréable où
rencontrer les personnes ayant acceptés des responsabilités à la FFE.
Les membres de notre association sœur néerlandophone, la VVR, sont
également invités.
Dirigeants de CLUBS,
si vous ne pouvez venir en personne, envoyez un représentant de
votre club pour vous faire connaître à cette belle assemblée.
Vous pouvez aussi apporter des photos, des dias, des films, vos
Adresse du week-end : Centre Touristique de Daverdisse,
1A Allée des Marronniers à 6929 Daverdisse.
Accès par E411 sortie 23 en venant de Namur ou sortie 24 en venant de
Logement possible sur place (apportez votre lit de camp et duvet)
* Samedi 24 novembre
dès 13h : Accueil des participants – Petite surprise à tous les
14h :
- Présentation des participants
- Rapports succins des activités des ARTE et des Commissions.
16h : Pause café puis suite de la réunion
- Mission des Commissions
- Elargissement des Comités et Commissions
- Divers
19h :
- Apéritif suivi du traditionnel buffet froid « Auberge Espagnole »
des spécialités régionales ou personnelles apportées
par les participants (petit plat env. pour 4 personnes, présenté) et
Prévoyez une petite étiquette pour indiquer ce que c'est, de quelle
région et
qui l'a apporté.
- Soirée informelle de discussion au sujet des chevaux et de ceux
qui les
montent ou attellent.
Apportez vos instruments de musique et chansonniers.
* Dimanche 25 novembre
Entre 7h30 et 8h30 : Petit déjeuner buffet
9h : suite de la réunion
- Assurances
- Programme 2008
- Avenir de la FFE (politique générale)
12h : repas typique régional offert par la FFE
Civet de marcassin pommes vapeur - Tarte à la cassonade - 1
14h : Débat sur tout ce qui concerne nos disciplines équestres, nos
chemins, nos chevaux...
16h : Pose café et fin du Séminaire.
Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer
PS : un représentant est invité par commision et par ARTE,
renseigner vous au 0475/66.55.60
------ à découper ------
Séminaire annuel du week-end des 24 et 25 novembre à DAVERDISSE
Bulletin de réservation à retourner même si vous ne devez rien payer
par fax au 071/81.76.15 ou par mail
à secretariat @
Nom …………………………………… Prénom…………………………
Rue ……………………………………N°……………………………………………………………………………
Code Postal …………………
Localité ………………………………………………………………
- Je ne dispose pas d'un bon et je paye le montant forfaitaire de 15
euros qui comprend le petit déjeuner et le déjeuner du dimanche
- J'apporterai comme plat régional ou spécialité personelle … …
(merci de préciser)
- Je n'apporte rien mais paye 10 euros de supplément
Je verse le total sur le compte de la FFE 310-0049573-92
avec la mention "Séminaire 2007"
Pour logement gratuit, vous munir d'un matelas et d'un sac de
couchage Pour ceux qui désirent un logement plus confortable :
084/315992 (SI de Daverdisse)
The Path to the Top - Royal Rebellion
'bred in the bone' for endurance but have persevered with a horse who
they believed in
The story starts just over four years ago when we bought a four year
old Anglo Arab unseen (apart from some photos) from an internet horse-
selling site for 1500 pounds delivered. HIs registered name is Royal
Rebellion but we were going through a Magic Roundabout phase at the
time and called him Mr McHenry.
We broke him in and he stumbled a lot especially walking down slopes,
so we got in a physio who said she suspected he had all sorts of
problems in the stifle area and to give him a year off and see if
they improved. Which we didn't but did a year of walking barefoot
instead. Took him to France when we moved here four years ago where,
as a five year old and then a six year old he went through the French
qualifying system of a 20k followed by 40k followed by a 60k followed
by two 90k rides. The 90k has a pulse parameter of 56 and, in four
out of his six attempts, he failed the final vetting due to his pulse
being 60bpm. He had always passed the Ridgeway at vg2 with readings
like 52/48 or 54/50 but as he always started the ride with a pulse of
48 there wasn't much room to play with!
Anyway, fast forward to last August when Richard took him to his
first 120k at Tarbes and they qualified easily; 23rd out of 80 (but
still finishing with a pulse of 60, though it didn't matter for that
longer distance as the parameter was 64).
We then took him to Calais but withdrew after four loops as he wasn't
enjoying it and his parameters were too close to the limit for comfort.
He still stumbled more than one would have liked but is a nervous
fellow who paid more attention to other things than the state of the
Fast forward again to spring of this year when we sold him and he
went off to Dubai where we'd been assured they would appreciate and
spoil him with carrots and attention. He was a very very long way
from being traffic proof and, with that on our conscience, he could
never have gone to anybody in the UK, though we were approached.

new owners and it was a 3* in Al Wathba with 92 other horses. At 8,
he was one of the youngest, and being ridden by the trainer's
brother. We were following the ride from freezing France on the
website and cheering to the cats as he came into vg1 in 7th position
at over 25kph.
Fast forward to the end when the nervous horse from Wales without a
drop of endurance blood in his veins crossed the line over 2 minutes
ahead of anyone else and pulsed at 58. He is down as having averaged
24kph but unlike most rides where the clock stops at the line, they
judged the finish as a vet gate (ie, though he crossed the line first
the time was calculated to when he presented six or seven minutes
later - does anyone know if this is going to be the new way of
judging speeds? It was the first time I'd seen it.)
Many of you met him over the years and know what an absolute sweetie
he is, we miss him tremendously but are happy that he no longer has
to cope with being bottom of the pecking order. Or the cold weather,
which he never enjoyed.
Apologies to those to whom this has not been remotely interesting but
I hope it gives inspiration to those who suspect that it's nurture
not nature.
Nicky (and Richard who rode, and sometimes fell with him, at every
ride up til yesterday!)
jeudi 15 novembre 2007
2007 Sultans Cup - Leonard Liesens

