Yorkshirepost.co.uk - Full Article
Published Date: 12 December 2008
By Jill Armstrong
It was a brilliant occasion for 12-year-old Nikki Brown when her pony Bleachgreen Star of India, otherwise known as Star, became the Endurance GB National novice champion for 2008.
Nikki, who lives near Whitby, was awarded the MIRA trophy for the champion novice horse or pony gaining the most points in graded rides of less than 45km in its first season of competition.
The presentation was made at the Endurance GB awards dinner held at Kegworth, Derbyshire.
Endurance riding is a growing competitive sport and riders covered more than 249,000km in rides organised by Endurance GB during the 2008 season.
samedi 13 décembre 2008
lundi 8 décembre 2008
UK: Endurance Riders Recognised at Sports Awards
Team GBR endurance riders Rachael Claridge (from Cardinham) and Nicky Sherry (from St Breward) were recognised for their contribution to sport within the South West at the North Cornwall Sports Awards at Wadebridge Leisure Centre on Wednesday 26th November. “It was a great honour to be part of this star studded event and very humbling to be presented with our Ambassador Scheme certificates, both Nicky and I would like to thank Geoff Samuels for his hard work developing the scheme which offers complimentary use of North Cornwall’s leisure facilities to assist its top athletes. As the country prepares for recession I’m sure those of us who want to fulfil our ambitions will work even harder to keep focussed and motivated in achieving personal goals in whichever discipline they are competing in. Sport is certainly one area of everyday life which brings people together in a positive way and I’m sure that the unitary authority will assist Cornwall’s talent in achieving great things in 2012”. The event celebrated the success of the regions sports stars and coach’s. Olympic rowing medallist Annie Vernon who competed in the Beijing offered an inspirational insight into being at the top of her game and the trails and tribulations of success. Both Rachael and Nicky have been involved in the sport of endurance ‘long distance’ riding for many decades and with many 160km FEI qualifications under their belts they are both on track for representing their home county as well as Great Britain in the 2009 European Championships in Italy and the Kentucky World Equestrian Games in 2010. Squad preparation commences on Sunday 7th December for the pair and their home-bred horses Blue Chip Prince Meliodas and Shimmering Blue Jasmin at team vet Hugh Salmon’s Wolfgar practice at Cheriton Bishop near Tedburn St Mary. For further information about the sport endurance please visit www.endurancegb.co.uk
Team GBR endurance riders Rachael Claridge (from Cardinham) and Nicky Sherry (from St Breward) were recognised for their contribution to sport within the South West at the North Cornwall Sports Awards at Wadebridge Leisure Centre on Wednesday 26th November. “It was a great honour to be part of this star studded event and very humbling to be presented with our Ambassador Scheme certificates, both Nicky and I would like to thank Geoff Samuels for his hard work developing the scheme which offers complimentary use of North Cornwall’s leisure facilities to assist its top athletes. As the country prepares for recession I’m sure those of us who want to fulfil our ambitions will work even harder to keep focussed and motivated in achieving personal goals in whichever discipline they are competing in. Sport is certainly one area of everyday life which brings people together in a positive way and I’m sure that the unitary authority will assist Cornwall’s talent in achieving great things in 2012”. The event celebrated the success of the regions sports stars and coach’s. Olympic rowing medallist Annie Vernon who competed in the Beijing offered an inspirational insight into being at the top of her game and the trails and tribulations of success. Both Rachael and Nicky have been involved in the sport of endurance ‘long distance’ riding for many decades and with many 160km FEI qualifications under their belts they are both on track for representing their home county as well as Great Britain in the 2009 European Championships in Italy and the Kentucky World Equestrian Games in 2010. Squad preparation commences on Sunday 7th December for the pair and their home-bred horses Blue Chip Prince Meliodas and Shimmering Blue Jasmin at team vet Hugh Salmon’s Wolfgar practice at Cheriton Bishop near Tedburn St Mary. For further information about the sport endurance please visit www.endurancegb.co.uk
samedi 6 décembre 2008
Spain: CEI*** Santa Susana
Federacion Hipica Espanola
Madrid, 4 de diciembre de 2008. - Manana comienza la primera carrera de la 56 edicion del tradicional Raid Santa Susana, el la ultima gran cita europea de Raid de 2008. Esta primera prueba dara comienzo a las 7:30 h. en el Parc de Colomer de la localidad barcelonesa. En la lista de participantes figuran 14 jinetes espanoles.
Este clasico, ademas de ser el Raid mas antiguo de Europa, tiene el honor de ser el unico en Espana que se celebra en dos dias: la etapa de manana esta compuesta por 99 exigentes kilometros en un escenario que se caracteriza por una gran dificultad, ya que cuenta con un desnivel de mas de 500 m. La etapa final tendra lugar el sabado, e igualmente constara de 99 km Cada una de las dos jornadas se dividira en tres etapas de 40, 33 y 26 km.
Ayer tuvo lugar la primera revision veterinaria. Esta previsto que manana a las 15:00 h. se celebre la revision correspondiente al primer dia de competicion. Del mismo modo, al acabar la carrera final el sabado, se celebraran otras dos revisiones: la propia del concurso y la que determinara el premio de "Mejor Condicion Fisica."
La celebracion del Raid Santa Susana cierra una temporada en la que esta disciplina ha vuelto a ser una de las grandes protagonistas en la hipica de nuestro pais, principalmente gracias a los resultados obtenidos en el recientemente disputado Campeonato del Mundo, en el que se ha repetido oro individual y se ha logrado un meritorio 5th puesto por equipos.
Madrid, 4 de diciembre de 2008. - Manana comienza la primera carrera de la 56 edicion del tradicional Raid Santa Susana, el la ultima gran cita europea de Raid de 2008. Esta primera prueba dara comienzo a las 7:30 h. en el Parc de Colomer de la localidad barcelonesa. En la lista de participantes figuran 14 jinetes espanoles.
Este clasico, ademas de ser el Raid mas antiguo de Europa, tiene el honor de ser el unico en Espana que se celebra en dos dias: la etapa de manana esta compuesta por 99 exigentes kilometros en un escenario que se caracteriza por una gran dificultad, ya que cuenta con un desnivel de mas de 500 m. La etapa final tendra lugar el sabado, e igualmente constara de 99 km Cada una de las dos jornadas se dividira en tres etapas de 40, 33 y 26 km.
Ayer tuvo lugar la primera revision veterinaria. Esta previsto que manana a las 15:00 h. se celebre la revision correspondiente al primer dia de competicion. Del mismo modo, al acabar la carrera final el sabado, se celebraran otras dos revisiones: la propia del concurso y la que determinara el premio de "Mejor Condicion Fisica."
La celebracion del Raid Santa Susana cierra una temporada en la que esta disciplina ha vuelto a ser una de las grandes protagonistas en la hipica de nuestro pais, principalmente gracias a los resultados obtenidos en el recientemente disputado Campeonato del Mundo, en el que se ha repetido oro individual y se ha logrado un meritorio 5th puesto por equipos.
jeudi 4 décembre 2008
Australia: Successful year for endurance
MudgeeGuardian.com - Full Article
4/12/2008 6:02:00 PM
It has been a successful year for the Mudgee Endurance Club with riders putting in outstanding performances across the state and internationally.
Local rider Paddy Smith was awarded the top spot for heavy weight division rides and his horse, Talisman was awarded fittest horse in each ride.
The pair placed second in the Q 60 100-kilometre ride at Colo, as well as best managed horse.
Mette Sutton placed in the middleweight competition in the 160-kilometre state championship in Manilla.
Sutton completed the course in a total time of 11 hours and three minutes.
During the year Sutton placed equal first and ride winner in both The Rock and Gundagai rides.
She took home the ride winner at Mudgee...
4/12/2008 6:02:00 PM
It has been a successful year for the Mudgee Endurance Club with riders putting in outstanding performances across the state and internationally.
Local rider Paddy Smith was awarded the top spot for heavy weight division rides and his horse, Talisman was awarded fittest horse in each ride.
The pair placed second in the Q 60 100-kilometre ride at Colo, as well as best managed horse.
Mette Sutton placed in the middleweight competition in the 160-kilometre state championship in Manilla.
Sutton completed the course in a total time of 11 hours and three minutes.
During the year Sutton placed equal first and ride winner in both The Rock and Gundagai rides.
She took home the ride winner at Mudgee...
Original Article
ultimo aggiornamento: 03 dicembre, ore 14:53
Perugia 3 dic. - (Adnkronos) - E' stato scelto il logo dei "Fei European Endurance Championship Open 2009" il piu' importante evento equestre di questa specialita' del prossimo anno, che si svolgera' il 26 settembre 2009 in Umbria all'interno dell'evento internazionale Assisi Endurance Lifestyle (17-27 settembre 2009). E' lo Studio Grafico Lorenzi di Perugia a firmare l'immagine. "Il marchio dei Campionati Europei Open -commenta Gilberto Lorenzi, titolare dell'omonima agenzia che si e' aggiudicata la gara- e' il risultato in un monogramma, del disegno di un cavallo alato, simbolo di velocita' e dinamismo, le cui ali sono la sintesi grafica delle due lettere iniziali ricorrenti nel nome dell'evento, ispirandosi con il colore rosso alla terra del territorio del Subasio e di Assisi, ricorrente nell'architettura tipica del paesaggio che fara' da scenario all'importante manifestazione sportiva". Ai Campionati Europei di Endurance Equestre Open 2009 (competizione che grazie alla formula open sara' aperta a tutti i continenti) sono attese oltre 30 nazionali ufficiali provenienti da tutto il mondo e le principali rappresentanze Reali dei Paesi del Golfo Persico, area geografica in cui questa disciplina e' molto famosa e soprattutto praticata in prima persona dai vertici Governativi di Paesi Arabi quali il Qatar, Bahrein, Oman ed in special modo dagli Emirati Arabi Uniti, che da sempre sono molto conosciuti ed apprezzati nel circus internazionale, sia per gli importanti risultati che ottiene costantemente nelle varie competizioni, ma soprattutto per essere da sempre un grande promotore dell'endurance equestre a livello mondiale.
Updated: 03 December, 14:53 hours
Perugia Dec. 3. - (Adnkronos) - It's been chosen the logo of "Fei European Open Endurance Championship 2009" the most' important equestrian event in this specialty next year, which will take place on September 26 2009 in Umbria in the event Assisi Endurance Lifestyle International (17-27 September 2009).
E 'Studio Graphic Lorenzi of Perugia to sign the picture. "The mark of the European Championships Open-comment Gilberto Lorenzi, owner dell'omonima agency has' won the race and 'the result in a monogram, the design of a winged horse, a symbol of speed' and dynamism, whose wings Graphics are the synthesis of the two initial letters used in the name of the event, inspired by the color red to land in the territory of Subasio and Assisi, the applicant into the typical landscape that will 'scenario from the important sporting event. "
For the European Championships of Endurance Riding Open 2009 (thanks to competition that will open formula 'open to all continents) are expected over 30 national officers from around the world and the main representatives of Royal Persian Gulf countries, geographic area in which this discipline and 'very famous and practiced mainly in the first person from top Government of Arab countries such as Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and especially from the United Arab Emirates, which have always been very well known and appreciated in the international circus, both for the important results who constantly gets in the various competitions, but above all to be always a great promoter dell'endurance equestrian world.
ultimo aggiornamento: 03 dicembre, ore 14:53
Perugia 3 dic. - (Adnkronos) - E' stato scelto il logo dei "Fei European Endurance Championship Open 2009" il piu' importante evento equestre di questa specialita' del prossimo anno, che si svolgera' il 26 settembre 2009 in Umbria all'interno dell'evento internazionale Assisi Endurance Lifestyle (17-27 settembre 2009). E' lo Studio Grafico Lorenzi di Perugia a firmare l'immagine. "Il marchio dei Campionati Europei Open -commenta Gilberto Lorenzi, titolare dell'omonima agenzia che si e' aggiudicata la gara- e' il risultato in un monogramma, del disegno di un cavallo alato, simbolo di velocita' e dinamismo, le cui ali sono la sintesi grafica delle due lettere iniziali ricorrenti nel nome dell'evento, ispirandosi con il colore rosso alla terra del territorio del Subasio e di Assisi, ricorrente nell'architettura tipica del paesaggio che fara' da scenario all'importante manifestazione sportiva". Ai Campionati Europei di Endurance Equestre Open 2009 (competizione che grazie alla formula open sara' aperta a tutti i continenti) sono attese oltre 30 nazionali ufficiali provenienti da tutto il mondo e le principali rappresentanze Reali dei Paesi del Golfo Persico, area geografica in cui questa disciplina e' molto famosa e soprattutto praticata in prima persona dai vertici Governativi di Paesi Arabi quali il Qatar, Bahrein, Oman ed in special modo dagli Emirati Arabi Uniti, che da sempre sono molto conosciuti ed apprezzati nel circus internazionale, sia per gli importanti risultati che ottiene costantemente nelle varie competizioni, ma soprattutto per essere da sempre un grande promotore dell'endurance equestre a livello mondiale.
Updated: 03 December, 14:53 hours
Perugia Dec. 3. - (Adnkronos) - It's been chosen the logo of "Fei European Open Endurance Championship 2009" the most' important equestrian event in this specialty next year, which will take place on September 26 2009 in Umbria in the event Assisi Endurance Lifestyle International (17-27 September 2009).
E 'Studio Graphic Lorenzi of Perugia to sign the picture. "The mark of the European Championships Open-comment Gilberto Lorenzi, owner dell'omonima agency has' won the race and 'the result in a monogram, the design of a winged horse, a symbol of speed' and dynamism, whose wings Graphics are the synthesis of the two initial letters used in the name of the event, inspired by the color red to land in the territory of Subasio and Assisi, the applicant into the typical landscape that will 'scenario from the important sporting event. "
For the European Championships of Endurance Riding Open 2009 (thanks to competition that will open formula 'open to all continents) are expected over 30 national officers from around the world and the main representatives of Royal Persian Gulf countries, geographic area in which this discipline and 'very famous and practiced mainly in the first person from top Government of Arab countries such as Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and especially from the United Arab Emirates, which have always been very well known and appreciated in the international circus, both for the important results who constantly gets in the various competitions, but above all to be always a great promoter dell'endurance equestrian world.
mercredi 3 décembre 2008
CEI*** - CEI** - 90 Km sélective de SOMMANT EN MORVAN du 7 au 10 mai 2009
Dans le petit village de Sommant,à l’entrée du Parc du Morvan dans une ambiance sportive, familiale et festive, venez découvrir ou redécouvrir les chemins forestiers, oubliés,du sud Morvan. Au départ de Sommant, n passant par Arleuf, le massif du haut Folin, La croisette, A hue et a dia Morvan vous propose de parcourir 157 et 119km sur des chemins cavaliers. Lieu de course réputé pour son bon terrain et son dénivelé, l’organisation de 10 CEN* (de février à novembre) vous permet de venir reconnaître une partie du parcours.
>From Sommant, a small gateway village to the Morvan Regional Park, in a sporty, family and festive environment, come and discover or rediscover long forgotten forestry roads in the south of the Morvan park. Departing from Sommant,and passing via Arleuf, the Haut Folin and La Croisette, A Hue et A Dia Morvan offers 157 and 119 km of riding paths. Reputed for its good ground and hilly terrain,the 10 CEN* (National Endurance Competitions) organised from February to November enable you to discover some of the riding paths.
Mardi 5 mai 2009
Accueil des cavaliers
Mercredi 6 mai 2009
09h-11h remise des dossiers
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box CEI*** Am et Pro
15h contrôle des allures
Jeudi 7 mai 2009
05h départ du CEI*** 160 Km
Remise des prix durant le repas de gala
Vendredi 8 mai 2009
08h contrôle vétérinaire de départ 90 km sélective
09h départ 90 km sélective
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box pour le CEI** Am et Pro
16h contrôle des allures
Samedi 9 mai 2009
07h : départ du CEI ** 120 Km Am et Pro
Remise des prix lors du repas de gala
Dimanche 10 mai 2009
Courses Club Amateur et Pro de 20 à 90 km
CEI **
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf : 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf : 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin
3e étape - Arleuf-Sommant : 30 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire
4e étape - Sommant-Sommant : 20 km.
La cerise sur le gâteau, la boucle habituelle des courses départementales avec 450 m de dénivelé et un sol tip-top
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin.
3e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 20 km. Etape courte à petits dénivelés
4e étape - Arleuf-Sommant 30 km.Retour à Sommant par les Gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
5e etape - Sommant-Sommant 20 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante) avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
6e étape - Sommant-Sommant 18 km.Boucle roulante à très faible dénivelé.
Engagements à partir de mars 2009
Here is a text for Sommant. Best Brigitte
CEI*** - CEI** - 90 Km sélective de SOMMANT EN MORVAN du 7 au 10 mai 2009
Dans le petit village de Sommant,à l’entrée du Parc du Morvan dans une ambiance sportive, familiale et festive, venez découvrir ou redécouvrir les chemins forestiers, oubliés,du sud Morvan. Au départ de Sommant, n passant par Arleuf, le massif du haut Folin, La croisette, A hue et a dia Morvan vous propose de parcourir 157 et 119km sur des chemins cavaliers. Lieu de course réputé pour son bon terrain et son dénivelé, l’organisation de 10 CEN* (de février à novembre) vous permet de venir reconnaître une partie du parcours.
>From Sommant, a small gateway village to the Morvan Regional Park, in a sporty, family and festive environment, come and discover or rediscover long forgotten forestry roads in the south of the Morvan park. Departing from Sommant,and passing via Arleuf, the Haut Folin and La Croisette, A Hue et A Dia Morvan offers 157 and 119 km of riding paths. Reputed for its good ground and hilly terrain,the 10 CEN* (National Endurance Competitions) organised from February to November enable you to discover some of the riding paths.
Mardi 5 mai 2009
Accueil des cavaliers
Mercredi 6 mai 2009
09h-11h remise des dossiers
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box CEI*** Am et Pro
15h contrôle des allures
Jeudi 7 mai 2009
05h départ du CEI*** 160 Km
Remise des prix durant le repas de gala
Vendredi 8 mai 2009
08h contrôle vétérinaire de départ 90 km sélective
09h départ 90 km sélective
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box pour le CEI** Am et Pro
16h contrôle des allures
Samedi 9 mai 2009
07h : départ du CEI ** 120 Km Am et Pro
Remise des prix lors du repas de gala
Dimanche 10 mai 2009
Courses Club Amateur et Pro de 20 à 90 km
CEI **
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf : 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf : 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin
3e étape - Arleuf-Sommant : 30 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire
4e étape - Sommant-Sommant : 20 km.
La cerise sur le gâteau, la boucle habituelle des courses départementales avec 450 m de dénivelé et un sol tip-top
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin.
3e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 20 km. Etape courte à petits dénivelés
4e étape - Arleuf-Sommant 30 km.Retour à Sommant par les Gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
5e etape - Sommant-Sommant 20 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante) avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
6e étape - Sommant-Sommant 18 km.Boucle roulante à très faible dénivelé.
Engagements à partir de mars 2009
Photos des éditions 2007, 2008 et 2009 sur http://brigitte-huard.com
Dans le petit village de Sommant,à l’entrée du Parc du Morvan dans une ambiance sportive, familiale et festive, venez découvrir ou redécouvrir les chemins forestiers, oubliés,du sud Morvan. Au départ de Sommant, n passant par Arleuf, le massif du haut Folin, La croisette, A hue et a dia Morvan vous propose de parcourir 157 et 119km sur des chemins cavaliers. Lieu de course réputé pour son bon terrain et son dénivelé, l’organisation de 10 CEN* (de février à novembre) vous permet de venir reconnaître une partie du parcours.
>From Sommant, a small gateway village to the Morvan Regional Park, in a sporty, family and festive environment, come and discover or rediscover long forgotten forestry roads in the south of the Morvan park. Departing from Sommant,and passing via Arleuf, the Haut Folin and La Croisette, A Hue et A Dia Morvan offers 157 and 119 km of riding paths. Reputed for its good ground and hilly terrain,the 10 CEN* (National Endurance Competitions) organised from February to November enable you to discover some of the riding paths.
Mardi 5 mai 2009
Accueil des cavaliers
Mercredi 6 mai 2009
09h-11h remise des dossiers
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box CEI*** Am et Pro
15h contrôle des allures
Jeudi 7 mai 2009
05h départ du CEI*** 160 Km
Remise des prix durant le repas de gala
Vendredi 8 mai 2009
08h contrôle vétérinaire de départ 90 km sélective
09h départ 90 km sélective
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box pour le CEI** Am et Pro
16h contrôle des allures
Samedi 9 mai 2009
07h : départ du CEI ** 120 Km Am et Pro
Remise des prix lors du repas de gala
Dimanche 10 mai 2009
Courses Club Amateur et Pro de 20 à 90 km
CEI **
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf : 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf : 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin
3e étape - Arleuf-Sommant : 30 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire
4e étape - Sommant-Sommant : 20 km.
La cerise sur le gâteau, la boucle habituelle des courses départementales avec 450 m de dénivelé et un sol tip-top
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin.
3e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 20 km. Etape courte à petits dénivelés
4e étape - Arleuf-Sommant 30 km.Retour à Sommant par les Gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
5e etape - Sommant-Sommant 20 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante) avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
6e étape - Sommant-Sommant 18 km.Boucle roulante à très faible dénivelé.
Engagements à partir de mars 2009
Here is a text for Sommant. Best Brigitte
CEI*** - CEI** - 90 Km sélective de SOMMANT EN MORVAN du 7 au 10 mai 2009
Dans le petit village de Sommant,à l’entrée du Parc du Morvan dans une ambiance sportive, familiale et festive, venez découvrir ou redécouvrir les chemins forestiers, oubliés,du sud Morvan. Au départ de Sommant, n passant par Arleuf, le massif du haut Folin, La croisette, A hue et a dia Morvan vous propose de parcourir 157 et 119km sur des chemins cavaliers. Lieu de course réputé pour son bon terrain et son dénivelé, l’organisation de 10 CEN* (de février à novembre) vous permet de venir reconnaître une partie du parcours.
>From Sommant, a small gateway village to the Morvan Regional Park, in a sporty, family and festive environment, come and discover or rediscover long forgotten forestry roads in the south of the Morvan park. Departing from Sommant,and passing via Arleuf, the Haut Folin and La Croisette, A Hue et A Dia Morvan offers 157 and 119 km of riding paths. Reputed for its good ground and hilly terrain,the 10 CEN* (National Endurance Competitions) organised from February to November enable you to discover some of the riding paths.
Mardi 5 mai 2009
Accueil des cavaliers
Mercredi 6 mai 2009
09h-11h remise des dossiers
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box CEI*** Am et Pro
15h contrôle des allures
Jeudi 7 mai 2009
05h départ du CEI*** 160 Km
Remise des prix durant le repas de gala
Vendredi 8 mai 2009
08h contrôle vétérinaire de départ 90 km sélective
09h départ 90 km sélective
14h contrôle vétérinaire au box pour le CEI** Am et Pro
16h contrôle des allures
Samedi 9 mai 2009
07h : départ du CEI ** 120 Km Am et Pro
Remise des prix lors du repas de gala
Dimanche 10 mai 2009
Courses Club Amateur et Pro de 20 à 90 km
CEI **
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf : 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf : 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin
3e étape - Arleuf-Sommant : 30 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire
4e étape - Sommant-Sommant : 20 km.
La cerise sur le gâteau, la boucle habituelle des courses départementales avec 450 m de dénivelé et un sol tip-top
1re étape - Sommant-Arleuf 36 km. Dénivellation progressive pour atteindre les plateaux et le maquis de Socrate
2e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 33 km. Petits dénivelés entre 6 et 700 m d’altitude sur le massif du Haut Folin.
3e étape - Arleuf-Arleuf 20 km. Etape courte à petits dénivelés
4e étape - Arleuf-Sommant 30 km.Retour à Sommant par les Gorges de la Canche (étape roulante)
avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
5e etape - Sommant-Sommant 20 km. Retour à Sommant par les gorges de la Canche (étape roulante) avec un petit dénivelé pour sortir de la vallée de la Chaloire.
6e étape - Sommant-Sommant 18 km.Boucle roulante à très faible dénivelé.
Engagements à partir de mars 2009
Photos des éditions 2007, 2008 et 2009 sur http://brigitte-huard.com
jeudi 20 novembre 2008
Australia: Lachlan riders complete Shahzada
Cowra Guardian - Full Article
This year was the 28th anniversary of the Shahzada, a 400km endurance marathon held each year at St Albans near Wiseman’s Ferry.
This ultimate test of endurance riding is run over a 400km course of 80kms a day for five days.
This year was different from the last three, when the McDonald Valley was gripped by drought. There had been good rains and the river was flowing strongly, and together with beautiful sunny days, it was a fantastic scene after last year’s EI-affected event.
The course is varying from flat hard gravel roads, to climbs up and down steep rocky tracks and some lovely sandy trails along the ridges through national parks and private property.
The event this year was held from August 25-29, although riders and horses start to gather at the village of St Albans from the Wednesday before to allow the horses time to settle in and recoup from their sometimes long float trip.
It also allows riders time to relax and socialise before the marathon begins.
This year there were the usual blend of interstate riders, although following the enforced “detention camp” of 2007 due to EI, numbers were down considerably.
This year was the 28th anniversary of the Shahzada, a 400km endurance marathon held each year at St Albans near Wiseman’s Ferry.
This ultimate test of endurance riding is run over a 400km course of 80kms a day for five days.
This year was different from the last three, when the McDonald Valley was gripped by drought. There had been good rains and the river was flowing strongly, and together with beautiful sunny days, it was a fantastic scene after last year’s EI-affected event.
The course is varying from flat hard gravel roads, to climbs up and down steep rocky tracks and some lovely sandy trails along the ridges through national parks and private property.
The event this year was held from August 25-29, although riders and horses start to gather at the village of St Albans from the Wednesday before to allow the horses time to settle in and recoup from their sometimes long float trip.
It also allows riders time to relax and socialise before the marathon begins.
This year there were the usual blend of interstate riders, although following the enforced “detention camp” of 2007 due to EI, numbers were down considerably.
jeudi 23 octobre 2008
USA: Equestrian2010 World Equestrian Games: Horse Park plans Kentucky Cup to serve as test
Herald-Leader Staff Report
A series of competitions will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park in 2009 and 2010 to test the new arena, stadium and other facilities before the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games are held in 2010, Games organizers said Wednesday.
The competitions will be named The Kentucky Cup. The first will be a reining competition July 15-20, 2009, followed by vaulting July 28-Aug. 2, endurance Sept. 28-30, driving Oct. 1-4 and eventing, jumping and dressage April 20-25, 2010, during the 2010 Rolex Three-Day Event.
"These Kentucky Cup competitions will allow us to test each of our competition facilities well in advance of the 2010 Games, and will give us the opportunity to make modifications and adjustments in our planning based on these tests," said Games Competition Director Kate Jackson.
Related activities, including ticketing, transportation and hospitality, also will be tested at the Kentucky Cup events. More information about each event will be released as it becomes available, the foundation said.
The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games will be held at the Horse Park Sept. 25-Oct. 10, 2010, and will determine world champions in eight disciplines, including para-equestrian dressage.
Herald-Leader Staff Report
A series of competitions will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park in 2009 and 2010 to test the new arena, stadium and other facilities before the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games are held in 2010, Games organizers said Wednesday.
The competitions will be named The Kentucky Cup. The first will be a reining competition July 15-20, 2009, followed by vaulting July 28-Aug. 2, endurance Sept. 28-30, driving Oct. 1-4 and eventing, jumping and dressage April 20-25, 2010, during the 2010 Rolex Three-Day Event.
"These Kentucky Cup competitions will allow us to test each of our competition facilities well in advance of the 2010 Games, and will give us the opportunity to make modifications and adjustments in our planning based on these tests," said Games Competition Director Kate Jackson.
Related activities, including ticketing, transportation and hospitality, also will be tested at the Kentucky Cup events. More information about each event will be released as it becomes available, the foundation said.
The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games will be held at the Horse Park Sept. 25-Oct. 10, 2010, and will determine world champions in eight disciplines, including para-equestrian dressage.
vendredi 17 octobre 2008
UK: than 40 riders enjoy moor route revival
Original Article
FOR members of the South West group of Endurance GB, the recent Brentor Training Ride was the welcome revival of a popular north Dartmoor route.
For the last four years the Brentor Ride was unable to be held, mainly because of the difficulty of marking the route on foot — vehicles of any kind are not allowed onto the moor.
This year, organiser Janet Lander and her team of route markers, provided both a ten-mile route and a 19-mile route for riders to choose from.
Next year, if permission is given, they hope to run a full competitive ride with a vet-gate at Okehampton Camp and classes ranging from ten to 50 miles.
The venue, courtesy of Roger and Erica Young, was also nearer the moor this year, by almost a mile, cutting down the amount of road work.
The 40-plus riders and their horses taking part, were divided almost equally between members and local pleasure riders out enjoying the sunshine of the ‘last day of summer’.
Two members riding were Jan Kane, organiser of the Camelford endurance ride, and Sue Speed, organiser of the Minions Ride.
Sue was taking the opportunity to give her young homebred Arab, Destiny’s Child, the experience of a short ride, in preparation for competing next year.
Jan, whose gelding George II has been competing in 50-mile ERs this summer, was enjoying a relaxed hack for a change.
She said: ‘It’s a glorious ride. We did the longer route, which went out across the main Tavistock road and around White Hill.
‘I am really looking forward to coming back next year and, hopefully, competing over a 50-mile route that will take us right up to Belstone and back.
‘The riding on this side of Dartmoor is mainly over short cropped turf and sandy tracks. It drains quickly in the wet and there is some fast going.’
Thanks were expressed to all who marked the route and provided checkpoints.

