HyppoBlog - À cheval sur l'info.
En matière d’endurance équestre il existe deux sortes de courses. Les petites et les grosses. Pourtant, quelle que soit leur taille, ces épreuves, au-delà de leurs sandwichs au jambon de pays, ont un point commun : l’amateurisme de leur organisation, toujours assurée par des associations aux attributs forcément non lucratifs dont les budgets dépendent de fonds publics plus ou moins locaux (commune, département, région, ministères) et plus ou moins localement spécifiques (CDC, FFE, FEI). Mais en creusant un peu cette lumineuse interprétation du marché de la compétition, une troisième catégorie apparaît aujourd’hui, à la frontière de l’économie et du sport, reconnaissable à une approche professionnelle de l’événement. L’Assisi Endurance Lifestyle, championnat d’Europe 2009 organisé à Assises en Italie comme son nom l’indique, en représente une sorte de fer de lance. Organisée par Havas Sport, fleuron français (et européen) de l’entertainment sportif, l’épreuve s’intègre à tel point dans un dispositif « politique » global qu’il en devient difficile de savoir qui, de la poule ou de l’œuf, s’en trouve à l’origine. En effet, l’événement dépasse à ce point le sport que la course ne couvre qu’une seule des onze journées annoncées (du 17 au 27 septembre) dans le dossier de presse. Un dossier de presse de 42 pages qui à lui seul en dit long sur la volonté de la ville organisatrice. L’endurance, « discipline née aux USA dès la fin des années 40 » « en pleine expansion », y est rapidement présentée au début, et beaucoup en annexe. Le cœur de l’événement se trouve ailleurs – un « forum économique » avec les pays du Golfe Persique, un « colloque culture et religion » entre « voix d’Orient et d’Occident », et toute une série de festivités très éclectiques (une table ronde « Hippothérapie », un symposium vétérinaire, un « Grand Gala de l’Endurance », mais également quelques spectacles à « l’Hospitality Village » et un « Poker Texas Hold’em/Burraco »). Rien sur le jour précis de la course…
mardi 31 mars 2009
mercredi 25 mars 2009
New Zealand: Sophie a natural in the saddle

Benandarah endurance rider Sophie Counsell has plenty of good form on her side as she prepares for the NSW State Enduro Championships in the Boyne and Benendarah State Forests on July 19.
For more local news and photos grab a copy of the Bay Post or Moruya Examiner.
The 15-year-old St Peter’s Anglican College student was the fourth-placed junior rider in the pointscore for the 2008 Enduro Series and first of all the South Coast riders.
She was the first placed junior rider with the best managed horse at the South Coast Championships at Nowra, where she and her horse covered 100km.
Endurance rides involve minimum distances of 80km over difficult bushy terrain such as goat trails and fire trails.
Counsell will compete in the NSW State Championships at Oberon next weekend
As her successes show, Counsell is a natural on a horse, and recently completed her three trick riding course under instructor Heath Harris, who trained riders for films such as the Man From Snowy River and Phar Lap.
In this she has learnt to preform such manoeuvres such as riding while hanging under the horse.

Benandarah endurance rider Sophie Counsell has plenty of good form on her side as she prepares for the NSW State Enduro Championships in the Boyne and Benendarah State Forests on July 19.
For more local news and photos grab a copy of the Bay Post or Moruya Examiner.
The 15-year-old St Peter’s Anglican College student was the fourth-placed junior rider in the pointscore for the 2008 Enduro Series and first of all the South Coast riders.
She was the first placed junior rider with the best managed horse at the South Coast Championships at Nowra, where she and her horse covered 100km.
Endurance rides involve minimum distances of 80km over difficult bushy terrain such as goat trails and fire trails.
Counsell will compete in the NSW State Championships at Oberon next weekend
As her successes show, Counsell is a natural on a horse, and recently completed her three trick riding course under instructor Heath Harris, who trained riders for films such as the Man From Snowy River and Phar Lap.
In this she has learnt to preform such manoeuvres such as riding while hanging under the horse.
New Zealand: Trail Riding Club looking for volunteers for national champs
The Wairarapa Endurance and Competitive Trail Riding Club are looking for volunteer workers to help with the running of the national championships at Whareama over Easter weekend.
