Weekendpost.co.za - Full Story
24 May 2008
EASTERN Cape horse breeders Greg and Maria Miles's farm in Stutterheim is home to 54 family members - 50 of which are horses.
"We love animals and it's exciting breeding horses - it's a big family we have!" said Greg.
His son Robert, 9, and daughter Stephanie, 8, help look after the horses and Maria helps him run their farm, Bare Acres.
"I wouldn�t swop our way of life for anything. It's safe and a good environment for kids," he said.
In 2004, the couple imported the country's first Pintabian mare from Iowa in the United States.
Pintabians are a cross between the Native American coloured pintos and Arabian horses.
Floral Hearts arrived in South Africa pregnant and Raine Heart was the first Pintabian born in South Africa in March 2005.
Raine Heart in turn bore the first South African-bred Pintabian colt named Thunder Heart in February 2006, sired by the Miles's South African Arab stallion, Jelby Taxman.
Floral Hearts added another first by being the first Pintabian in the world to compete in endurance riding at Thomas River near Stutterheim in March last year.
mercredi 28 mai 2008
samedi 24 mai 2008
Bahrain News Agency Release

London, May 24 (BNA) -- Bahrains Royal Equestrian Team Captain Shaikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa relived last years scenario after
clinching the second position in the Bahrain Endurance Horseride Championship, held in Britain.
Behind him came Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa who ranked third despite his pre-occupation with high education studies.
Shaikh Nasser and Shaikh Khalid were congratulated on their achievement in the exciting and neck-to-neck race.
The Bahraini riders maintained the lead throughout the various stages of the race with Ahmed Abdullah coming first in the 120-km category and Manal Fakhrawi in the third position.
In the 160-km race, rider Raed Mahmoud secured the fourth rank followed by Ghazi Al Dossary while Mohammed Abdulaziz withdrew in the sixth and last stage of the 12-hour race which took place in a relatively cold weather.
Similarly, Shaikh Talal bin Mohammed Al Khalifa and Yousef Taher who were riding Silver Diamond and Cascada respectively failed to finish the race and withdrew in the third stage.
The worst misfortune, however, befell rider Jaafar Mirza who withdrew in the fourth and final stage.

London, May 24 (BNA) -- Bahrains Royal Equestrian Team Captain Shaikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa relived last years scenario after
clinching the second position in the Bahrain Endurance Horseride Championship, held in Britain.
Behind him came Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa who ranked third despite his pre-occupation with high education studies.
Shaikh Nasser and Shaikh Khalid were congratulated on their achievement in the exciting and neck-to-neck race.
The Bahraini riders maintained the lead throughout the various stages of the race with Ahmed Abdullah coming first in the 120-km category and Manal Fakhrawi in the third position.
In the 160-km race, rider Raed Mahmoud secured the fourth rank followed by Ghazi Al Dossary while Mohammed Abdulaziz withdrew in the sixth and last stage of the 12-hour race which took place in a relatively cold weather.
Similarly, Shaikh Talal bin Mohammed Al Khalifa and Yousef Taher who were riding Silver Diamond and Cascada respectively failed to finish the race and withdrew in the third stage.
The worst misfortune, however, befell rider Jaafar Mirza who withdrew in the fourth and final stage.
mardi 20 mai 2008
KER's Dr Huntington to Hold Nutrition Seminar in Terengganu
20 May 2008
Dr Peter Huntington has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic
Dr Peter Huntington, Director of Nutrition at Kentucky Equine Research - Australasia, has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic to be held in Terengganu, Malaysia. Dr Huntington will be sharing his expertise in managing the unique nutritional requirements of the endurance horse and the latest research at the seminar to be held on the 27th of June 2008.
The Edaran Endurance Classic is organized by EDARAN Berhad and will be at the same venue as the World Endurance Championships to be held in November of this year.
Dr Peter Huntington has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic
Dr Peter Huntington, Director of Nutrition at Kentucky Equine Research - Australasia, has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic to be held in Terengganu, Malaysia. Dr Huntington will be sharing his expertise in managing the unique nutritional requirements of the endurance horse and the latest research at the seminar to be held on the 27th of June 2008.
The Edaran Endurance Classic is organized by EDARAN Berhad and will be at the same venue as the World Endurance Championships to be held in November of this year.
lundi 19 mai 2008
Rambouillet 2008
Rambouillet 2008
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup 160km
Raid Yvelines / 90 Km Jeunes Chevaux
Objet : Proposition de Partenariat
Enduro-Cheval en collaboration avec la Ville de Rambouillet et les Emirats du Bahreïn organisent cette année un événement majeur de la saison Endurance Equestre au niveau national comme International :
Une semaine d’endurance équestre pour sélectionner l’équipe qui défendra les couleurs de la France aux Championnats du Monde en Malaisie. Mais aussi une sélection des jeunes chevaux qui disputeront le Mondial des Jeunes Chevaux .