FOR members of the South West group of Endurance GB, the recent Brentor Training Ride was the welcome revival of a popular north Dartmoor route.
For the last four years the Brentor Ride was unable to be held, mainly because of the difficulty of marking the route on foot — vehicles of any kind are not allowed onto the moor.
This year, organiser Janet Lander and her team of route markers, provided both a ten-mile route and a 19-mile route for riders to choose from.
Next year, if permission is given, they hope to run a full competitive ride with a vet-gate at Okehampton Camp and classes ranging from ten to 50 miles.
The venue, courtesy of Roger and Erica Young, was also nearer the moor this year, by almost a mile, cutting down the amount of road work.
The 40-plus riders and their horses taking part, were divided almost equally between members and local pleasure riders out enjoying the sunshine of the ‘last day of summer’.
Two members riding were Jan Kane, organiser of the Camelford endurance ride, and Sue Speed, organiser of the Minions Ride.
Sue was taking the opportunity to give her young homebred Arab, Destiny’s Child, the experience of a short ride, in preparation for competing next year.
Jan, whose gelding George II has been competing in 50-mile ERs this summer, was enjoying a relaxed hack for a change.
She said: ‘It’s a glorious ride. We did the longer route, which went out across the main Tavistock road and around White Hill.
‘I am really looking forward to coming back next year and, hopefully, competing over a 50-mile route that will take us right up to Belstone and back.
‘The riding on this side of Dartmoor is mainly over short cropped turf and sandy tracks. It drains quickly in the wet and there is some fast going.’
Thanks were expressed to all who marked the route and provided checkpoints.
mercredi 15 octobre 2008
Great Britain: British Horse Feeds Proud to Support Red Dragon Festival of Endurance
15 Oct 2008
The 2008 Red Dragon Festival of Endurance was a huge success this year despite the poor weather. More than 300 riders competing over varying distances enjoyed the breath taking scenery over the roof of Mid Wales and competed for a huge array of prizes.
Organiser Pat Conn was delighted with the high number of entrants and the success of the event.
British Horse Feeds were there to support the event and were proud to sponsor the Golden Dragon and Dragon's Tail.
The winner of the Dragon's Tail Jane Stanley, who has been competing for 25 years, was delighted to win a years supply of Speedi-Beet courtesy of British Horse Feeds. Her horse Sunami, a handsome 11 year old homebred Arab X gelding also won Best Condition. Jane and Sumani travelled over from Ireland and arrived in high spirits after the 12 hour journey.
In second place came Lesley Dore on Firebird and in third place, Jo Chisholm on Grey Medlar. Both received a six month supply of Speedi-Beet.
The Golden Dragon winner Amanda Nicholson who is based in Lands End, Cornwall, thoroughly enjoyed the ride on her 7 year old Arab X gelding Esta Leonardo Diabo. Said Amanda: "I thoroughly enjoyed the ride despite the fact that is was raining and blowing a gale because that is what endurance riding is all about". Amanda won a year's supply of Speedi-Beet, and both riders in second and third place won a six month supply. Carol Jones and Ptolemaeus came in second place, followed by Ann Harrison and Millennium Chorus.
Simon Parker of British Horse Feeds said: "Speedi-Beet is ideal for endurance horses as it is high in fibre, which helps provide the required stamina for horses to compete over long distances."
Speedi-Beet from British Horse Feeds provides rapid re-hydration for performance horses whilst optimising energy release rate. This is due to the soluble fibre in Speedi-Beet, which has a high water holding capacity increasing the amount of fluid in the horses' hindgut. This reservoir can then be drawn upon during prolonged exercise such as endurance riding to help replace water lost through sweating.
15 Oct 2008
The 2008 Red Dragon Festival of Endurance was a huge success this year despite the poor weather. More than 300 riders competing over varying distances enjoyed the breath taking scenery over the roof of Mid Wales and competed for a huge array of prizes.
Organiser Pat Conn was delighted with the high number of entrants and the success of the event.
British Horse Feeds were there to support the event and were proud to sponsor the Golden Dragon and Dragon's Tail.
The winner of the Dragon's Tail Jane Stanley, who has been competing for 25 years, was delighted to win a years supply of Speedi-Beet courtesy of British Horse Feeds. Her horse Sunami, a handsome 11 year old homebred Arab X gelding also won Best Condition. Jane and Sumani travelled over from Ireland and arrived in high spirits after the 12 hour journey.
In second place came Lesley Dore on Firebird and in third place, Jo Chisholm on Grey Medlar. Both received a six month supply of Speedi-Beet.
The Golden Dragon winner Amanda Nicholson who is based in Lands End, Cornwall, thoroughly enjoyed the ride on her 7 year old Arab X gelding Esta Leonardo Diabo. Said Amanda: "I thoroughly enjoyed the ride despite the fact that is was raining and blowing a gale because that is what endurance riding is all about". Amanda won a year's supply of Speedi-Beet, and both riders in second and third place won a six month supply. Carol Jones and Ptolemaeus came in second place, followed by Ann Harrison and Millennium Chorus.
Simon Parker of British Horse Feeds said: "Speedi-Beet is ideal for endurance horses as it is high in fibre, which helps provide the required stamina for horses to compete over long distances."
Speedi-Beet from British Horse Feeds provides rapid re-hydration for performance horses whilst optimising energy release rate. This is due to the soluble fibre in Speedi-Beet, which has a high water holding capacity increasing the amount of fluid in the horses' hindgut. This reservoir can then be drawn upon during prolonged exercise such as endurance riding to help replace water lost through sweating.
Great Britain: Results from the Area 12 Team Challenge