A late decision to host the event after other North Island clubs declined has left the Wairarapa club little time to find the number of people required to assist with organisation.
But spokesperson Jenny Champion is hoping a committee meeting at the Masterton Cosmopolitan Club starting at 7.30pm next Tuesday evening will solve their problems in that respect.
"We are inviting anybody who can help out to come along and we'd like to think we'll get enough support to do the trick," she said.
"There are all sorts of jobs to be done over the three days so we won't be turning anybody down."
Champion is expecting about 150 riders from all over the country to participate in the national championships which will see competitions held over distances of 160km, 120km, 104km, 80km and 40km between April 10 and 12.
And she herself will be centre stage as she looks to defend the 160km title she won at Kurow last year and, before that, at Hawerden in 2006.
On both occasions Champion, from Eketahuna was aboard her now 14-year-old mare Freckles and the partnership will continue at Whareama.
While "more than happy" with Freckles' current fitness and mindset Champion is, however, aware that a hat-trick of national titles won't happen unless she is 100 per cent on the day, and even then the expected high quality of the opposition could see her relegated to a minor placing.
"You can taken nothing for granted over 160kms, everything can be fine when you start off and then turn to custard" she said.
"It's very much down to the day, you can never be too confident".
Champion does believe though that the Whareama course, which will mainly be flat in nature and will involve up to seven different farming properties, will suit Freckles because she is small in size and therefore light on her feet. "She handles the hills OK but the flat is more her go," she said.
Start time for the 160km event is 1am and the participants will be guided through the darkness by fluorescent markers and they will also be aided by the wearing by head lamps.
Champion is not the only Wairarapa rider expected to fare prominently over the 160kms with her partner Shane Dougan, Sheree Brown and Deirdre Bartlett all having good prospects as well.
The Wairarapa Endurance and Competitive Trail Riding Club are looking for volunteer workers to help with the running of the national championships at Whareama over Easter weekend.
A late decision to host the event after other North Island clubs declined has left the Wairarapa club little time to find the number of people required to assist with organisation.
But spokesperson Jenny Champion is hoping a committee meeting at the Masterton Cosmopolitan Club starting at 7.30pm next Tuesday evening will solve their problems in that respect.
"We are inviting anybody who can help out to come along and we'd like to think we'll get enough support to do the trick," she said.
"There are all sorts of jobs to be done over the three days so we won't be turning anybody down."
Champion is expecting about 150 riders from all over the country to participate in the national championships which will see competitions held over distances of 160km, 120km, 104km, 80km and 40km between April 10 and 12.
And she herself will be centre stage as she looks to defend the 160km title she won at Kurow last year and, before that, at Hawerden in 2006.
On both occasions Champion, from Eketahuna was aboard her now 14-year-old mare Freckles and the partnership will continue at Whareama.
While "more than happy" with Freckles' current fitness and mindset Champion is, however, aware that a hat-trick of national titles won't happen unless she is 100 per cent on the day, and even then the expected high quality of the opposition could see her relegated to a minor placing.
"You can taken nothing for granted over 160kms, everything can be fine when you start off and then turn to custard" she said.
"It's very much down to the day, you can never be too confident".
Champion does believe though that the Whareama course, which will mainly be flat in nature and will involve up to seven different farming properties, will suit Freckles because she is small in size and therefore light on her feet. "She handles the hills OK but the flat is more her go," she said.
Start time for the 160km event is 1am and the participants will be guided through the darkness by fluorescent markers and they will also be aided by the wearing by head lamps.
Champion is not the only Wairarapa rider expected to fare prominently over the 160kms with her partner Shane Dougan, Sheree Brown and Deirdre Bartlett all having good prospects as well.
mardi 24 mars 2009
Great Britain: Pony Club Endurance
The Pony Club launched Endurance riding, as an official Pony Club discipline, on March 22nd in Milton Keynes Campbell Park courtesy of the Milton Keynes Parks Trust. The Park, along with some lovely weather, proved a perfect setting with its mix open countryside and special features; although the concrete cows proved slightly less popular with some of the equines in attendance!