Une semaine dans un cadre chaleureux, dédié à l’endurance en présence des principaux interlocuteurs de la filière endurance pour mettre en valeur votre marque et savoir faire.
Nous vous proposons un partenariat spécifique et adapté à vos besoins.
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur l’expression de mes sincères salutations.
Contact A. LLORCA : allorca@centralys.com
LIENHYPERTEXTE http://www.endurocheval.com"
2 Courses = 2 Sélections = 1 Semaine
Présence de la majorité des professionnels
Vendredi une journée « creuse » pour les contacts
Un village exposant
Une portée médiatique
A 50 km de Paris, accès simples et rapide
Portée médiatique
Plan de communication
Contact Presse et Télévision régionale et nationale
Site Internet (déjà visité plus de 3000 fois depuis le début de l’année)
Présence cible pour les partenaires
Invitations personnalisées des dix premiers cavaliers mondiaux étrangers
Présence des meilleurs cavaliers français
150 cavaliers attendus
Soit plus de 600 personnes sur le site
Mise en évidence du partenaire
Banderoles sur la ligne d’Arrivée et le Podium
Espace d’expositions
Temps de parole
Organisation d’une récompense lors de la remise des Prix
Intégration du logo sur les plaques
Stickers et liens sur le site Internet
Association au nom de la course
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup 160km
Raid Yvelines / 90 Km Jeunes Chevaux
Objet : Proposition de Partenariat
Enduro-Cheval en collaboration avec la Ville de Rambouillet et les Emirats du Bahreïn organisent cette année un événement majeur de la saison Endurance Equestre au niveau national comme International :
Une semaine d’endurance équestre pour sélectionner l’équipe qui défendra les couleurs de la France aux Championnats du Monde en Malaisie. Mais aussi une sélection des jeunes chevaux qui disputeront le Mondial des Jeunes Chevaux .
Une semaine dans un cadre chaleureux, dédié à l’endurance en présence des principaux interlocuteurs de la filière endurance pour mettre en valeur votre marque et savoir faire.
Nous vous proposons un partenariat spécifique et adapté à vos besoins.
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur l’expression de mes sincères salutations.
Contact A. LLORCA : allorca@centralys.com
LIENHYPERTEXTE http://www.endurocheval.com"
2 Courses = 2 Sélections = 1 Semaine
Présence de la majorité des professionnels
Vendredi une journée « creuse » pour les contacts
Un village exposant
Une portée médiatique
A 50 km de Paris, accès simples et rapide
Portée médiatique
Plan de communication
Contact Presse et Télévision régionale et nationale
Site Internet (déjà visité plus de 3000 fois depuis le début de l’année)
Présence cible pour les partenaires
Invitations personnalisées des dix premiers cavaliers mondiaux étrangers
Présence des meilleurs cavaliers français
150 cavaliers attendus
Soit plus de 600 personnes sur le site
Mise en évidence du partenaire
Banderoles sur la ligne d’Arrivée et le Podium
Espace d’expositions
Temps de parole
Organisation d’une récompense lors de la remise des Prix
Intégration du logo sur les plaques
Stickers et liens sur le site Internet
Association au nom de la course
samedi 17 mai 2008
Endurance Rider Part of American Museum of Natural History Exhibit
May 17 2008
A new exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History, "The Horse", opens today in New York City. The exhibit examines the powerful and continuing relationship between the horse and humans, and examines how horses have, over time, changed many facets of human life.
One of the photographic contributors to this exhibit is endurance rider Maryanne Gabbani of Egypt. Her photograph is of Mme. Wegdan el Barbary presenting one of her fillies at a private showing. The owner of Shams el Assil stud in Giza, Egypt, Mme. Barbary ("Dani") has been breeding the Arabian horse for over forty years. Now in her 90's, she is still active at her farm. "She's one of Egypt's national treasures," says Maryanne. "She's forgotten more horse lore than most of us have ever imagined."
Maryanne has been taking random pictures in Egypt for nearly twenty years, and was contacted by the ANHM to ask if they could use her photo.
The exhibition runs through January 4, 2009.
A new exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History, "The Horse", opens today in New York City. The exhibit examines the powerful and continuing relationship between the horse and humans, and examines how horses have, over time, changed many facets of human life.
One of the photographic contributors to this exhibit is endurance rider Maryanne Gabbani of Egypt. Her photograph is of Mme. Wegdan el Barbary presenting one of her fillies at a private showing. The owner of Shams el Assil stud in Giza, Egypt, Mme. Barbary ("Dani") has been breeding the Arabian horse for over forty years. Now in her 90's, she is still active at her farm. "She's one of Egypt's national treasures," says Maryanne. "She's forgotten more horse lore than most of us have ever imagined."
Maryanne has been taking random pictures in Egypt for nearly twenty years, and was contacted by the ANHM to ask if they could use her photo.
The exhibition runs through January 4, 2009.
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