Endurancediary - Story and Pictures
Kindly sponsored by Performance Equestrian
This year Pony Club Area 12 held their endurance championships at The College, Keysoe in conjunction with Endurance Great Britain’s competition. Three teams from Whaddon Chase entered with members riding in all the Pony Club classes which range from The Merlin Ride at 9km to the Eagle at 51km. For our extremely novice teams this presented a very real challenge as all the riders were being asked to ride for greater distances and at higher speeds than they had done before.
The day started off very foggy but once it had burned away it was fantastic conditions for long distance riding. Parents crewing for riders along the ride with water were able to sit back and enjoy the sunshine!
Having managed to get everyone though a tough vetting, farrier and tack check, riders set off at their allotted times following the course with a map.
Great Britain: Red Dragon endurance results
Yourhorse.co.uk - Full Article
By Justine Thompson
Event diary
14 October 2008 10:36
The 2008 Red Dragon Festival of Endurance was a huge success this year despite the poor weather.
More than 300 riders competing over varying distances enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Mid Wales and competed for a huge array of prizes. Organiser Pat Conn was delighted with the high number of entrants and the success of the event.
British Horse Feeds were there to support the event in early October, and were proud to sponsor the ‘Golden Dragon’ and Dragon’s Tail’.
The winner of the Dragon’s Tail, Jane Stanley, who has been competing for 25 years, was delighted to win a year’s supply of Speedi-Beet courtesy of British Horse Feeds.
By Justine Thompson
Event diary
14 October 2008 10:36
The 2008 Red Dragon Festival of Endurance was a huge success this year despite the poor weather.
More than 300 riders competing over varying distances enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Mid Wales and competed for a huge array of prizes. Organiser Pat Conn was delighted with the high number of entrants and the success of the event.
British Horse Feeds were there to support the event in early October, and were proud to sponsor the ‘Golden Dragon’ and Dragon’s Tail’.
The winner of the Dragon’s Tail, Jane Stanley, who has been competing for 25 years, was delighted to win a year’s supply of Speedi-Beet courtesy of British Horse Feeds.
lundi 29 septembre 2008
New Zealand: Avery kicks off new CTR season in style
Stuff.co.nz - Full Article
The Marlborough Express
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Kylie Avery and Silands Jasark started the new competitive trail riding season in style on Sunday with an open grade win in the Marlborough Endurance and Trail Riding Club's ride in the Wairau Valley.
Riding over the picturesque Chestnut Valley and Bankhouse properties, Avery headed off Robyn Hill on Purdah and Jaime Heywood on Silands Rhafferty, to take the 40km event. Hill and Heywood shared second, 18 penalty points behind Avery.
In their first ride since claiming the national award for Endurance Horse and Rider overall points champion Avery and Silands Jasark made good time over the course that featured a flowing track with an ideal mix of flat and rolling hill tracks and excellent underfoot conditions, finishing one minute off the optimal time of three hours 30 minutes.
The Marlborough Express
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Kylie Avery and Silands Jasark started the new competitive trail riding season in style on Sunday with an open grade win in the Marlborough Endurance and Trail Riding Club's ride in the Wairau Valley.
Riding over the picturesque Chestnut Valley and Bankhouse properties, Avery headed off Robyn Hill on Purdah and Jaime Heywood on Silands Rhafferty, to take the 40km event. Hill and Heywood shared second, 18 penalty points behind Avery.
In their first ride since claiming the national award for Endurance Horse and Rider overall points champion Avery and Silands Jasark made good time over the course that featured a flowing track with an ideal mix of flat and rolling hill tracks and excellent underfoot conditions, finishing one minute off the optimal time of three hours 30 minutes.
mardi 23 septembre 2008
WEG 2010: Organizers release competition schedule
Kentucky.com - Full Article
Herald-Leader Staff Report
The competition schedule for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games was released Monday by the World Games 2010 Foundation.
Competition director Kate Jackson said the schedule would provide "an exciting variety of top sport on each of the 16 days of the Games.
"I am particularly happy that we are able, for the first time, to include para-equestrian as an integral part of the World Equestrian Games," Jackson said.
The Games will begin with opening ceremonies on Sept. 25, 2010. Competition will take place in eight equestrian disciplines, and a world champion will be selected in each. Organizers say the Games will attract more than 800 athletes who will have at least 900 horses
The first weekend will include vaulting and endurance. Vaulting will continue into week one, along with dressage and eventing.
In week two, competition will take place in jumping, para-dressage, driving and reining.
Herald-Leader Staff Report
The competition schedule for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games was released Monday by the World Games 2010 Foundation.
Competition director Kate Jackson said the schedule would provide "an exciting variety of top sport on each of the 16 days of the Games.
"I am particularly happy that we are able, for the first time, to include para-equestrian as an integral part of the World Equestrian Games," Jackson said.
The Games will begin with opening ceremonies on Sept. 25, 2010. Competition will take place in eight equestrian disciplines, and a world champion will be selected in each. Organizers say the Games will attract more than 800 athletes who will have at least 900 horses
The first weekend will include vaulting and endurance. Vaulting will continue into week one, along with dressage and eventing.
In week two, competition will take place in jumping, para-dressage, driving and reining.
mardi 9 septembre 2008
Coupe du Monde Veterans a Mons