The competition had a full entry of over 50 competitors, with Pony Club Members taking part in four, 10, 23, 27 and 37km Endurance rides running throughout the day. The launch was kindly run and hosted by the local Whaddon Chase Pony Club Branch, who ran a seamless competition with some special touches that included a very artistic cake to celebrate both The Pony Clubs 80th Anniversary and the Endurance launch.
Pony Club Endurance is generously supported by new sponsor Carr & Day & Martin and Nicola Slater, Technical Advisor for Carr & Day & Martin, was on hand throughout the day supplying riders with goody bags and the winners with some very smart polo shirts too!
Cherry Michell, Chairman of The Pony Club, was delighted with the launch and commented that “Coming here today has only cemented my feeling that Endurance being a part of The Pony Club is the right decision. We have riders and ponies of all abilities, having a brilliant time and getting out in the countryside, which can only be a good thing”.
It is planned that Pony Club Endurance events will be run around the country in 2009, culminating in the Pony Club Endurance Championship on September 20th at The College EC, Bedfordshire.
For further details about Pony Club Endurance, or Pony Club Tests, activities and Membership see the website www.pcuk.org or contact 02476 698300

The competition had a full entry of over 50 competitors, with Pony Club Members taking part in four, 10, 23, 27 and 37km Endurance rides running throughout the day. The launch was kindly run and hosted by the local Whaddon Chase Pony Club Branch, who ran a seamless competition with some special touches that included a very artistic cake to celebrate both The Pony Clubs 80th Anniversary and the Endurance launch.
Pony Club Endurance is generously supported by new sponsor Carr & Day & Martin and Nicola Slater, Technical Advisor for Carr & Day & Martin, was on hand throughout the day supplying riders with goody bags and the winners with some very smart polo shirts too!
Cherry Michell, Chairman of The Pony Club, was delighted with the launch and commented that “Coming here today has only cemented my feeling that Endurance being a part of The Pony Club is the right decision. We have riders and ponies of all abilities, having a brilliant time and getting out in the countryside, which can only be a good thing”.
It is planned that Pony Club Endurance events will be run around the country in 2009, culminating in the Pony Club Endurance Championship on September 20th at The College EC, Bedfordshire.
For further details about Pony Club Endurance, or Pony Club Tests, activities and Membership see the website www.pcuk.org or contact 02476 698300
Great Britain: The Pony Club Endurance Enjoys Fantastic Launch
23 March 2009
The Pony Club launched Endurance riding, as an official Pony Club discipline, on March 22nd in Milton Keynes Campbell Park courtesy of the Milton Keynes Parks Trust. The Park, along with some lovely weather, proved a perfect setting with its mix open countryside and special features; although the concrete cows proved slightly less popular with some of the equines in attendance!
The competition had a full entry of over 50 competitors, with Pony Club Members taking part in four, 10, 23, 27 and 37km Endurance rides running throughout the day. The launch was kindly run and hosted by the local Whaddon Chase Pony Club Branch, who ran a seamless competition with some special touches that included a very artistic cake to celebrate both The Pony Clubs 80th Anniversary and the Endurance launch.
Pony Club Endurance is generously supported by new sponsor Carr & Day & Martin and Nicola Slater, Technical Advisor for Carr & Day & Martin, was on hand throughout the day supplying riders with goody bags and the winners with some very smart polo shirts too!
Cherry Michell, Chairman of The Pony Club, was delighted with the launch and commented that “Coming here today has only cemented my feeling that Endurance being a part of The Pony Club is the right decision. We have riders and ponies of all abilities, having a brilliant time and getting out in the countryside, which can only be a good thing”.
It is planned that Pony Club Endurance events will be run around the country in 2009, culminating in the Pony Club Endurance Championship on September 20th at The College EC, Bedfordshire.
For further details about Pony Club Endurance, or Pony Club Tests, activities and Membership see the website www.pcuk.org or contact 02476 698300
23 March 2009
The Pony Club launched Endurance riding, as an official Pony Club discipline, on March 22nd in Milton Keynes Campbell Park courtesy of the Milton Keynes Parks Trust. The Park, along with some lovely weather, proved a perfect setting with its mix open countryside and special features; although the concrete cows proved slightly less popular with some of the equines in attendance!