10Nov... Départ de la course à 4:30 de l'après-midi. Un départ très sage sans commune mesure avec des championnats ou des courses FEI 'traditionnelles'. Très vite, le malais Ismael se pointe en tête avec l'équipe du Sultanat de Kelantan. Jack Begaud n'est pas loin, en embuscade. Après 10min de course, c'est une avalanche d'eau qui s'abat sur les concurrents et inonde la piste ( au retour de la première boucle, on pouvait croire qu'ils pataugeaient dans une mer à marée basse). Personne parmi les cavaliers n'a cependant l'air de se plaindre. Seules les assistances subissent les éléments. Les points d'assistance sur la course sont praticables pour une vingtaine de voiture mais il faudra revoir la copie pour un championnat où sûrement 200 4x4 provoqueront immanquablement cafouillage et accidents.
Le 4x4 des Atger tombe en panne au premier point et nous recevons un sms désespéré de Magali. Les belges feront donc l'assistance de Virginie. C'est tellement mieux que de se tourner les pouces.
Complete Report and photos
10Nov... Flag-off at 4:30PM. Very quiet and sage start. Nothing to compare with other championships or 'regular' FEI rides in Europe. The malay rider Ismael takes the lead with the Kelantan team. Jack Begaud is not far, in ambush. From the 3rd loop he will take the lead. The two riders from the UAE are also in the leading group. The Americans are between them and the other Europeans. They all look good. After 10min, it was pouring cats and dogs. the trail is flooded. Riders arriving at first vetgate are like cruising in a see at low tide. Amazing. But the riders do not seem to complain. This is only disturbing for the crews and the spectators. The crew points are still reachable, but there are only 40 riders. With 150 riders, no way to access the crew points without risking an accident and traffic jams. The pickup of the Atger breaks down, no battery. We get an SMS from them. They are desperate. Belgium will rescue them and crew for Virginie. We finally have something to do.
vendredi 2 novembre 2007
2007 Les 2 Jours du Quercy CEI*** 100x2

One hundred and thirty horses and riders, one hundred and thirty stories why each and every combination deserves to win this jewel in the crown of French rides.
Only the second running but les 2 jours de Quercy is the one that every endurance rider in France (plus several ambitious 'etrangers') wants to conquer.
Last year the race provided drama from the first moment when Jean Orecchioni, mingling amongst the 140 other competitors, was thrown from his horse Jason de Trigodina. The consequences for Jean were that he broke both his right thigh and right arm and is now held together by a complicated system of rods and screws. Some of which, during the last year, decided to make their own way out of his body and had to be reinserted by surgeons. Jean is back for another try. Although he has kept his horse fit tomorrow morning will be their first mass start since last year. His wife is very nervous. It is easy to spot Jean around here, not just because he is under five foot tall but also because he is 71 years old.
[More ...]
ARTE Namur
Venez nous rejoindre
Madame, Monsieur, Cher ami
Ne ratez pas cette occasion de rencontrer d'autres cavaliers, meneurs
ou simplement propriétaires d'équidés de votre région
Sont bienvenus les organisateurs de randonnées, initiations à
l'endurance, rallyes et concours amicaux de tous types et ouverts à
Venez parler des activités qui vous intéressent
Nous vous proposons une réunion de prise de contact et de
connaissance en vue de mettre sur pied le comité ARTE Namur 2008 et
d'amener d'éventuels projets.
Nous vous donnons donc rendez-vous ce lundi 5 novembre à 20h
Adresse du jour :
Au Cheval Blanc
1 route d'Andenne
5310 Eghezée
081/81.30.35 -
L'établissement en question propose de nombreuses possibilités de
restauration avant et après la réunion.
Ordre du jour :
-Tour de table - présentation des personnes
-Bilan de l'année 2007.
-Projets pour l'année 2008
: Calendrier provisoire des activités 2008.
: Propositions et suggestions, etc. …
-Préparation de l'Assemblée Générale
et appel aux candidatures pour le comité 2008 de l'ARTE Namur.
Votre présence est vitale pour votre ARTE, transmettez cette
invitation à tous les cavaliers et meneurs de votre entourage.
Bien à vous et à lundi
Diane Kraft de Meeûs
Déléguée de la commission a'DOC
Secrétaire 2007 ARTE Namur
------------- note d'un des modérateurs ----------------
Vous n'êtes pas concerné par le tourisme équestre ou l'équitation et
l'attelage de loisir en Province de Namur ?
Qu'à cela ne tienne, des réunions de ce type sont organisées par les
membres de la FFE belge dans chaque province !
- Lundi 5 novembre 20h - Réunion ARTE NAMUR à
Eghezée - 083/21.51.59
- Mardi 6 décembre 20h - Réunion ARTE LIEGE à la
Cave à Bière à Seraing - 019/56.66.97 - 0497/85.38.46
- Mardi 13 novembre - réunion ARTE HAINAUT -
- Jeudi 15 novembre - réunion ARTE Luxembourg à
Daverdisse - 0497/30.48.20
- Mardi 11 décembre -souper ARTE Brabant -
Fédération Francophone d'Equitation et d'Attelage de Loisir
12 rue du Tienne B5140 Ligny Belgique
071/81.50.52 -
2007 : à cheval et en attelage à la découverte des
Forêts, Parcs et Réserves Naturelles de Wallonie
mardi 30 octobre 2007
Your Horse Live - UK, Nov 9-11