La Belgique organise la premiere Coupe du Monde Veterans a Mons. Mons est idealement situe, non loin de la frontiere francaise, le long de l’autoroute E42. Donc d'un acces rapide et aise pour nos amis francais.
Belgium organizes the first Endurance WorldCup for Veterans in Mons. The city of Mons is ideally located near the French border, along the E42 motorway.
Le nouvel Hippodrome de Wallonie accueillera l'evenement. De superbes installations pour recevoir au mieux les chevaux, les cavaliers et les suiveurs. Pour le logement, pas de soucis car il existe de nombreux hotels, gites ou chambres d'hotes pour toutes les bourses.
The new " Wallonia Racetrack " will be the venue of the event. This is a superb venue to welcome at its best horses, riders and crew members, as well as spectators. As far as accommodation is concerned, no problem at all as there are many hotels, B&B or others for all budgets.
Deux courses au programme :
- La Coupe du Monde Veterans - une CEI*** de 130km, avec egalement un classement Open. Tous les cavaliers peuvent donc prendre le depart. Les plus de 45 ans concourent pour la Coupe du Monde, les autres seront classes en Open
- Une CEI** de 100km
Two races will be organized :
- The WorldCup for Veterans (OPEN) – one CEI*** on the distance of 130km which also includes an OPEN ranking. All riders are entitled to participate. The riders aged more than 45years are competing for the WorldCup, the others will make part of the Open ranking.
- One CEI** of 100km
Echange de chevaux
Nous tentons de mettre sur pied un systeme d'echange de chevaux entre cavaliers proches (Belges/Francais/Allemands/Hollandais) et des cavaliers nettement plus eloignes, venant notamment d'autres continents.
Le principe est simple : vous pretez un cheval pour cette course et en retour le cavalier etranger vous offrira de monter l'un de ses chevaux chez lui, a une course de votre choix, a determiner en bilateral. C'est l'occasion de connaitre d'autres cavaliers, de s'ouvrir a d'autres horizons, de voyager…
Nous ferons l'interface entre les offres et les demandes en essayant de trouver les meilleures combinaisons possibles.
Donc n'hesitez pas a nous contacter pour nous faire votre proposition.
Leasing of horses
We are trying to set up a system for a free leasing between riders from the neighborhoods (Belgium/France/Germany/Holland) and overseas riders.
Principe is simple : a neighborhood rider offers one horse to ride to an overseas rider and in return, the foreign rider will offer a horse to ride in his country. This is a good opportunity to learn to know other riders, other rides and discover new horizons…
We will be keen to provide an interface between the offers and the requests, trying to find the best combinations.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to propose your deal.
Nous comptons sur vous.
Meilleures amities sportives,
Kind regards
Pour le Comite organisateur
Leonard Liesens
Email : endurance.belgium@gmail.com
Tel : +32(0)498.16.93.12
samedi 23 août 2008
Ireland: Horseriding - Victorious result for Perthshire riders
Perthshire Advertiser
Aug 22 2008 by Our Correspondent, Perthshire Advertiser Friday
A SCOTTISH flying finish was the triumphant end to a weekend which saw Scotland sweep the board at the Glenariff endurance festival in Northern Ireland, claiming the Home International and Celtic Challenge trophies.
The Home International features the four 'home nations' fielding teams of seven riders tackling distances of up to 160km over the two days.
The competition is decided on most riders home.
Perthshire riders Kirstie Graham, with Arabelle, and 12-year-old Iain Paterson, on Kismet, were both Scottish team members for the competition which took place in County Antrim over a weekend.
The showcase was characterised by heavy rain.
Kirstie was elected to fly the Saltire in the two-day 160m Home International class, while Iain was part of the Celtic Challenge team.
The wet weather made the climbs on the challenging course more gruelling for horses and riders and, in the two-day 160km class, four riders were eliminated on the first day.
During the course, Ireland lost both riders and England and Wales a rider each, meaning Scotland was unassailable if both Kirstie and fellow team-made Diane Michie from Morayshire completed.
This they did in style, crossing the line holding the St Andrew's flag between them, claiming the Home International for Scotland.
In the Celtic Challenge, Iain’s horse was vetted out after sustaining a stone bruise.
Iain had, however, contributed to Scotland’s victory as the best turned out team.
Aug 22 2008 by Our Correspondent, Perthshire Advertiser Friday
A SCOTTISH flying finish was the triumphant end to a weekend which saw Scotland sweep the board at the Glenariff endurance festival in Northern Ireland, claiming the Home International and Celtic Challenge trophies.
The Home International features the four 'home nations' fielding teams of seven riders tackling distances of up to 160km over the two days.
The competition is decided on most riders home.
Perthshire riders Kirstie Graham, with Arabelle, and 12-year-old Iain Paterson, on Kismet, were both Scottish team members for the competition which took place in County Antrim over a weekend.
The showcase was characterised by heavy rain.
Kirstie was elected to fly the Saltire in the two-day 160m Home International class, while Iain was part of the Celtic Challenge team.
The wet weather made the climbs on the challenging course more gruelling for horses and riders and, in the two-day 160km class, four riders were eliminated on the first day.
During the course, Ireland lost both riders and England and Wales a rider each, meaning Scotland was unassailable if both Kirstie and fellow team-made Diane Michie from Morayshire completed.
This they did in style, crossing the line holding the St Andrew's flag between them, claiming the Home International for Scotland.
In the Celtic Challenge, Iain’s horse was vetted out after sustaining a stone bruise.
Iain had, however, contributed to Scotland’s victory as the best turned out team.
mercredi 6 août 2008
UK: Cornwall conditions and gale force winds test endurance riders

August 5
THE two-day fixture at the Minions Moorland Endurance Ride which started from Trewalla Farm opened with a 10-mile pleasure ride on Bodmin Moor where gale force winds tested the 20-strong field.
With valued and vital support from the Trail Riders Fellowship, organisers Sue Speed and Jane Holden set out routes ranging from 20 to 50 miles for the two days of competition.
A total of 70 riders enjoyed the challenge of crossing Bodmin Moor before riding through Smallacombe Plantation on to Minions village and around Caradon Hill.
An extra 10-mile loop for the longer classes went over Sharp Tor and around Twelve Men's Moor, climbing up and over the granite covered slopes of Kilmar – the most physically testing part of the ride for the horses.
Conditions underfoot varied from muddy to stony tracks and granite outcrops, with some canters across the moorland turf.
Despite the weather, seven horses achieved Grade Ones and the South West team finished ahead of the Wessex team in the first round of their annual battle for the Morris Cup.
In the 50-mile ER, David Yeoman and Haszar took pole position from Jill Semmens from Penzance riding Evermore Exciting.
“It was my first ride at Minions and I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the weather,” said David.
jeudi 31 juillet 2008
Libramont CEIO - CEI*** - CEI**- 2008
Libramont s'améliore d'année en année et attire les étrangers dans nos jolies Ardennes. La météo fut de la partie. Demain les résultats mais voici déjà les photos
Libramont gets better and better year after year. Foreigners are now coming to compete in the charming landscape of the Ardennes. Results and photos are here.
Full Endurance-Belgium.com Coverage
samedi 26 juillet 2008
Bahrain Royal team to race in UK