The competition had a full entry of over 50 competitors, with Pony Club Members taking part in four, 10, 23, 27 and 37km Endurance rides running throughout the day. The launch was kindly run and hosted by the local Whaddon Chase Pony Club Branch, who ran a seamless competition with some special touches that included a very artistic cake to celebrate both The Pony Clubs 80th Anniversary and the Endurance launch.
Pony Club Endurance is generously supported by new sponsor Carr & Day & Martin and Nicola Slater, Technical Advisor for Carr & Day & Martin, was on hand throughout the day supplying riders with goody bags and the winners with some very smart polo shirts too!
Cherry Michell, Chairman of The Pony Club, was delighted with the launch and commented that “Coming here today has only cemented my feeling that Endurance being a part of The Pony Club is the right decision. We have riders and ponies of all abilities, having a brilliant time and getting out in the countryside, which can only be a good thing”.
It is planned that Pony Club Endurance events will be run around the country in 2009, culminating in the Pony Club Endurance Championship on September 20th at The College EC, Bedfordshire.
For further details about Pony Club Endurance, or Pony Club Tests, activities and Membership see the website www.pcuk.org or contact 02476 698300
mercredi 18 mars 2009
Archéologie de l’endurance
À cheval sur l'info.
Archéologie de l’endurance
Je me souviens avant c’était pas pareil… Sauf en équitation. Je viens de recevoir, d’un camarade nouvellement archiviste, une série d’articles de 1928, ma grand-mère suçait son pouce, relatant la seconde édition du Raid Paris-La Baule. Le paléolithique de la CEI***. Mais à l’époque de cette préhistoire-là, les hommes, tous militaires, et pas une femme dans l’armée, ressemblaient étrangement aux cavaliers d’aujourd’hui – pantalon Stud One en moins. Pour bien ressentir les similitudes troublantes entre nos ancêtres à particule et nous-mêmes, je me suis amusé (à vrai dire j’ai transpiré mais je préfère oublier) à reconstituer la course, mais surtout à mettre en lumière les points communs de l’endurance moderne avec ces temps de ténèbres où l’on montait en costume-cravache. C’est parti pour les morceaux choisis.
À cheval sur l'info.
Archéologie de l’endurance
Je me souviens avant c’était pas pareil… Sauf en équitation. Je viens de recevoir, d’un camarade nouvellement archiviste, une série d’articles de 1928, ma grand-mère suçait son pouce, relatant la seconde édition du Raid Paris-La Baule. Le paléolithique de la CEI***. Mais à l’époque de cette préhistoire-là, les hommes, tous militaires, et pas une femme dans l’armée, ressemblaient étrangement aux cavaliers d’aujourd’hui – pantalon Stud One en moins. Pour bien ressentir les similitudes troublantes entre nos ancêtres à particule et nous-mêmes, je me suis amusé (à vrai dire j’ai transpiré mais je préfère oublier) à reconstituer la course, mais surtout à mettre en lumière les points communs de l’endurance moderne avec ces temps de ténèbres où l’on montait en costume-cravache. C’est parti pour les morceaux choisis.
Great Britain: EponaShoe sponsors endurance rider
By Justine Thompson
Gear news
17 March 2009 17:04
EponaShoe (UK) is to sponsor GB Endurance senior squad member Rachael Claridge, with her horse Blue Chip Prince Meliodas, for the 2009 season.
EponaShoes are popular with endurance riders in the USA, and the sport in the UK is also becoming interested in them.
EponaShoes are lightweight, with shock absorbing properties similar to hoof keratin, so reducing concussion and wear and tear on hooves and joints.
By also supporting the frog and sole, the hoof is allowed to function much like a barefoot, but with the protection of a shoe, thus producing a healthier, higher performance foot.
This also means that the horse is able to move with more naturally efficient biomechanics, all of which becomes critical in any high performance sports horse.
Rachael has represented Team GB at young rider and senior level since 1997. She is currently preparing for the 2009 European Championships and 2010 World Equestrian Games with ‘Mel’, and has a busy training and competition schedule ahead.