Horse event a fabulous family occasion
By Sportsdesk
THERE'S only one week left before the equine shopping and entertainment event of the year.
Time is running out to book tickets for this year's Your Horse Live! Whe-ther you're horse mad, or just looking for a fantastic family day out, put November 9, 10 and 11 in your diary to come along to Your Horse Live at Stoneleigh Park near Kenilworth.
This year's event has been extended and Your Horse editor, Justine Thompson said; "The Your Horse Live team are incredibly excited about adding an extra day to the show and have carefully planned amazing new content full of everything for the horse lover."
There will be more than 300 retailers under one roof, including Townfield Saddlers, Derby House Group Ltd, David Farmer Saddlery and lots of smaller, exclusive ones too.
Live celebrity demonstrations will be taking place, including Olympic dressage rider Carl Hester and three-day-eventer William Fox-Pitt showing you how to train your horse for cross-country.
Natural horsemen Charlotte Dennis and Dave Stuart will also demonstrate how to get a better bond with your horse.
New for 2007 are Help and Advice booths situated in the marquee. The booths will be manned by experts who are all ready to offer whatever advice you need - free of charge.
This year's exclusive evening performance stars the talented show jumper and winner of the 2007 Hickstead Derby, Geoff Billington, who will be in action on Friday and Saturday nights.
Other features of the show include the Petplan Equine main arena where the Knights of Middle England will be in action on horseback.
Visitors will also be able to view some of the UK's most rarest breeds at the Rare Breeds Village, while Horseware Ireland Arena will be holding dressage to music and endurance demonstrations.
“The Your Horse Live team are incredibly excited about adding an extra day to the show and have carefully planned amazing new content full of everything for the horse lover.”
Justine Thompson
Your Horse Live is set to be a great event so, for full ticket information and to book, call 0870 7300 960 or visit
dimanche 28 octobre 2007
L'Ethologie Appliquée à l'Entraînement des Chevaux
Le Centre EquiProCo en collaboration avec le Laboratoire d'Ethologie
de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Gand
organise exceptionnellement
STAGE de DEUX JOURS (avec ou sans cheval)
Le stage a lieu le 1 et 2 NOVEMBRE 2007
au Domaine mon Souhait
(à 15 min de Bruxelles).
Cette approche est basée sur la science,
i.e. sur la connaissance du comportement du cheval
et sur les principes de l'apprentissage.
Il ne s'agit pas d''équitation éthologique', de `chuchoteurs'
ou d'autres `nouveaux maîtres'.
Dr Andrew McLean est le fondateur du Centre Comportemental Equin
Australien, possède un doctorat en psychologie de l'entraînement du
cheval, est reconnu comme coach d'équitation depuis plus de 20 ans, a
gagné Gawler CCI***, a concouru en dressage et en CSO au niveau Grand Prix, a représenté l'Australie pour le Trans Tasman Cup,....
Pour tout renseignement EquiProco (asbl-vzw)
c/o Aymeline de Cartier 0475 71 65 44.
Ethology Applied to Horse Training
Dr. Andrew McLean, founder of the Australian Equine Behaviour Centre,
holding a PhD in horse training psychology, accredited
horseriding coach for over 20 years, past winner of the Gawler
CCI***, dressage and showjumping at Grand Prix level having
represented Australia in the Trans Tasman Cup,.... will give a clinic
in Belgium in the outstanding infrastructures of the Domaine
mon Souhait (15 min from Brussels) on the 1st and 2nd of November
This approach rests on science,
i.e. on the knowledge of horse behaviour and learning processes.
It has nothing to do with "horse whispering" or "ethological
This clinic is a joint organisation by the Laboratory of Ethology
from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University and
the organisation EquiProCo.
Pioneering work on horse behaviour has been carried out at Ghent
University by Prof. F.O. Ödberg since nearly 40 years.
The organisation EquiProCo ( cares for the treatment
of behavioural problems of horses.
The acting therapist is Aymeline de Cartier (Lic.Psychol. UCL, M.Sc.
in Animal Behaviour & Welfare, Edinburgh University) who
trained at A. McLean's stables and completed her thesis under the
supervision of Prof. Ödberg.
Informations :
Aymeline de Cartier
32 (0)475 71 65 44
info @
Address :
Domaine mon Souhait
245 chaussée de Nivelles
1420 Braine l'Alleud
Map & Directions :
Price : As participant-rider (with own horse) : 180 EUR
(includes stabling, lunch, lectures, riding lessons and practical
As participant-spectator (without horse) : 70 EUR
(includes lunch, lectures, attendance of riding lessons and practical
Fees are to be paid in advance on the ING bank account of EquiProCo
vzw-asbl 385-0576503-95.
In order to facilitate the organisation payments should be made
before 20/10/2007.
Stabling facilities : Domaine mon Souhait (limited space)
Accomodation :
e.g. Hotel le `1815' opposite the `Lion de Waterloo'
02/ 387 01 60
PROGRAM of the 2-days clinic :
This clinic is excellent value for spectators as Andrew McLean always
teaches to the gallery and welcomes questions.
AM 9:00-13:00 Lecture on Learning Theory (power point presentation)
Group Groundwork (all participants with horses)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
PM 14:00-18:00 Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
AM 9:00-12:30 Lecture and Demonstration:
solving of behavioural problems by applying the learning principles
minimisation of the aids
12:30-13:30 Lunch
PM 13:30-17:30 Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Group Riding x 2 riders 1 hour
Profile Andrew McLean:
PhD (Equine cognition and learning), BSc (zoology), Dip Ed
Andrew McLean developed and manages the Australian Equine Behaviour
Centre (, the most internationally recognised
horse training and behaviour modification centre in Australia.
Andrew McLean holds a PhD in horse training psychology, has been an
accredited horseriding coach for over 20 years and has written
top-selling books and numerous articles. A past winner of the Gawler
CCI***, he has also represented Australia in the Trans Tasman
Cup, competed at state and national events in FEI level dressage and
eventing and has also showjumped to Grand Prix level.
In great demand as a trainer, coach and speaker, Dr McLean currently
lectures at universities and conferences around the world. He
teaches regularly at three UK universities and the Copenhagen
Veterinary School and conducts annual clinics in Belgium and the USA.
He continues to coach riders and train horses, as well as educating
other coaches in correct technique and training practice.
Dr McLean is a member of the International Society of Applied
Ethology, an elite academic group of cognitive ethologists. His
articles have been published in academic journals and textbooks and
he regularly delivers lectures and demonstrations on the
psychology of horses and equitation science.
Recent Career highlights:
Having an instrumental role in hosting the 1St Equitation Science
Symposium which was held at the AEBC in 2005. Annual symposia
throughout the world have followed. Andrew was recently elected
Junior Vice President of the International Society for Equitation
Conducting lectures and demonstrations at Haras de la Cense Expo in
2006 (France) and Equitana 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005.
Delivering a presentation and demonstration at the Global Dressage
Forum in October 2006 for which he was voted second best
presentor to Hubertus Schmidt and subsequently asked to return in
Conducting an interactive presentation at the KNHS (National Training
Centre) in Holland, for 50 top-level trainers on the
application of learning theory to dressage. Part of the demonstration
involved helping Anky resolve a challenging issue with one of
her new acquisitions using learning theory.
PAU Pyrenees-Atlantiques: CEIOJY*** Juniors et Jeunes Cavaliers