Shaikh Nasser, who is the Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation (Breef) president and Thetford defending champion, announced this yesterday. The event continues the team's participation in prestigious European endurance races.
The race consists of two events - one over 120 kilometres and the other spanning 160km. Shaikh Nasser will lead the royal team for the second successive year after he won the last year's 160km race.
The event will be the Bahrain's third participation for the season. The first was the Bahrain Cup in England, while the second race was in Austria.
Shaikh Nasser will be riding his horse 'Sprite'. Expected to compete alongside him is Breef first vice-president Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who will be riding 'Sebastian'.
The kingdom's other participants include Shaikh Daej bin Salman Al Khalifa who will be riding 'Wishky', Yousef Taher riding 'Canada Coy', Mohammed Abdulaziz riding 'Kafir', Mohammed Al Thawadi on 'Ciscada', and Lorent Mosti from the technical team riding 'Bisk'.
Riders representing the UAE will also be participating in the race. They will be led by UAE vice-resident and Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum along with Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Qatari riders are other entrants from the Gulf.
Meanwhile, Shaikh Nasser assured that the event will be a good chance for the national team, along with brothers from the UAE and Qatar, to compete on the international stage, as he hoped that Bahrain riders will continue to bring the finest results, just as they had done last year.
Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad led the team's training sessions at the race venue yesterday and did the required procedures to ensure the Bahrain team horses' health.
The official medical check conducted by organisers will take place this afternoon under the supervision of the International Federation of Equestrian Sports (FEI).
lundi 14 juillet 2008
Outback Qld's camel races set to begin
Abc.net.au - Full Story
July 14 2008
Camels and their trainers have begun arriving in outback Queensland for the start of the state's camel racing circuit.
Boulia Camel Races is offering $30,000 prize money for this weekend's races and another $50,000 will be offered next month at a camel endurance race in Hughendon.
There is another race meet in Winton later this month.
Camel racing identity Paddy McHugh says events are becoming more popular.
"Certainly when the horse influenza thing went through our phones ran hot for us to do more and more races," he said.
"It's gained in popularity but it will never give horse racing a run for its money, it's just a different industry you know.
"There is a serious side to it though, in the fact that Middle Eastern market is worth millions and millions of dollars to the industry."
Mr McHugh says high fuel prices may deter some competitors from making the trip to western Queensland.
"It seems the tourism hasn't really slowed down a great deal," he said.
"The camel people like to have a bit of a moan and groan, but you know $50,000, $30,000 at Boulia and Winton is another little bit as well, it's pretty good prize money.
"It's not as if there's a lot of them in the business so whoever wins makes pretty good money for three or four months of the year."
July 14 2008
Camels and their trainers have begun arriving in outback Queensland for the start of the state's camel racing circuit.
Boulia Camel Races is offering $30,000 prize money for this weekend's races and another $50,000 will be offered next month at a camel endurance race in Hughendon.
There is another race meet in Winton later this month.
Camel racing identity Paddy McHugh says events are becoming more popular.
"Certainly when the horse influenza thing went through our phones ran hot for us to do more and more races," he said.
"It's gained in popularity but it will never give horse racing a run for its money, it's just a different industry you know.
"There is a serious side to it though, in the fact that Middle Eastern market is worth millions and millions of dollars to the industry."
Mr McHugh says high fuel prices may deter some competitors from making the trip to western Queensland.
"It seems the tourism hasn't really slowed down a great deal," he said.
"The camel people like to have a bit of a moan and groan, but you know $50,000, $30,000 at Boulia and Winton is another little bit as well, it's pretty good prize money.
"It's not as if there's a lot of them in the business so whoever wins makes pretty good money for three or four months of the year."
dimanche 22 juin 2008
England: Pony Club embraces endurance riding to celebrate 80th birthday
1 June, 2008
The Pony Club is set to launch endurance as one of its official disciplines in 2009 to coincide with the organisation's 80th birthday.
Exact details are still under discussion, but endurance will be run with its own committee, established rules and distances and end-of-season national championships.
Cherry Michell, chairman of the Pony Club, told H&H: "Pony Club endurance is still in its infancy, but we've been planning it for a while.
"It's a wonderful opportunity for children to go out and ride in the countryside."
Novice, intermediate and open rides are planned throughout the year, and will
be run in conjunction with endurance's national governing body — Endurance GB (EGB).
1 June, 2008
The Pony Club is set to launch endurance as one of its official disciplines in 2009 to coincide with the organisation's 80th birthday.
Exact details are still under discussion, but endurance will be run with its own committee, established rules and distances and end-of-season national championships.
Cherry Michell, chairman of the Pony Club, told H&H: "Pony Club endurance is still in its infancy, but we've been planning it for a while.
"It's a wonderful opportunity for children to go out and ride in the countryside."
Novice, intermediate and open rides are planned throughout the year, and will
be run in conjunction with endurance's national governing body — Endurance GB (EGB).
dimanche 8 juin 2008
A Race to Finish in Rambouillet!
2008 Raid Yvelines Bhrain Cup AMA Elite GP
Laurent Mosti and Baja de Piboul
First to Finish
The 2008 Rambouillet Pro/Am Elite GP event saw a race to the finish as Laurent Mosti holds against Remi Faucher and SHAM CHARCA! And all riders completing recieved their CoC for Malaysia!!
Complete Coverage
With Video from SoHorse.com
samedi 7 juin 2008
Van Wijk and Latino Capture Dutch Championship!

The beautiful weather and excellent venue provided a suitable context for this very competitive championship event!
[Full Coverage on www.enduranceEurope.net]
mercredi 28 mai 2008
South Africa: This huge Stutterheim 'family' gallops for kicks
Weekendpost.co.za - Full Story
24 May 2008
EASTERN Cape horse breeders Greg and Maria Miles's farm in Stutterheim is home to 54 family members - 50 of which are horses.
"We love animals and it's exciting breeding horses - it's a big family we have!" said Greg.
His son Robert, 9, and daughter Stephanie, 8, help look after the horses and Maria helps him run their farm, Bare Acres.
"I wouldn�t swop our way of life for anything. It's safe and a good environment for kids," he said.
In 2004, the couple imported the country's first Pintabian mare from Iowa in the United States.
Pintabians are a cross between the Native American coloured pintos and Arabian horses.
Floral Hearts arrived in South Africa pregnant and Raine Heart was the first Pintabian born in South Africa in March 2005.
Raine Heart in turn bore the first South African-bred Pintabian colt named Thunder Heart in February 2006, sired by the Miles's South African Arab stallion, Jelby Taxman.
Floral Hearts added another first by being the first Pintabian in the world to compete in endurance riding at Thomas River near Stutterheim in March last year.
24 May 2008
EASTERN Cape horse breeders Greg and Maria Miles's farm in Stutterheim is home to 54 family members - 50 of which are horses.
"We love animals and it's exciting breeding horses - it's a big family we have!" said Greg.
His son Robert, 9, and daughter Stephanie, 8, help look after the horses and Maria helps him run their farm, Bare Acres.
"I wouldn�t swop our way of life for anything. It's safe and a good environment for kids," he said.
In 2004, the couple imported the country's first Pintabian mare from Iowa in the United States.
Pintabians are a cross between the Native American coloured pintos and Arabian horses.
Floral Hearts arrived in South Africa pregnant and Raine Heart was the first Pintabian born in South Africa in March 2005.
Raine Heart in turn bore the first South African-bred Pintabian colt named Thunder Heart in February 2006, sired by the Miles's South African Arab stallion, Jelby Taxman.
Floral Hearts added another first by being the first Pintabian in the world to compete in endurance riding at Thomas River near Stutterheim in March last year.
samedi 24 mai 2008
Bahrain News Agency Release

London, May 24 (BNA) -- Bahrains Royal Equestrian Team Captain Shaikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa relived last years scenario after
clinching the second position in the Bahrain Endurance Horseride Championship, held in Britain.
Behind him came Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa who ranked third despite his pre-occupation with high education studies.
Shaikh Nasser and Shaikh Khalid were congratulated on their achievement in the exciting and neck-to-neck race.
The Bahraini riders maintained the lead throughout the various stages of the race with Ahmed Abdullah coming first in the 120-km category and Manal Fakhrawi in the third position.
In the 160-km race, rider Raed Mahmoud secured the fourth rank followed by Ghazi Al Dossary while Mohammed Abdulaziz withdrew in the sixth and last stage of the 12-hour race which took place in a relatively cold weather.
Similarly, Shaikh Talal bin Mohammed Al Khalifa and Yousef Taher who were riding Silver Diamond and Cascada respectively failed to finish the race and withdrew in the third stage.
The worst misfortune, however, befell rider Jaafar Mirza who withdrew in the fourth and final stage.