She said: “The health and performance of Mel’s feet are crucial to our success. He feels exceptionally sure-footed over all terrain and I feel confident that the EponaShoes are giving him the support and protection he requires to perform.
The concussion-reducing properties of the shoes mean that I also worry less about associated joint problems.”
By Justine Thompson
Gear news
17 March 2009 17:04
EponaShoe (UK) is to sponsor GB Endurance senior squad member Rachael Claridge, with her horse Blue Chip Prince Meliodas, for the 2009 season.
EponaShoes are popular with endurance riders in the USA, and the sport in the UK is also becoming interested in them.
EponaShoes are lightweight, with shock absorbing properties similar to hoof keratin, so reducing concussion and wear and tear on hooves and joints.
By also supporting the frog and sole, the hoof is allowed to function much like a barefoot, but with the protection of a shoe, thus producing a healthier, higher performance foot.
This also means that the horse is able to move with more naturally efficient biomechanics, all of which becomes critical in any high performance sports horse.
Rachael has represented Team GB at young rider and senior level since 1997. She is currently preparing for the 2009 European Championships and 2010 World Equestrian Games with ‘Mel’, and has a busy training and competition schedule ahead.
She said: “The health and performance of Mel’s feet are crucial to our success. He feels exceptionally sure-footed over all terrain and I feel confident that the EponaShoes are giving him the support and protection he requires to perform.
The concussion-reducing properties of the shoes mean that I also worry less about associated joint problems.”
Great Britain: Join the Great Rescue Ride
17 March 2009 10:17
Equine charity HorseWorld is asking riders to join an exciting ride across the Wiltshire countryside to raise funds for ill-treated and neglected horses.
He charity has teamed up with Endurance GB, The Competitive Long Distance Horse Riding Society for England and Wales, which is to run the sponsored ride. Both organizations and will be working together to get riders to join in this fun and worthwhile cause.
The 'Great Rescue Ride' takes place on Saturday July 25 as part of Endurance GB Wessex Group’s 'Tally Ho' weekend and promises to be an exciting and enjoyable ride for everyone.
Pip Eyles, Fundraising Assistant at HorseWorld, says: “We are very grateful to EGB for running this ride on our behalf and for their great support.”
“We would like to invite riders to join us for this special 15-mile pleasure ride in Kingston Deverill, Warminster, Wiltshire, and help make a difference. By taking part you will be able to get a great idea of how challenging and enjoyable Endurance Riding can be, and you will also be helping to change the lives of hundreds of horses and ponies in need.”
HorseWorld is dedicated to rescuing neglected and mistreated horses and ponies, nursing them back to health before seeking long-term loan homes for every animal. The Bristol-based Charity is responsible for approximately 140 equines at HorseWorld’s centre and 350 in loan homes across the country.
Emma Miller from the EGB Wessex Group explained: “we are so pleased to be able to support the work of HorseWorld and sponsorship generated by the ride will be used to improve the quality of life for so many horses and ponies. We would therefore encourage all riders to take part.”
Entry Forms can be obtained from contact Emma Miller at Endurance GB, telephone 01749 812210 or email emmamiller@emaccounts.com, together with further details about sponsorship of your ride.
You can also contact Pip Eyles in the HorseWorld Fundraising Team on 01275 893034 to find out further information about the Great Rescue Ride.
17 March 2009 10:17
Equine charity HorseWorld is asking riders to join an exciting ride across the Wiltshire countryside to raise funds for ill-treated and neglected horses.
He charity has teamed up with Endurance GB, The Competitive Long Distance Horse Riding Society for England and Wales, which is to run the sponsored ride. Both organizations and will be working together to get riders to join in this fun and worthwhile cause.
The 'Great Rescue Ride' takes place on Saturday July 25 as part of Endurance GB Wessex Group’s 'Tally Ho' weekend and promises to be an exciting and enjoyable ride for everyone.
Pip Eyles, Fundraising Assistant at HorseWorld, says: “We are very grateful to EGB for running this ride on our behalf and for their great support.”