Here is the Pau winner’s photo. All photos will be on line by Monday evening.
And here is a link :
Classement provisoire
1 SPIGA 1996 Hongre BAI Origine inconnue PULICANI Andrea CORSE
2 LAMIAH EL OUED 1999 Jument Alezan Arabe MARIN Lucie LORRAINE
3 Sua 1997 Giraldo Aretxaga Jessica Espagne
Friendly yours
Brigitte HUARD
On-line Photolibrary for Endurance Riding and TREC
Search by rider or horse name
On-line purchasing available
BP 344
37403 Amboise Cedex 3
33 (0)608 741 185 GSM
33 (0)879 626 870 tel à partir de janvier 8 devient 9 : 33 (0)979 626 870
33 (0)247 232 497 tel/fax
brigitte-huard Skype
Awarded a Laureate by the Salon des Artistes Français Paris 2005
Awarded a Laureate by the Salon Photographique du Riage 2005
Awarded a Laureate by the Photofolies en Touraine 2004
mardi 23 octobre 2007
FRA: 2007 d'Haguenau
Stephanie Blatz on RIH El Joody, Jack Begaud on Suslik, and Jean Jacques Mignon on Fadsham finish 1,2,3 at the 2007 d'Haguenau race. The CEI**\
120km event was held October 19 in France.
jeudi 18 octobre 2007
International Horse Festival (HorseSense)
HORSESENSE - FieraCavalli - Verona 8/11 novembre 2007
International Horse Festival si conferma un appuntamento irrinunciabile per tutti coloro che vogliono vivere e scoprire il fascino e la passione del rapporto uomo e cavallo. Storia, cultura, natura, ambiente e stili di vita sono elementi fondanti della manifestazione che negli ultimi anni ha segnato una crescita senza precedenti, sia in termini di presenze espositive sia in termini di visitatori provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Numeri da record: oltre 140.000 visitatori, di cui 12.000 esteri: oltre 600 espositori, di cui 150 in rappresentanza di nazioni estere.
International Horse Festival - Information
dimanche 7 octobre 2007
Uzes: Publications
Uzes: Publication # 3
Uzes: Publication # 2
Uzes: Publication # 1
Uzes: Publication
vendredi 5 octobre 2007
Finales Nationales d'Endurance Jeunes Chevaux

Finales Nationales d'Endurance Jeunes Chevaux
Société Hippique Française
Uzès, du 5 au 7 octobre 2007
Communique de presse
Retrouvez les infos des Finales nationales en lisant la gazette N°1 du 5 octobre (version PDF), cliquez ici.
Les infos, les résultats et les photos sont sur le site des Finales
Contact presse Agence ALBRAN Emmanuelle de Monléon tél. 06 08 21 25 90 mail :
jeudi 4 octobre 2007
Confira as atualizações do portal de Enduro Eqüestre mais completo do Brasil:
SLEEP INN GALLERIAAgradecemos seu contínuo interesse no Portal EnduranceBrasil e respeitamos sua privacidade. Se desejar não mais receber notícias sobre atualizações em nosso site,clique aqui.To remove yourself from our News-Letter list, just click here: REMOVE.
You also can copy and paste this link to your browser.
mercredi 3 octobre 2007
Training the Core

I admit it: last year I mocked Brookstone's OSIM iGallop and Panasonic's JOBA, both horse-riding fitness machines. I even tested one out at CES last year and just felt completely ridiculous sitting on a saddle-like seat with my feet in stirups.
Needless to say, I'm putting my foot in my mouth. Panasonic released a study conducted by researcher Neil Wolkodoff, PhD, which involved 11 participants ages 35 to 60. Each participant rode Panasonic's third-generation horse-riding fitness machine, the Panasonic Core Trainer EU6441A, for 15 minutes a day, five days a week, for two months. Here's what he found: "The Core Trainer performed beyond my expectations. Not only were the changes in core strength and flexibility statistically significant, but VO2 [endurance] levels also increased, while participants experienced a positive change in body composition. Core Trainer study participants showed results with 15 minutes of daily use that some more aggressive products don't show in the regularly recommended 30 minutes a day." See above for percentages of the results.
Complete Story
mardi 2 octobre 2007
l' ACAPE, Association des Cavaliers
Afin de savoir ce que les cavaliers d'endurance pensent du projet de règlement 2008 j'ai découvert que vient de se créer l' ACAPE, Association des Cavaliers, Amateurs et Professionnels d’Endurance, à l'initiative de Jean-Louis TOSQUE.
Lien ci dessous
François Kerboul et Dominique Payen entre autres se sont investis dans cette action.
Le but, créer une Vraie association de cavaliers, organisateurs, éleveurs, amateurs et pros représentative du monde de l'endurance afin de faire valoir notre vision de l'avenir de la discipline. J'ai adhéré hier, cotisation facultative, adhésion immédiate par mail à :
Je pense qu'il faut diffuser le plus largement possible cette information à tous les intervenants de l'endurance.
Les status de l'asso sont en ligne.
Cheval Arab de France
In order to determine what endurance riders think about the rules project
for 2008, I have discovered that a new association of endurance riders,
supporters and professionals has been created under the initiative of J-L
F Kerboul and Dominique Payen, amongst others, are also invested in this
The group, made up of riders, event organizers, breeders, amateurs and pros
from within the discipline has been created to better define our vision for the future of the discipline.
I believe we need to distribute this information as widely as possible to
all people involved in endurance. Bylaws (?) of the association are being
Cheval Arab de France
Enduro-Cheval et le CREIF remercient tous...
et les sponsors pour cette magnifique journée d'endurance.
Résultats détaillés et photos sur