London, May 24 (BNA) -- Bahrains Royal Equestrian Team Captain Shaikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa relived last years scenario after
clinching the second position in the Bahrain Endurance Horseride Championship, held in Britain.
Behind him came Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa who ranked third despite his pre-occupation with high education studies.
Shaikh Nasser and Shaikh Khalid were congratulated on their achievement in the exciting and neck-to-neck race.
The Bahraini riders maintained the lead throughout the various stages of the race with Ahmed Abdullah coming first in the 120-km category and Manal Fakhrawi in the third position.
In the 160-km race, rider Raed Mahmoud secured the fourth rank followed by Ghazi Al Dossary while Mohammed Abdulaziz withdrew in the sixth and last stage of the 12-hour race which took place in a relatively cold weather.
Similarly, Shaikh Talal bin Mohammed Al Khalifa and Yousef Taher who were riding Silver Diamond and Cascada respectively failed to finish the race and withdrew in the third stage.
The worst misfortune, however, befell rider Jaafar Mirza who withdrew in the fourth and final stage.
mardi 20 mai 2008
KER's Dr Huntington to Hold Nutrition Seminar in Terengganu
20 May 2008
Dr Peter Huntington has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic
Dr Peter Huntington, Director of Nutrition at Kentucky Equine Research - Australasia, has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic to be held in Terengganu, Malaysia. Dr Huntington will be sharing his expertise in managing the unique nutritional requirements of the endurance horse and the latest research at the seminar to be held on the 27th of June 2008.
The Edaran Endurance Classic is organized by EDARAN Berhad and will be at the same venue as the World Endurance Championships to be held in November of this year.
Dr Peter Huntington has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic
Dr Peter Huntington, Director of Nutrition at Kentucky Equine Research - Australasia, has been invited to present at the 6th Annual Edaran Endurance Classic to be held in Terengganu, Malaysia. Dr Huntington will be sharing his expertise in managing the unique nutritional requirements of the endurance horse and the latest research at the seminar to be held on the 27th of June 2008.
The Edaran Endurance Classic is organized by EDARAN Berhad and will be at the same venue as the World Endurance Championships to be held in November of this year.
lundi 19 mai 2008
Rambouillet 2008
Rambouillet 2008
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup 160km
Raid Yvelines / 90 Km Jeunes Chevaux
Objet : Proposition de Partenariat
Enduro-Cheval en collaboration avec la Ville de Rambouillet et les Emirats du Bahreïn organisent cette année un événement majeur de la saison Endurance Equestre au niveau national comme International :
Une semaine d’endurance équestre pour sélectionner l’équipe qui défendra les couleurs de la France aux Championnats du Monde en Malaisie. Mais aussi une sélection des jeunes chevaux qui disputeront le Mondial des Jeunes Chevaux .
Une semaine dans un cadre chaleureux, dédié à l’endurance en présence des principaux interlocuteurs de la filière endurance pour mettre en valeur votre marque et savoir faire.
Nous vous proposons un partenariat spécifique et adapté à vos besoins.
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur l’expression de mes sincères salutations.
Contact A. LLORCA : allorca@centralys.com
LIENHYPERTEXTE http://www.endurocheval.com"
2 Courses = 2 Sélections = 1 Semaine
Présence de la majorité des professionnels
Vendredi une journée « creuse » pour les contacts
Un village exposant
Une portée médiatique
A 50 km de Paris, accès simples et rapide
Portée médiatique
Plan de communication
Contact Presse et Télévision régionale et nationale
Site Internet (déjà visité plus de 3000 fois depuis le début de l’année)
Présence cible pour les partenaires
Invitations personnalisées des dix premiers cavaliers mondiaux étrangers
Présence des meilleurs cavaliers français
150 cavaliers attendus
Soit plus de 600 personnes sur le site
Mise en évidence du partenaire
Banderoles sur la ligne d’Arrivée et le Podium
Espace d’expositions
Temps de parole
Organisation d’une récompense lors de la remise des Prix
Intégration du logo sur les plaques
Stickers et liens sur le site Internet
Association au nom de la course
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup 160km
Raid Yvelines / 90 Km Jeunes Chevaux
Objet : Proposition de Partenariat
Enduro-Cheval en collaboration avec la Ville de Rambouillet et les Emirats du Bahreïn organisent cette année un événement majeur de la saison Endurance Equestre au niveau national comme International :
Une semaine d’endurance équestre pour sélectionner l’équipe qui défendra les couleurs de la France aux Championnats du Monde en Malaisie. Mais aussi une sélection des jeunes chevaux qui disputeront le Mondial des Jeunes Chevaux .
Une semaine dans un cadre chaleureux, dédié à l’endurance en présence des principaux interlocuteurs de la filière endurance pour mettre en valeur votre marque et savoir faire.
Nous vous proposons un partenariat spécifique et adapté à vos besoins.
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur l’expression de mes sincères salutations.
Contact A. LLORCA : allorca@centralys.com
LIENHYPERTEXTE http://www.endurocheval.com"
2 Courses = 2 Sélections = 1 Semaine
Présence de la majorité des professionnels
Vendredi une journée « creuse » pour les contacts
Un village exposant
Une portée médiatique
A 50 km de Paris, accès simples et rapide
Portée médiatique
Plan de communication
Contact Presse et Télévision régionale et nationale
Site Internet (déjà visité plus de 3000 fois depuis le début de l’année)
Présence cible pour les partenaires
Invitations personnalisées des dix premiers cavaliers mondiaux étrangers
Présence des meilleurs cavaliers français
150 cavaliers attendus
Soit plus de 600 personnes sur le site
Mise en évidence du partenaire
Banderoles sur la ligne d’Arrivée et le Podium
Espace d’expositions
Temps de parole
Organisation d’une récompense lors de la remise des Prix
Intégration du logo sur les plaques
Stickers et liens sur le site Internet
Association au nom de la course
samedi 17 mai 2008
Endurance Rider Part of American Museum of Natural History Exhibit
May 17 2008
A new exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History, "The Horse", opens today in New York City. The exhibit examines the powerful and continuing relationship between the horse and humans, and examines how horses have, over time, changed many facets of human life.
One of the photographic contributors to this exhibit is endurance rider Maryanne Gabbani of Egypt. Her photograph is of Mme. Wegdan el Barbary presenting one of her fillies at a private showing. The owner of Shams el Assil stud in Giza, Egypt, Mme. Barbary ("Dani") has been breeding the Arabian horse for over forty years. Now in her 90's, she is still active at her farm. "She's one of Egypt's national treasures," says Maryanne. "She's forgotten more horse lore than most of us have ever imagined."
Maryanne has been taking random pictures in Egypt for nearly twenty years, and was contacted by the ANHM to ask if they could use her photo.
The exhibition runs through January 4, 2009.
A new exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History, "The Horse", opens today in New York City. The exhibit examines the powerful and continuing relationship between the horse and humans, and examines how horses have, over time, changed many facets of human life.
One of the photographic contributors to this exhibit is endurance rider Maryanne Gabbani of Egypt. Her photograph is of Mme. Wegdan el Barbary presenting one of her fillies at a private showing. The owner of Shams el Assil stud in Giza, Egypt, Mme. Barbary ("Dani") has been breeding the Arabian horse for over forty years. Now in her 90's, she is still active at her farm. "She's one of Egypt's national treasures," says Maryanne. "She's forgotten more horse lore than most of us have ever imagined."
Maryanne has been taking random pictures in Egypt for nearly twenty years, and was contacted by the ANHM to ask if they could use her photo.
The exhibition runs through January 4, 2009.
mardi 29 avril 2008
2008 Championship of Spain!
lundi 28 avril 2008
mercredi 23 avril 2008
Bahrain eyes first Grand Prix

By RAMI Hulayyel
BAHRAIN is bidding to become the first nation in the world to host the Endurance Horseride Grand Prix. The idea, which was masterminded by Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation (Breef) president Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, aims to spread endurance horseride and place Bahrain on the world map.
Following the Bahrain Royal Endurance Team's success by coming second overall in the European Endurance Championship in Portugal, Bahrain is keen to maintain its outstanding reputation as one of the most developed countries in this traditional sport.
Shaikh Nasser will invite senior officials from the World Equestrian Federation (FEI) to visit Bahrain and brief them on the competition, which is similar to motorsports' leading event 'Formula One'.
Shaikh Nasser said the idea of the Grand Prix is to have a series of endurance races in different countries from all around the world, including Bahrain.
The Breef chief confirmed that the federation is preparing for the biggest cash award in this championship which will be sponsored by various companies and establishments in Bahrain.
"If everything goes as planned, this Grand Prix will be held in different locations across the globe and particularly in touristic venues to highlight the history of the countries," said Shaikh Nasser.
"We will discuss all details with the International Equestrian Federation to prepare a complete study about this idea and here at the Bahrain Federation we are very much optimistic about making this dream come true," added the Royal Endurance Team captain.
"Having this event in Bahrain will be a key contributor to the expansion of endurance sport in Bahrain, having been widely practised in Europe, America and Australia. It will also bring many new riders into the competition," he said.
"History of endurance races in Bahrain is very short but with His Majesty King Hamad's support and the efforts of the officials from the national federation have made the Kingdom one of the hot contenders in any regional or international championships," added Shaikh Nasser.
"Endurance activities in Bahrain enjoy the whole-hearted support of His Majesty. By visiting the championships regularly and extending full support to the riders, His Majesty inspired them to achieve higher goals.
"Without the extensive support and encouragement of His Majesty, this sport in Bahrain would never have reached this level of professionalism and worldwide recognition. The riders and the people of Bahrain are proud of His Majesty, who extends his unlimited support to this sport."
One of the fastest growing sports in the world, undoubtedly, is the endurance riding. The kingdom saw the real birth of this sport in its soil on April 7, 2000.
His Majesty instructed to organise the 120km Bahrain International Endurance Horse Riding Championship as two separate races for the riders of UAE and Bahrain with the aim of creating a pool of knowledge for the participants and to help them realise their pitfalls as well as potentials.
UAE Crown Prince and Dubai Ruler Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was the winner from the UAE riders. Among the Bahraini riders, Shaikh Salman bin Saqer Al Khalifa reached the first place.
Inspired by the success of the first international championship, the Kingdom began to organise various types of championships from October to May every year.
The participation of the Royal team in the World Endurance Championship FEI in Italy in September 2003 has proved highly beneficial.
By participating in the championship, Shaikh Nasser, his younger brother Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa and other members, Mohammed Abdul Aziz, Salem Al Otaibi, Saad Al Yami and Manal Fakhrawi, the first Bahraini girl to participate in the world championship, attained valuable experience.
[More ...]
Junior/Young Rider European Endurance Championships 2008

The FEI has received a late Calendar Application from the ESP Federation to host a CEIYJ3* 120km event to be held in Oviedo (ESP) on 3 May.
Oviedo (ESP) is the venue for the Junior and Young Rider European Endurance Championships from 12 to 14 September later this year. It is thought this late Calendar Application will be used as a trial run over the same course, using the same facilities as the Championships to take place later in the year.
The FEI Endurance Committee will appoint the Technical Delegate for the Championships at their meeting to be held in Interlaken (SUI) this April. The appointed TD is then expected to travel to Oviedo in May to oversee the event and make any necessary suggestions and/or recommendations to the Organising Committee in preparation for the Championships.
This is the first time a Junior/Young Rider Championship has been held in Spain since the inaugural Junior/Young Rider World Championships on 8 September 2001. This event had 13 Nations competing with over 50 starters. Team Gold was won by the home nation, Spain, with Individual Gold going to the UAE and HE Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum.

The FEI has received a late Calendar Application from the ESP Federation to host a CEIYJ3* 120km event to be held in Oviedo (ESP) on 3 May.
Oviedo (ESP) is the venue for the Junior and Young Rider European Endurance Championships from 12 to 14 September later this year. It is thought this late Calendar Application will be used as a trial run over the same course, using the same facilities as the Championships to take place later in the year.
The FEI Endurance Committee will appoint the Technical Delegate for the Championships at their meeting to be held in Interlaken (SUI) this April. The appointed TD is then expected to travel to Oviedo in May to oversee the event and make any necessary suggestions and/or recommendations to the Organising Committee in preparation for the Championships.
This is the first time a Junior/Young Rider Championship has been held in Spain since the inaugural Junior/Young Rider World Championships on 8 September 2001. This event had 13 Nations competing with over 50 starters. Team Gold was won by the home nation, Spain, with Individual Gold going to the UAE and HE Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum.
mardi 22 avril 2008
date: 22 04, 2008
jeudi 17 avril 2008
samedi 5 avril 2008
Baquerizo, and team Calle Capture Al-Andalus!!
![]() Jose Anto Calderon Baquerizo and Campanera 1st Place Binomios | ![]() Juan Carlos Dominguez Calle and Humpry 1st Place General | ![]() Francisco Dominguez Calle and Espia 1st Place General |
51 Start - 45 Finish in all Categories!
Riding across Andalucía - For ten days
Complete Coverage of Race
vendredi 4 avril 2008
Al-Andalus: One More Day

photo by Merri Melde
One More Day!!
Day 7 - One More Run!! - Day 7 of the 8 day race across Spain has completed. The riders and horses are resting for the Final run to the finish of this Ride Across Andalusia!
EnduranceEurope.Net complete coverage website
mardi 1 avril 2008
Al Andalus Day 4 - April Fools?