“We would like to invite riders to join us for this special 15-mile pleasure ride in Kingston Deverill, Warminster, Wiltshire, and help make a difference. By taking part you will be able to get a great idea of how challenging and enjoyable Endurance Riding can be, and you will also be helping to change the lives of hundreds of horses and ponies in need.”
HorseWorld is dedicated to rescuing neglected and mistreated horses and ponies, nursing them back to health before seeking long-term loan homes for every animal. The Bristol-based Charity is responsible for approximately 140 equines at HorseWorld’s centre and 350 in loan homes across the country.
Emma Miller from the EGB Wessex Group explained: “we are so pleased to be able to support the work of HorseWorld and sponsorship generated by the ride will be used to improve the quality of life for so many horses and ponies. We would therefore encourage all riders to take part.”
Entry Forms can be obtained from contact Emma Miller at Endurance GB, telephone 01749 812210 or email emmamiller@emaccounts.com, together with further details about sponsorship of your ride.
You can also contact Pip Eyles in the HorseWorld Fundraising Team on 01275 893034 to find out further information about the Great Rescue Ride.
vendredi 13 mars 2009
France CEN and FEI Qualification rulings
Portail Endurance - Original posting in French
(the following is a translation from French to English using Google translation tools:)
Some words to keep you informed of developments in the transitional post-meeting held in the FFE and Deauville in early March.
The meeting organized by Dominique Faye in the presence of Ian Williams, at the FFE has achieved equivalency between CEN 2008 and IEC 2009. To be more clear, and knowing that the riders' skills are acquired in life, we obtained that:
- The qualifications in 2008, for CEN over distances ranging from 90 km to 109 km speed free, are now equivalent to the qualifications of the course said "novice" as defined in Regulation transitoire2009. This equivalence can participate in organized CEI1 * this year.
However this provision is very little English: indeed, when they qualify Amateur or Pro 1 GP (90 km free speed) the French riders have participated in at least three tests at imposed speed, one of them is an ordeal Amateur or Pro 1 (90 km speed required). However, these conditions alone are already sufficient for a CEI1 *, as the transitional 2009.
- The skills practiced in 2008 on CEN to a distance of 110 km or more, free speed, become equivalent to a qualification test on a CEI1 * Transitional Regulation 2009 and to participate in competitions CEI2 * this year.
In summary a qualification on a CEN2 * or * CEN3, acquired in 2007 or 2008, will participate in a CEI2 * in 2009.
In Deauville, on 9 and 10 March, ahead of the 40 representatives of Nations Group 1 and 2 of the FEI, in the presence of Alex McLin, Secretary General of the FEI and David Holmes, Director of Sports of the FEI, I held a conference on the challenges of the new FEI rules and the transitional 2009. I highlighted the difficulties created by the application of transitional rules for particular qualifications.
Some points in this transitional place indeed at odds with many European countries, especially those who manage their tour officially endurance within the federation through a system of progressive qualifications.
If the recognition and the level of equivalence of CEN 2008 and IEC 2009 have reached a consensus, as was the case during the previous meeting in the FFE, it has not been the same for the recognition of equivalence tests CEI2 * 119 km of 2008 with tests CEI2 * 2009. If one refers to the settlement therefore transitional as it exists, it is necessary for horses qualified CEI2 * two years to qualify at the same level in 2009.
It should be noted that apart from France and brilliant Dominique Faye, and apart from Belgium and the clear and powerful of its secretary general, no representative of the countries concerned by the negative effects of regulation on transitional 'career development of horses and riders during qualifying, took part in the debate.
The presidents of the two groups eventually joined forces to request that the complaint stated by the speakers, and tacitly approved by all, can find a favorable outcome, but fails to the credibility of the FEI. David Holmes is then intervened to explain that it was difficult to change the rules at this stage. The President of the Group 2 spokesman groups involved, concluded by proposing to put this issue on the agenda of the next FEI office provided at the end of March to find a solution, in the interest.
I hope this brought to your knowledge have the merit to shed light on the current situation and you will wait in the stillness of the findings of the FEI office at the end of this month.
(the following is a translation from French to English using Google translation tools:)
Some words to keep you informed of developments in the transitional post-meeting held in the FFE and Deauville in early March.