Les conférences de la FFE - L'alimentation du cheval
Les conférences de la FFE !
Ce vendredi 5 octobre !!!
L'alimentation du cheval, un défi !
Cette conférence sera animée par Monsieur Daniel Saelens, vétérinaire
(Présentation de cette 1ère conférence et bulletin d'inscription
plus bas dans ce mail)
Afin de mieux connaître, comprendre et soigner nos amis équidés,
pour mieux protéger chevaux et cavaliers, pour mieux comprendre le
fonctionnement de nos institutions... pour rencontrer et échanger
nos expériences avec d'autres passionnés, la FFE se propose
d'organiser pour ses membres et amis des rencontres conférences.
Nous espérons vous y retrouver nombreux.
Quand ?
de 20 à 22 heures
- Vendredi 5/10 L'alimentation du cheval par Daniel Saelens
- Vendredi 2/11 Les assurances du monde du cheval (RC, accident
sportif, vie, soins...) par un délégué d'Ethias - & Daniel Van den broeck de Watinco
- Vendredi 14/12 Ethologie par Yves Bertrand & Daniel
Vendredi 11/01 Notre corps et son langage par Françoise Tacq
Où ?
au Centre Général Gérard, rue Pont Piraux 23 à 5140 Ligny.
Présentation de la prochaine conférence du 5/10
L'alimentation du cheval
Il va sans dire que nous vivons dans une période en pleine mutation.
Depuis que l'homo sapiens est sorti de ses cavernes il y a 10 000
ans pour créer des civilisations, il a complètement transformé et
modelé la nature brute originelle.
L'agriculture et l'élevage sont intimement liés à cette
De nombreuses plantes et de nombreux animaux que l'on appelle
domestiques ont été associés à cette évolution.
Et c'est ainsi que nous étions arrivés à l'aube du XXième siècle à
obtenir un florilège d'espèces végétales et de races animales
adaptées spécifiquement à chaque terroir.
Mais depuis le tournant que représente la deuxième guerre mondiale,
l'homme a pu utiliser des moyens énergétiques incommensurables
(énergie fossile et atomique) qui lui a permis de créer un monde
complètement déconnecté des rythmes et cycles normaux de la nature,
entraînant des bouleversements écologiques majeurs.
Parmi ces transformations, le cheval, le frère animal, le seul qui
ait des «jambes» et une «bouche», est passé de partenaire
incontournable et principale source de force motrice à un animal de
compagnie et de loisirs.
L'alimentation aussi bien humaine qu'animale n'a pas résisté à cette
tornade révolutionnaire, de nombreuses théories ont vu le jour
appuyées par des preuves scientifiques de tous genres.
Et pourtant, paradoxalement, les maladies nutritionnelles sont de
plus en plus nombreuses et de plus en plus graves (allergies,
cancers, maladies auto-immunes, vache folle, malbouffe,…).
Pour essayer de remettre les choses à leur place, je vous propose de
retourner à l'origine du comportement alimentaire du cheval d'abord
sauvage et ensuite domestiqué.
Nous essaierons ensuite de comprendre le rôle et la place de chaque
aliment dans la ration du cheval et comment adapter celle-ci aux
différentes situations rencontrées dans la pratique.
par Monsieur Daniel Saelens, médecin vétérinaire, Président de
l'Ecole Belge d'Homéopathie
Vous trouverez chaque mois dans la revue HippoNews
les informations détaillées relatives à la conférence prévue pour le
mois suivant.
- Je m'inscris à la conférence du 5 octobre 2007 "L'alimentation du
- Je verse la somme de 7.50 euros sur le compte ING 310-0049573-92
de la FFE
Nom : ...........................................
Adresse : ...........................................
Localité : ...........................................
Téléphone :...........................................
Signature : ....................................
Vous pouvez nous adresser votre bulletin d'inscription :
- Par poste à la FFE 12 rue du Tienne 5140 Ligny
- Par fax au numéro 071/81.76.15
- Par e-mail à l'adresse secretariat @
mardi 25 septembre 2007
Karin Boulanger Wins 2007 Monpazier!!
More images and stories may be found at: and
samedi 22 septembre 2007
UK: Fire crews save drowning horse

Pepsi the horse lost her footing while going for a morning ride on a canal towpath in Leigh and plunged into the murky water.
Luckily owner John Gaskell was not riding her at the time, he had just dismounted so he could get past a tricky patch of overgrown trees, on the banks of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal near Plank Lane.
But poor Pepsi, a 15-year-old middleweight hunter, lost her balance and splashed into the brown canal.
The fire brigade were called and crews from Leigh spent a gruelling hour trying to get her out.
[More ...]
mercredi 19 septembre 2007
Denmark prepares for Scandinavian Championship

The Scandinavian Championship will be held in Denmark this weekend.
Time schedule and starters list can be found at Denmark Riding Club website.
Lone Aalekjar, Chef d'Equipe for Denmark submitted these pictures of the Denmark on a training ride along the beach!
Lone will try to keep us posted on results during the weekend.
dimanche 16 septembre 2007
FRA: Néris. les Bains (FRA)
Camille Bethouart riding ISTINA DE JOUVENCE finished first at the 110km CEI** Néris. les Bains race this week-end. Following closely was Ludovic SAROUL on AMUNICJA and Nicolas TOURNAIRE on MAGUY DE LA PERRIERE.
The Best Condition award was achieved by AYTHYA DE GHAZAL ridden by Olivier BAEYENS with ISTINA DE JOUVENCE judged 2nd and KALIMBA DE MESSEY ridden by Horace PERRAUD BONIN 3rd.
60 teams started the event and there were 22 completions at the event.
You may observe the Detailed Excel Spreadsheet Download and visit the Equestre Auvergne Endurance Website
vendredi 14 septembre 2007
Metabolic Eliminations in Race Results - Why it Matters
But, the listing of elimination for Lameness or Metabolic in the results of events over the coming 12 months is a very big deal. We now have a stipulation of qualification for the WEC which relates to penalizing riders (and horses) that receive metabolic eliminations from events. I am wondering how the FEI intends to monitor and certify the results of the events which occur in this time frame, as a metabolic elimination now can result in inability to attend the WEC.
The question becomes amplified if, as seems the case, the FEI allows errors to exist in the official results of championship events.
John Teeter
mercredi 12 septembre 2007
Malibu Endurance
Malibu Endurance
Everything Endurance - training, clinics, horses, information - it's all there!
Check it Out!