Image by Merri Melde
Riding across Andalucía
Day 4 - April Fools? - Horses and Riders have completed day 4 of the 8 day race across Spain. Jose Anto Calderon Baquerizo riding Campanera have extended their lead to 46 minutes in the Binomios division, while Francisco Domiguez Calle/Espia and Juan Carlos Domingues Calle/Humpry hold a 45 minute lead in the Equipos division.
EnduranceEurope.Net coverage website
lundi 31 mars 2008
Baquerizo Leads after Phase 3 of Al-Andalus

Riding across Andalucía
2008 Horses and Riders have completed day 3 of the 8 day race across Spain. Jose Anto Calderon Baquerizo riding Campanera have achieved a 34 minuite lead in the Binomios division, while Francisco Domiguez Calle/Espia and Juan Carlos Domingues Calle/Humpry hold a 36 minute lead in the Equipos division.
EnduranceEurope.Net coverage website
Need Sleep! - Merri Melde
2008 Tierras de Al-Andalus in Spain

photo: D. Francisco López Maeso (Paco) and Red Express at 2007 Tierras de Al-Andalus
Riding across Andalucía
In 2007 - they treked east to west. This year, it will be west to east, starting in Seville. The first two days will take riders towards the Atlantic coast where they will follow the coastline to the south. They will then turn inland toward the north and west and ride across central Andalucía. Steph will be riding and Merri will follow along to document and share in this fantastic experience: ten days traversing Spain's southern province of Andalucia as guests of the 2008 Tierras de Al-Andalus!
EnduranceEurope.Net coverage website
My Suitcase is Fish - Merri Melde
mardi 18 mars 2008
Belgium: HELCHTEREN 3/16
More: Endurance-Belgium.com
Many participants for this first race of the season in the north of Belgium, between the cities of Hasselt and Genk. The event was organized in the area of the military camp. Very beautiful landscapes: moors, yellow grass, heather. Some ponds punctuated the trail where it would have been nice to stop and watch the birds and the ducks.
At times, a beautiful light for the photos, further accentuated by the dry yellow grass.
lundi 17 mars 2008
dimanche 16 mars 2008
Nordic-Baltic Endurance Championship 2008
Nordic-Baltic Endurance Championship 2008
Nordic-Baltic Championships, Endurance CEI3* and CEIJYR 3* in Jämijärvi, Finland 23-25.5.2008
CEI 3* 125 km Nordic/Baltic Championship (Art. 128,129,130,833)
For the Nordic/Baltic Championships the following countries are invited:Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Denmark.Best riders/teams from these countries will be awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze medals in Nordic/Baltic Championships 2008
CEIJYR 3* 125 km Nordic/Baltic Championship (Art. 128,129,130,833)
Open for Juniors and Young Riders For the Nordic/Baltic Championships the following countries are invited: Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Denmark. Best riders from these countries will be awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze medals in Nordic/Baltic Championships 2008
Offical website
Nordic-Baltic Championships, Endurance CEI3* and CEIJYR 3* in Jämijärvi, Finland 23-25.5.2008
CEI 3* 125 km Nordic/Baltic Championship (Art. 128,129,130,833)
For the Nordic/Baltic Championships the following countries are invited:Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Denmark.Best riders/teams from these countries will be awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze medals in Nordic/Baltic Championships 2008
CEIJYR 3* 125 km Nordic/Baltic Championship (Art. 128,129,130,833)
Open for Juniors and Young Riders For the Nordic/Baltic Championships the following countries are invited: Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Denmark. Best riders from these countries will be awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze medals in Nordic/Baltic Championships 2008
Offical website
les Ardennes Belges à Mont Le Soie
Les organisateurs du premier CEIO de la saison vous invitent à venir
découvrir les Ardennes Belges à Mont Le Soie, à quelques 20kms du circuit
automobile de Spa-Francorchamps.

www.montlesoie.be website
découvrir les Ardennes Belges à Mont Le Soie, à quelques 20kms du circuit
automobile de Spa-Francorchamps.

www.montlesoie.be website
France to display its expertise at Dubai horse fair
The International Horse Fair to be held in Dubai from 20 to 22 March 2008 will feature a French pavilion, managed by UBIFRANCE, welcoming a dozen French businesses as representatives of the horse industry.
France undeniably has important assets in this market, with approximately 1 million equids, including 350,000 as stock, 200,000 horses used for racing or competition, and 250,000 horses for recreational purposes.
The French sector boasts excellent expertise in the fields of genetics, breeding and training.
The Selle Français and Anglo-Arabian breeds stand out in Olympic sports and perform very well in the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) and the World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses (WBFSH) rankings of the best studbooks in the world for the year 2007.
The Selle Français is in second place of the year's rankings for show jumping, as well as for the three-day event where it is just ahead of the Anglo-Arabian, which ranks third.
The English Thoroughbred makes the French offering's reputation overseas. In 2007, all of the industry's professionals were awarded prizes. National training crowned the best horse in the world according to ratings (handicap value).
French breeding, on the other hand, elected the two best European fillies in their categories (2 years, and 3 years and over).
French breeding also shone in the international performance arena, with Group 1 race victories in the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. On the occasion of the Dubai World Cup 2008, French breeding will be represented by several of its products.
The Arabian Thoroughbred is accumulating achievements in both flat and endurance racing. On the international racecourses in 2007, French breeders reaped fifteen of the nineteen Group 1 PA races run in France, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.
The French endurance teams held top positions in individual and team rankings in international championships, alongside UAE horsemen, also very skilled at riding French horses.
Horses hold great promise for the future in the area of recreation, as a source of business, jobs and vitality in agricultural and non-agricultural areas alike.
The French businesses on display at the France pavilion invite you to come and meet them in Hall 4 of the Dubai World Trade Centre.
French government-run enterprise Les Haras Nationaux (national stud farms) and horse breeding and trade professional organisations, represented by UNIC (Union Nationale Interprofessionnelle du Cheval), will be among the exhibitors.
The industry's businesses will present their innovations in feed, hygiene, horse health and nutrition, reproduction techniques, transport, farriery, events, and more.
Artists will display their works, paintings, drawings and porcelain, all centring around a shared passion: the horse.
France undeniably has important assets in this market, with approximately 1 million equids, including 350,000 as stock, 200,000 horses used for racing or competition, and 250,000 horses for recreational purposes.
The French sector boasts excellent expertise in the fields of genetics, breeding and training.
The Selle Français and Anglo-Arabian breeds stand out in Olympic sports and perform very well in the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) and the World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses (WBFSH) rankings of the best studbooks in the world for the year 2007.
The Selle Français is in second place of the year's rankings for show jumping, as well as for the three-day event where it is just ahead of the Anglo-Arabian, which ranks third.
The English Thoroughbred makes the French offering's reputation overseas. In 2007, all of the industry's professionals were awarded prizes. National training crowned the best horse in the world according to ratings (handicap value).
French breeding, on the other hand, elected the two best European fillies in their categories (2 years, and 3 years and over).
French breeding also shone in the international performance arena, with Group 1 race victories in the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. On the occasion of the Dubai World Cup 2008, French breeding will be represented by several of its products.
The Arabian Thoroughbred is accumulating achievements in both flat and endurance racing. On the international racecourses in 2007, French breeders reaped fifteen of the nineteen Group 1 PA races run in France, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.
The French endurance teams held top positions in individual and team rankings in international championships, alongside UAE horsemen, also very skilled at riding French horses.
Horses hold great promise for the future in the area of recreation, as a source of business, jobs and vitality in agricultural and non-agricultural areas alike.
The French businesses on display at the France pavilion invite you to come and meet them in Hall 4 of the Dubai World Trade Centre.
French government-run enterprise Les Haras Nationaux (national stud farms) and horse breeding and trade professional organisations, represented by UNIC (Union Nationale Interprofessionnelle du Cheval), will be among the exhibitors.
The industry's businesses will present their innovations in feed, hygiene, horse health and nutrition, reproduction techniques, transport, farriery, events, and more.
Artists will display their works, paintings, drawings and porcelain, all centring around a shared passion: the horse.
samedi 15 mars 2008
Shaikh Hamdan races to victory in Bahrain