The meeting organized by Dominique Faye in the presence of Ian Williams, at the FFE has achieved equivalency between CEN 2008 and IEC 2009. To be more clear, and knowing that the riders' skills are acquired in life, we obtained that:
- The qualifications in 2008, for CEN over distances ranging from 90 km to 109 km speed free, are now equivalent to the qualifications of the course said "novice" as defined in Regulation transitoire2009. This equivalence can participate in organized CEI1 * this year.
However this provision is very little English: indeed, when they qualify Amateur or Pro 1 GP (90 km free speed) the French riders have participated in at least three tests at imposed speed, one of them is an ordeal Amateur or Pro 1 (90 km speed required). However, these conditions alone are already sufficient for a CEI1 *, as the transitional 2009.
- The skills practiced in 2008 on CEN to a distance of 110 km or more, free speed, become equivalent to a qualification test on a CEI1 * Transitional Regulation 2009 and to participate in competitions CEI2 * this year.
In summary a qualification on a CEN2 * or * CEN3, acquired in 2007 or 2008, will participate in a CEI2 * in 2009.
In Deauville, on 9 and 10 March, ahead of the 40 representatives of Nations Group 1 and 2 of the FEI, in the presence of Alex McLin, Secretary General of the FEI and David Holmes, Director of Sports of the FEI, I held a conference on the challenges of the new FEI rules and the transitional 2009. I highlighted the difficulties created by the application of transitional rules for particular qualifications.
Some points in this transitional place indeed at odds with many European countries, especially those who manage their tour officially endurance within the federation through a system of progressive qualifications.
If the recognition and the level of equivalence of CEN 2008 and IEC 2009 have reached a consensus, as was the case during the previous meeting in the FFE, it has not been the same for the recognition of equivalence tests CEI2 * 119 km of 2008 with tests CEI2 * 2009. If one refers to the settlement therefore transitional as it exists, it is necessary for horses qualified CEI2 * two years to qualify at the same level in 2009.
It should be noted that apart from France and brilliant Dominique Faye, and apart from Belgium and the clear and powerful of its secretary general, no representative of the countries concerned by the negative effects of regulation on transitional 'career development of horses and riders during qualifying, took part in the debate.
The presidents of the two groups eventually joined forces to request that the complaint stated by the speakers, and tacitly approved by all, can find a favorable outcome, but fails to the credibility of the FEI. David Holmes is then intervened to explain that it was difficult to change the rules at this stage. The President of the Group 2 spokesman groups involved, concluded by proposing to put this issue on the agenda of the next FEI office provided at the end of March to find a solution, in the interest.
I hope this brought to your knowledge have the merit to shed light on the current situation and you will wait in the stillness of the findings of the FEI office at the end of this month.
jeudi 12 mars 2009
Great Britain: Tested staying power

11 March 2009
Riding on Dartmoor, particularly the colder northern side, can often be a daunting prospect, especially at the end of February. Despite a thick mist and chilly drizzle 30 endurance riders set off from Okehampton camp for a 14 mile training ride.
Due to the fog they had to ride from marker flag to marker flag.
Fortunately for the horses and their riders, the cloud began to lift as they rode down the steep hill to Meldon reservoir and by the time they had dismounted to cross the dam on foot and were heading along the bridleway towards Sourton Down, the visibility improved. By the time, the last riders had reached Higher Nodden, the last of the cloud had lifted.
Despite the conditions, all the riders competed the 14 mile route, including several new members.
One of these was Val Jones from Feniton, near Honiton, riding her ex-racehorse mare, Flying Artist pictured below.
The first competitive endurance ride of the season in the south west will be the Wadebridge Ride on Sunday, March 22, which includes a 20 mile Pleasure Ride.
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- Endurer local, organiser global
- New Zealand: Sophie a natural in the saddle
- New Zealand: Trail Riding Club looking for volunte...
- Great Britain: Pony Club Endurance
- Great Britain: The Pony Club Endurance Enjoys Fant...
- Archéologie de l’endurance
- Great Britain: EponaShoe sponsors endurance rider
- Great Britain: Join the Great Rescue Ride
- France CEN and FEI Qualification rulings
- Great Britain: Tested staying power