Qatar Foundation supports Al Shaqab team at Portugal Open
Published: Wednesday, 12 September, 2007, 01:55 AM Doha Time
Staff Reporter
QATAR Foundation (QF) extended its support to the Al Shaqab Endurance Team at Portugal Open 2007, according to an official of the foundation.
Qatar Foundation was the sponsor of this year's FEI European Endurance Championship ‘Open’ that started on September 8 in Portugal.
The prestigious event covers 160km, with over 80 riders from 20 countries. Qatar was represented by Qatar Foundation member Al Shaqab.
Al Shaqab entered seven horses and six top endurance riders – Fahad Munif al-Hajeri, Essa Ahmed al-Mannai, Abdul Rahman al-Sulaitin, Abdulla Towaim al-Marri, Hamad Ali Rashid al-Ardi and Atta Mohammed Peer. They competed fiercely and were leading for some time until the leading horse had to be withdrawn.
The gold medal was won by the French team, silver was awarded to Bahrain and bronze to Spain.
Sheikh Hamad bin Ali al-Thani, breeding adviser and board member of Al Shaqab, crowned the winning teams. He expressed his compliments to the organising committee for making this championship a success.
Qatari team leader Ibrahim Saaed al-Malki expressed hopes for the championship stating: “Qatar Foundation represented by Al Shaqab stud was keen to participate as an official sponsor and with a team of riders in this championship to show its support for this sport which is deeply rooted in the Arab
UK News: France takes dual European endurance gold
Carol Phillips, H&H website producer
12 September, 2007
France took both the European team and individual championship over the coastal plains of Portugal, while United Arab Emirates (UAE) rider Mubarak Khalifa Al Shafya became the new Open European Champion.
Mubarak Khalifa Al Shafya crossed the line with the 11-year-old gelding Zakah Zahara one minute ahead of Jean Phillipe Frances, who won the European title with Hanaba Du Bois.
Spain's Jaume Punti Dachs and Maria Alverez Ponton set a new record by becoming the first husband and wife team to stand on the medal podium in second and third place respectively.
The French team of Sophie Arnaud, Virginie Atger, Phillippe Benoit and Pascale Dietsch regained the European title they last held in 2003. Together with the World Championship, the title gives France a stranglehold over the sport's international silverware.
France's chef d'equipe Jean-Louis Leclerc, paid tribute to the achievement of the squad saying they had achieved "great things" at what he described as a difficult championship.
"Throughout the day it was very hot. The track itself was difficult. The temperature rose to over 30 degrees during the day and it was very humid. The terrain changed throughout and was not to be underestimated. The riders had to adapt their tactics to the changing circumstances throughout the competition."
The increasing success of the Middle Eastern countries was signalled with a silver medal in the open team competition for Bahrain. Spain took bronze in the open team event and silver in the European contest, where Switzerland joined them in third place on podium.
The British team finished in fifth place in the European Championship and sixth overall with three team riders completing the course. The highest-placed Briton was individual competitor Susan Hawes with Jade Rani in 18th. Team rider Fiona Hamilton (Sharifah) finished 20th, Chris Yeoman (Farouk De Lozelle) was 23rd, and Nicky Sherry (Shimmering Blue Jasmine) finished in 34th place. Jayme Bone fell by the wayside at vet gate three, while Sally Hall's ride ended at vet gate four.
samedi 8 septembre 2007
Nearing the Finish - It's a Race!!!
There's quite a bit of excitement for UAE - I'm feeling it too. It's not over yet, but they're doing everything right, and well, and with a high degree of professionalism and sportsmanship.
The top 14 riders are all within 15 minutes of the leaders!!
Merri's taking a few more photos, we'll catch the front runners as they leave and then head back to the main camp for the finish.
A little cooler, slight breeze, less humid -
I just talked to Darolyn - she's still hanging in there. Cheryl's doing great, as is Jan. :)
I have a printout of team standings as of VG 4,
1. UAE 17:0313
2. France 17:39
3. Bahrain 17:50
4. Belgium 17:58
5. Germany 18:06
6. Spain 18:08
7. Portugal 18:30
8. Suisse 19:15
9. GBR 19:17
10. Italie 19:21
11. USA 19:39
12. NED 20:51
vendredi 7 septembre 2007
European Championship: Bahrain Ready

BAHRAIN'S Royal Endurance Team continued their training in Portugal for the FEI European Endurance Championship Open scheduled for tomorrow at 8.30am (Bahrain time), in Companhia das Lezirias, Lisbon.
The team, led by Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation president Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, had a practice session yesterday at the endurance village in Lisbon ahead of the upcoming six-stage event which will be over 160 kms.
The first stage will be over 35 kms, 23 kms for the second and fourth stages, while 27 kms is for the third, fifth and sixth.
Other riders representing the Bahraini team are Shaikh Daij bin Salman Al Khalifa, Yousif Taher, Mohammed Abdulaziz, Ghazi Al Dossary and Raed Mahmood.
Bahrain will be among top teams in the fray, including three GCC squads - the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The UAE team will be captained by Shaikh Ahmed bin Rashid Al Maktoom, Shaikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoom, Shaikh Majid bin Mohammed Al Maktoom, Sultan bin Saleem and Mubnarak bin Shafa.
Qatar will be represented by six riders - Fahad Al Hajry, Isa Al Mannai, Abdulla Al Sulaiti, Abdulla Al Harbi, Hamad Al Ardi and Atta Mohammed.
Prince Fahad bin Abdulla Al Saudi will lead a four-member Saudi Arabia's team of Bader Al Fard, Humood Al Shimmiri and Abdulla Bahim.
A meeting for the participating riders will be held today, to be followed by a three-hour veterinary inspections.
The Portuguese Equestrian Federation, represented by its vice-president, Paulo Branco, signed a deal last January with Qatar Foundation to sponsor the championship. The event was officially presented in Qatar in a press conference. Following the many applications, Portugal was the country chosen by the International Equestrian Federation to organise the championship. Coverage
dimanche 2 septembre 2007
FRA: Bourg d'Oisans CEI** Results

The race hosted 47 starters with 30 competitors completing the 120km course. More details and coverage may be found at
vendredi 31 août 2007
FEI Secretary General Michael Stone Resigns

The FEI has announced the departure of its secretary general, Michael Stone. On August 24, Stone tendered his resignation to the president, and the first and second vice presidents in Lausanne, Switzerland. This was accepted, and has been approved by the Bureau. Stone has worked for the FEI for 10 years in various positions, culminating in his appointment in August 2006 as secretary general, the chief executive of the organization.
The FEI and Stone accept that the resignation has come about through irreconcilable differences in the implementation of the future direction of the organization. The FEI Executive Board said, “We recognize the important role that Mr. Stone has played in the organization, and he goes with the best wishes of all with whom he has worked.”
mardi 14 août 2007
Euston Park, Thetford, England
Croghan Hill Farm
FEI 3 * 160 km 5th August 2007
It was going to be a hot day in Suffolk. As the competitors gathered for the 6.00am start it was already 24˚C (75˚F). Whilst for those who had travelled from Europe to Thetford this looked like a typical summer’s day, this early morning temperature was something the British based riders had hardly seen at any time of day this year. As the ride progressed temperatures peaked at 31˚C (89˚F), uncharacteristic for an English summers day but unheard of so far in 2007 which has seen record rainfall and cool cloudy days.
The 160km offered up a varying mix of stubble fields, woodland and grass tracks, some road and a great deal of the uncompromising flint tracks characteristic of the area. The course consisted of six loops varying in length from 40km for the first and second stages to 17.5km for the final circuit. Each stage brought the riders back to the venue for the vet gate.
At Vet Gate One the United Arab Emirate’s Mubarak Khalifa bin Shafya was at the front – a position that he held throughout the ride. His 9 year old Grey Arab Zakar Zahara eventually crossed the finish line some 20 minutes clear of second place Cecile Mosti of France on Khandela des Vialettes.
The winner averaged 18.23 kph. Mubarak bin Shafya’s slowest circuit was the final loop covered in 16.09 kph; his quickest was the third stage (80km-105km) ridden at 19.39kph.
However, for most of the day the leader did not have everything his own way. France’s Jack Begaud, who for the last two years has been the leading rider in the FEI World Rankings, was hard on his heels until around 130km (85 miles) when his mount Highlander suffered a hind limb injury forcing them to retire on course.
Third place went to Raed Mahmood of Bahrain riding Izba du Caussanel.
The first British rider home was Ros Jackson on Nazeeka in fourth place (14.84 kph), followed by Janice Cockley-Adams with Khadidja du Pont, the third successful 160km completion this season for Janice Cockley-Adams and her Arab mare.
Christine Yeoman was next home on her new Argentinean bred horse LM Midday and 7th place was another Briton, Linda Coplethwaite riding First Time. Eighth and ninth places were taken by Qatari competitors, Essa Ahmed Al Mannai on Dragon JT and Abdulla Towaim Al Marri on Shagar 5, who rode together focussed on securing the qualifying standard for the upcoming Open European Championships.
vendredi 10 août 2007
GER: 160 Gather for CEIO/CEIOYR at Kreuth

If you leave the Netherlands at 9:30 in the morning on Thursday, and you drive southeast about 10 hours, you end up in Kreuth, Germany, where you'd find a whole lot of endurance rides going on Saturday: a 39 km, CEI *60 km, CEI** 80 km and CEIJR**80 km, CEI*** 120 km/CEIJYR*** 120 km, CEIOJYR*** 120 km, CEI**160 km, and CEIO*** 160 km. Whew! Coverage
Scotland: Endurance for top horseman

Aug 10 2007
Alison Anderson
HE still may only 11 but horseman Iain Paterson is set to gain his second Scottish cap.
The young rider from West Gatherleys Farm, near Dunning, donned the Saltire for the first time last August when he was selected by the Scottish Endurance Riding Club (SERC) in the 2006 Home International Championships.
Iain’s continuing success in endurance riding over the season attracted the selectors’ attention, resulting in a return to the Scottish team for the match against England, Wales and Ireland.
This year, the championships are held at Barbary Castle in Wiltshire on August 11 and 12.
In 2006’s Home Internationals Iain rode his 13hh pony, Burnside Charisse, who unfortunately was lamed out on the second day.
His partner for 2007 is his young horse, Tannasg Primo Dancer, a five-year-old home-bred Arabian broken-in and trained by Iain.
His part of the Scottish squad is as the junior rider is the 50km (30 mile) class.
SERC rules regarding young horses limit the number of miles they can cover, so Iain and ‘team Tannasg’ have had to carefully plan this season’s campaign, but Primo Dancer successfully attained Bronze Thistle Final standard which puts horses on first level of competitive endurance riding.
Iain’s longer-term ambition for Tannasg Primo Dancer is to take him to right to top level of endurance riding which involves competing in 160km (100 mile) FEI (Fédération Equestre Internationale) race rides. Iain’s next big ride after this weekend’s Home International is at 50km class at an event which also hosts Scotland’s first FEI endurance event – a 110km FEI 2-star class for gold series riders on September 1 at the new Scottish National Equestrian Centre at Oatridge.
SERC rules require riders of Iain’s age to be accompanied by an adult. Throughout the Morrison Academy pupil’s short but successful in endurance riding, Iain’s mother Seonaid has been his riding mentor.
This season Seonaid is riding CS Kismet, a six-year-old former successful Arabian racehorse who has been given to Iain for his endurance endeavours by Andy Castle of Aberuchill Estate, Comrie.
Iain is a member of the Strathearn branch of The Pony Club.
mardi 7 août 2007
GBR: US man rides in to the record books
Monday August 6, 2007 7:28 PM

The 48-year-old broke the record on the Pepsi Max Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
Not content with this feat, the American is still riding the rollercoaster to maximise his total.
He said: "It feels amazing to be the world record holder once again, but I'm not just going to give up now - I want to stay on for as long as possible and make my record a solid one.
"The ride crews and all the visitors who have come to support me have been a great help and have inspired me to stay positive during this successful record attempt so I'd like to thank them all."
Mr Rodriguez has to eat, drink and sleep on rollercoasters as he takes on the ultimate endurance test.
In accordance with stringent Guinness Book of Records guidelines, the American will accumulate five minutes respite for every full hour ridden to allow him to change clothes, shower, have a hot meal and transfer onto the Big Dipper for night-time riding.
He was going head to head with two challengers at Freizeitland Gieselwind park in Germany, but they dropped out after 36 hours due to medical reasons.
Mr Rodriguez had held the record for nearly 30 years until German Frank Rossler beat it last year.
lundi 6 août 2007
USA: Great Santa Fee Trail Horse Race

The ride will start in Santa Fe, New Mexico on September 3, 2007 and end in Missouri on September 15, 2007.
One of the main objectives of the race is to educate the public not only on the national historic Santa Fe Trail, but also to introduce the sport of endurance riding to thousands.
One Hundred teams will spend each evening in the race village where over 100,000 spectators are expected to visit throughout the entire course of the event.
The riders will complete the specified distance for the day then stop and spend the night at the race village. Each rider’s time will be recorded, and accumulated for end of the race.
The rider with the shortest time overall will be declared the winner. In addition to an individual winner, team competition will exist.
Spectators are encouraged to turn out to greet the riders at “race villages,” which will be overnight stopping points for the riders and their horses.
Santa Fe, N.M., Sept. 1-2
Las Vegas, N.M., Sept. 3
Springer, N.M., Sept. 4
Clayton, N.M., Sept. 5
Elkhart, Kan., Sept. 6
Dodge City, Kan., Sept. 7-8
Larned, Kan., Sept. 9
Lyons, Kan., Sept. 10
Council Grove, Kan., Sept. 11-12
Burlingame, Kan., Sept. 13
Gardner, Kan., Sept. 14-15.
mercredi 1 août 2007
FRA : Tarbes CEI**, a spanish taste !
Ce fut la délégation espagnole qui donnât le ton sur le CEI** 119 Km de Tarbes, quatrième étape du challenge trans-pyrénéen.
L’équipe des organisateurs menée par Jacques Domege, Christian Lozano et Jacques Dutrey avait eu l’idée de coupler l’évènement avec le festival européen de la création équestre Equestria qui avait lieu dans les structures magnifiques du Haras National de Tarbes. (
Présentant ainsi la discipline de l’endurance équestre au grand public, le contrôle initial, la meilleure condition se déroulèrent devant le public d’Equestria, au cœur du village et du spectacle du festival de créations équestres,
La championne du monde 2005 Barbara Lissarague, la vice championne du monde 2006 Virginie Atger, la médaille de bronze en individuel sur le championnat du monde 2006 Elodie Le Labourier étaient invitées par la municipalité de Tarbes où ont été reçus tous les grands noms du sport, les championnes étaient logées au Rex et conviées au cocktail de la municipalité organisé avec tous les représentants du monde équestre régional et des élus.
La météo était au rendez-vous pour ce CEI** 119 Km, et à 7h00 du matin, 62 concurrents s’élancèrent sur le parcours technique tracé en marguerite autour du site du bois du commandeur.
Dès les premières étapes Mato Garcia avec Niebla et Maria Alvarez Ponton avec Champs de la Derame menèrent le train.
Ils furent talonnés par la jeune Jessica Giraldo avec Sua (2nd), Albert Massaneda avec Mijons 3ème), Olatz Areito Areegi et Jazzy de Gargassan (4ème).
Le premier français classé est Clément Bonafé avec Gribouille (5ème).
Malgré l’humidité en sous bois la vitesse était conséquente.
Le reste des nationaux, pour la majorité qualifiant ou confirmant la distance avec leurs chevaux n’a, a aucun moment essayé de remonter dans le classement.
Elodie Le Labourier (7ème) avec J’yvole du Breuil, Marilyne Lemoine et Cham (6ème), Sandrine Lance et Willup (7ème), Anne Sophie Laborde avec le cheval espagnol Gaucho (9ème), Virginie Atger avec Arques Europa (15ème), Barbara et Christian Lissarague avec Radjha de Sinuhe et Nida’a al Watan (23 et 24èmes).
Sur la dernière étape Mato Garcia avec Niebla et Jessica Giraldo avec Sua feront la différence à plus de 21km/h de moyenne, pour se départager au sprint final.
Albert Massaneda et Mitjons arriveront troisième à plus d’un quart d’heure malgré une dernière étape à près de 20 km/h., et il faudra attendre encore 10 minutes pour voir arriver la quatrième. 35 chevaux ont terminés l’épreuve.
Lors du podium avec les trois premiers, le magnifique trophée réalisé par SCARA, fut remis au vainqueur.
Il sera remis en jeu tous les ans et le nom des vainqueurs de chaque édition est gravé sur son socle.
Le jugement de la meilleure condition fut présenté au haras national de Tarbes après le spectacle d’Equestria. Elle fut décernée à Sua montée par Jessica Giraldo.
Le repas de clôture organisé à la salle des fêtes d’Ibos, et la remise des prix se déroula dans la bonne ambiance générale.
vendredi 27 juillet 2007
JPN: Horse.TV Shining Moon Coverage

Horse.TV has completed their report of the first FEI 160k ride in Japan.
Video images of the 2007 Shining Moon 100 are available at the Japanese Horse.TV website.
Short version - including interviews for the top three riders after the ride.
Long version – 30 minutes Horse.TV regular monthly program (July) including other horse related news in Japan and studio interview with Tamotsu Sasaki, the winner of the Shining Moon ride. In Japanese only. You could still enjoy video images from this program.
jeudi 26 juillet 2007
lundi 23 juillet 2007
FEI Results and Rankings

vendredi 20 juillet 2007
Scotland: Distance no object in quest for victory
Jul 20 2007
PERTH Racecourse was the venue for a different kind of equine event when it recently hosted a Scottish Endurance Riding Club (SERC) event with classes distances ranging from a 22km pleasure ride to an 80km endurance ride.
The Tayside branch of SERC was holding its major event of the season and ride organisers Alison Seggie and Kevin Bazley had pulled out all the stops to lay on a fantastic route.
Unfortunately, this summer’s monsoon meant that many of the hill tracks were unusable and at one stage the ride itself looked in jeopardy. With some last minute route changes, the competition went ahead, and four horse and rider combinations set out at 8.30am on the first of three loops.
The sun shone on a route that took riders out and back through the Mansfield Estates. Road crossings were manned by Blairgowrie Riding for Disabled Association.
Lothians rider Pamela Scougall on Vivaldi secured a convincing victory in the 80km class at an average speed 14.55 kph and gain her Gold Thistle Final and Best Condition.
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