The event, which was held at the Bahrain International Endurance Horseride Village in Sakhir, saw top riders from Bahrain and other GCC countries compete in both the senior and junior races which were over 120km each.
Each race was divided into five stages with 30km for the first two stages, 25km for the third, 20km for the fourth and 15km for the fifth.
It was the UAE riders who dominated both races and took the top four positions in the senior race besides a first-place finish in the junior race. Shaikh Hamdan, son of the UAE vice-president and Dubai ruler Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, steered Wadhnan to victory with a total ride time of four hours, 57 minutes and 51 seconds.
Behind him was compatriot Omair Al Belooshi in 4:57:53 with Mohammed Al Saboosi, also of the UAE, third in 5:09:33. Mohammed Al Mahlasi (5:09:53) of Saudi Arabia's Kingdom Team came fourth and UAE's Shaikh Majid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum (5:10:38) fifth.
Bahrain's best result in the senior race was achieved by Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation president Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa who finished sixth overall riding Omsura Asrohn in 5:13:19.
In the junior race, Rashid came on top with Shaikha Najla bint Salman Al Khalifa of Ahmed Al Fateh Stable in second place and Abdulla Al Khatry of Al Asayel Stable third.
The top 10 riders in each race were honoured at the prize-giving ceremony held right after the races. The prizes were presented by His Majesty King Hamad and representatives of the three companies which sponsored the event.
The sponsoring companies were Al Areen Holding Company, Gulf Holding Company and International Bank.
Shaikh Hamdan was presented with the event's top prize of a vehicle worth BD16,000 and a special sword which was presented by His Majesty. An award of BD7,000 was presented to the runner-up, BD6,000 for third place, BD5,000 for fourth and BD4,000 for fifth.
The remaining five riders were also honoured with six place winning BD3,000, BD2,500 for seventh, BD2,000 for eighth, BD1,500 for ninth and BD1,000 for 10th place.
Rashid claimed the junior race cash award of BD6,000 while the runner-up received BD5,000.
The third-place winner was given BD4,000, BD3,000 for fourth place, BD2,500 for fifth, BD2,000 for sixth, BD1,500 for seventh, BD1,000 for eighth, BD800 for ninth and BD600 for 10th.
The event was also attended by the Crown Prince and Supreme Council for Youth and Sports President Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Commander of the National Guard Shaikh Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa and senior Breef officials.
vendredi 14 mars 2008
OMEGA supports Endurance Cup
11 January 2008
Khaleej Times
DUBAI — The prestigious Swiss watchmaker OMEGA announced its partnership with the Dubai Equestrian Club as 4-year sponsor of the His Highness Shaikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup Endurance Race, which will take place at the Dubai Endurance City under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, on January 12, a Press release said.
"Endurance horse racing is a sport that demands perseverance, dedication and a great deal of understanding between the horse and its rider," said Nayla Hayek, member of the Swatch Group Management Board of Directors. "OMEGA appreciates and thrives on such qualities through creating watches that are assembled with extreme devotion and built to last," she added.
Endurance is a relatively young sport but one that is exceedingly challenging for the competitors, their steeds as well as the timekeepers due to the distances involved. The 160km race requires the horses to be checked by veterinarians at numerous intervals along the way before being allowed to continue. Competitors' times must be clocked at the different gates and a complete overview of time maintained throughout the race which can last well over 10 hours.
Khaleej Times
DUBAI — The prestigious Swiss watchmaker OMEGA announced its partnership with the Dubai Equestrian Club as 4-year sponsor of the His Highness Shaikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup Endurance Race, which will take place at the Dubai Endurance City under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, on January 12, a Press release said.
"Endurance horse racing is a sport that demands perseverance, dedication and a great deal of understanding between the horse and its rider," said Nayla Hayek, member of the Swatch Group Management Board of Directors. "OMEGA appreciates and thrives on such qualities through creating watches that are assembled with extreme devotion and built to last," she added.
Endurance is a relatively young sport but one that is exceedingly challenging for the competitors, their steeds as well as the timekeepers due to the distances involved. The 160km race requires the horses to be checked by veterinarians at numerous intervals along the way before being allowed to continue. Competitors' times must be clocked at the different gates and a complete overview of time maintained throughout the race which can last well over 10 hours.
mardi 11 mars 2008
La Musique du Galop
Endurance-belgium.com - Full Article
La Musique du Galop
Notes de Anne Caumont, traduction Léonard Liesens
Avec le décès de Pierre Cazes durant l'été 2005, l'endurance internationale a perdu son Maître, il ne faut pas avoir peur de le dire. Ce texte qui a été compilé par Anne Caumont en 1998 après un stage animé par Pierre Cazes, n'a peut-être pas été assez lu et médité par ceux qui aiment cette discipline. J'aime beaucoup cette expression de la "musique du galop". Tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de faire corps avec un cheval capable de produire cette musique va comprendre. J'ai essayé de traduire - vite - en anglais ce témoignage. Que mes amis anglophones me pardonne les fautes d'expression.
With the loss of Pierre Cazes during the summer of 2005, the international endurance community lost his Master. We should not be shy to say that. The following text has been written by Anne Caumont while attending a clinic ran by Pierre in 1998. This text hasn't been read enough by international riders. Cazes invented during the Toulouse group meeting the expression "To finish first is to win" which demonstrates his cold humour sense. Another expression used in this text is "The music of Canter". I tried to quickly translate this report to English. So do not kill the messenger…
Léonard Liesens
A peine rentrée du stage d'endurance proposé par le CNREE à Gérardmer en cette fin Août, je prends la plume (électronique, rassurez-vous), pour vous faire profiter des enseignements de Pierre Cazes. Point ne devrait être besoin de présenter l'entraîneur de l'équipe de France d'endurance, mais soyons lucides, malgré un développement spectaculaire, l'endurance est loin d'être aussi médiatisée que l'obstacle, lui-même loin derrière le football. Pierre Cazes, donc, a amené l'équipe de France au plus haut niveau mondial avec deux médailles d'or par équipe obtenues haut la main et un certain nombre en individuel, ce qui devrait suffire à vous convaincre de la pertinence de ses propos.
I'm just back from a clinic which was given by Pierre Cazes at Gerardmer (East of France) end august and I'm now busy at my keyboard to try to share his thoughts with you. No need to introduce the national trainer of the French Team, but let's be neutral anyway. Endurance is not known like jumping, not to speak about football. Pierre Cazes brought the French Team several times at the highest level with several team gold medals and individual medals. His words are so clear and pertinent.
La Musique du Galop
Notes de Anne Caumont, traduction Léonard Liesens
Avec le décès de Pierre Cazes durant l'été 2005, l'endurance internationale a perdu son Maître, il ne faut pas avoir peur de le dire. Ce texte qui a été compilé par Anne Caumont en 1998 après un stage animé par Pierre Cazes, n'a peut-être pas été assez lu et médité par ceux qui aiment cette discipline. J'aime beaucoup cette expression de la "musique du galop". Tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de faire corps avec un cheval capable de produire cette musique va comprendre. J'ai essayé de traduire - vite - en anglais ce témoignage. Que mes amis anglophones me pardonne les fautes d'expression.
With the loss of Pierre Cazes during the summer of 2005, the international endurance community lost his Master. We should not be shy to say that. The following text has been written by Anne Caumont while attending a clinic ran by Pierre in 1998. This text hasn't been read enough by international riders. Cazes invented during the Toulouse group meeting the expression "To finish first is to win" which demonstrates his cold humour sense. Another expression used in this text is "The music of Canter". I tried to quickly translate this report to English. So do not kill the messenger…
Léonard Liesens
A peine rentrée du stage d'endurance proposé par le CNREE à Gérardmer en cette fin Août, je prends la plume (électronique, rassurez-vous), pour vous faire profiter des enseignements de Pierre Cazes. Point ne devrait être besoin de présenter l'entraîneur de l'équipe de France d'endurance, mais soyons lucides, malgré un développement spectaculaire, l'endurance est loin d'être aussi médiatisée que l'obstacle, lui-même loin derrière le football. Pierre Cazes, donc, a amené l'équipe de France au plus haut niveau mondial avec deux médailles d'or par équipe obtenues haut la main et un certain nombre en individuel, ce qui devrait suffire à vous convaincre de la pertinence de ses propos.
I'm just back from a clinic which was given by Pierre Cazes at Gerardmer (East of France) end august and I'm now busy at my keyboard to try to share his thoughts with you. No need to introduce the national trainer of the French Team, but let's be neutral anyway. Endurance is not known like jumping, not to speak about football. Pierre Cazes brought the French Team several times at the highest level with several team gold medals and individual medals. His words are so clear and pertinent.
samedi 8 mars 2008
New strangles blood test is now available
H&H news desk
7 March, 2008
Horse owners have a significant new weapon against strangles — a diagnostic blood test that became available on 1 March. An effective vaccination for the disease is expected soon.
Jan Wade of the Animal Health Trust (AHT) which, with the British Horse Society (BHS) launched the Breaking the Strangles Hold campaign in February last year, said: "The test will identify the two specific antigens present in the blood of infected horses as little as two weeks after exposure to the disease.
"We also now have a vaccine and it has gone through all the safety testing. We just have to complete the efficacy testing which normally takes around six months. We are very excited."
A strangles vaccine was lauched by Intervet in November 2004 but deemed not effective enough and withdrawn in January 2007. The AHT has not decided who will market the new vaccine.
The BHS campaign was launched to raise £250,000 to fund research into eradicating the highly infectious disease.
For four years AHT scientists have been analysing the genetic structure of streptococcus equi, the bacterium that causes strangles.
A negative test taken more than two weeks after potential exposure to the disease will indicate, with 95% confidence, that a horse is free from infection. A positive test could also indicate the horse has had strangles, but has fully recovered, or that it is a carrier of the disease, though showing no signs.
H&H news desk
7 March, 2008
Horse owners have a significant new weapon against strangles — a diagnostic blood test that became available on 1 March. An effective vaccination for the disease is expected soon.
Jan Wade of the Animal Health Trust (AHT) which, with the British Horse Society (BHS) launched the Breaking the Strangles Hold campaign in February last year, said: "The test will identify the two specific antigens present in the blood of infected horses as little as two weeks after exposure to the disease.
"We also now have a vaccine and it has gone through all the safety testing. We just have to complete the efficacy testing which normally takes around six months. We are very excited."
A strangles vaccine was lauched by Intervet in November 2004 but deemed not effective enough and withdrawn in January 2007. The AHT has not decided who will market the new vaccine.
The BHS campaign was launched to raise £250,000 to fund research into eradicating the highly infectious disease.
For four years AHT scientists have been analysing the genetic structure of streptococcus equi, the bacterium that causes strangles.
A negative test taken more than two weeks after potential exposure to the disease will indicate, with 95% confidence, that a horse is free from infection. A positive test could also indicate the horse has had strangles, but has fully recovered, or that it is a carrier of the disease, though showing no signs.
Riding in Argentina
4th March 2008
EGB member and British Endurance Team member Beccy Broughton has just returned from a month in Argentina - riding and working with real life gauchos....
It had seemed a remote plan when last summer Daniel Videla had talked about his farm in Argentina and his horses and how would Beccy like to go over in the winter with Fiona Fairhurst and be involved in the Princes Trust Challenge ride for charity. Suddenly it was Christmas and flights were booked, clothing bought and a whole chemist shop raided for a variety of medicines - just in case – were bought. The kit bag was packed – amazingly under weight – and the adventure began.
Riding all day over rugged terrain and over high mountain passes from Argentina to Chile at altitudes of over 4,800 metres Beccy rode over 600kms in 12 days and had many adventures. After the first trek the gauchos were a man down and offered Beccy the opportunity to go on a second trek, this time for the Anthony Nolan Trust. Beccy disappeared back into the mountains whilst Fiona and her mum returned home.
Beccy eventually returned home last weekend and is now busy preparing horses for competition this summer.
For more information about her experiences in Argentina and photos of the treks log in to www.beccybroughton.co.uk
4th March 2008
EGB member and British Endurance Team member Beccy Broughton has just returned from a month in Argentina - riding and working with real life gauchos....
It had seemed a remote plan when last summer Daniel Videla had talked about his farm in Argentina and his horses and how would Beccy like to go over in the winter with Fiona Fairhurst and be involved in the Princes Trust Challenge ride for charity. Suddenly it was Christmas and flights were booked, clothing bought and a whole chemist shop raided for a variety of medicines - just in case – were bought. The kit bag was packed – amazingly under weight – and the adventure began.
Riding all day over rugged terrain and over high mountain passes from Argentina to Chile at altitudes of over 4,800 metres Beccy rode over 600kms in 12 days and had many adventures. After the first trek the gauchos were a man down and offered Beccy the opportunity to go on a second trek, this time for the Anthony Nolan Trust. Beccy disappeared back into the mountains whilst Fiona and her mum returned home.
Beccy eventually returned home last weekend and is now busy preparing horses for competition this summer.
For more information about her experiences in Argentina and photos of the treks log in to www.beccybroughton.co.uk
jeudi 28 février 2008
FG reader in successful Andes charity trek - Feb 29 2008
Farmersguardian.com - Full Story
Farmer and FG reader, Lenice Bell, has survived a tough trek on horseback across Argentina and Chile on behalf of the Anthony Nolan Trust, raising £4,600 for the charity.
The trek, one of the trust’s Ultimate Challenges, meant up to 10 hours a day in the saddle for the 10 participants (pictured above). They made rough camp each night on the route, which ran from the mountains above Mendoza on the Argentine border to the western side of the Andes on the Chilean border.
Lenice said: “The whole experience was incredible – a true challenge. I’m a country person, but this was just wonderful – the wilderness was amazing.
“We saw so many wild flowers, condors, humming birds – the eagles flew so low you could see the yellow of their beaks and I’d never have thought I’d get a buzz out of seeing puma poo!
“We had fantastic people in our group – everyone really supported each other when we had our difficult times...
Farmer and FG reader, Lenice Bell, has survived a tough trek on horseback across Argentina and Chile on behalf of the Anthony Nolan Trust, raising £4,600 for the charity.
The trek, one of the trust’s Ultimate Challenges, meant up to 10 hours a day in the saddle for the 10 participants (pictured above). They made rough camp each night on the route, which ran from the mountains above Mendoza on the Argentine border to the western side of the Andes on the Chilean border.
Lenice said: “The whole experience was incredible – a true challenge. I’m a country person, but this was just wonderful – the wilderness was amazing.
“We saw so many wild flowers, condors, humming birds – the eagles flew so low you could see the yellow of their beaks and I’d never have thought I’d get a buzz out of seeing puma poo!
“We had fantastic people in our group – everyone really supported each other when we had our difficult times...
Canada: Hall of Fame award for Canadian endurance rider
Horsetalk.co.nz - Full Story
Endurance stalwart Nancy Beacon is the first recipient of Endurance Canada's Hall of Fame Award.
Beacon of Flesherton, Ontario, has contributed significantly to the development of the endurance sport, in both Ontario and Canada. Over the years she has spent considerable time mentoring up-and-coming riders, including allowing them to compete on her veteran horses to get started in the sport. Many of today's top riders owe their start in the sport to Beacon.
She was founding member of Canadian Long Distance Riders Association, has been a Lay Judge at many rides over the years, worked as a course designer for many rides, been the Trail Master for several Federation Equestre International (FEI) rides held in Ontario, and hosted the first Canadian FEI Endurance competition in 1989 in Ontario.
Beacon has also competed in many FEI rides during her career...
Endurance stalwart Nancy Beacon is the first recipient of Endurance Canada's Hall of Fame Award.
Beacon of Flesherton, Ontario, has contributed significantly to the development of the endurance sport, in both Ontario and Canada. Over the years she has spent considerable time mentoring up-and-coming riders, including allowing them to compete on her veteran horses to get started in the sport. Many of today's top riders owe their start in the sport to Beacon.
She was founding member of Canadian Long Distance Riders Association, has been a Lay Judge at many rides over the years, worked as a course designer for many rides, been the Trail Master for several Federation Equestre International (FEI) rides held in Ontario, and hosted the first Canadian FEI Endurance competition in 1989 in Ontario.
Beacon has also competed in many FEI rides during her career...
lundi 25 février 2008
vendredi 22 février 2008
Australian State Declared Free of Equine Influenza - Feb 14 2008
Thehorse.com - Full Story
Less than six months after the first horse was infected, all properties in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) have been declared free of equine influenza.
"I can say today that not one horse in NSW is now known to have equine influenza," said Ian Macdonald, NSW primary industries minister.
At the peak of outbreak, more than 41,000 horses were infected on more than 5,800 properties.
Macdonald said the government has spent more than $46 million containing the exotic disease, which escaped from a government quarantine center. More than 100,000 horses have since been vaccinated.
"Today is a tribute both to the people who have been directly engaged in the battle against (influenza) and the horse industries, and the thousands of horse owners across the state whose vigilance, discipline and cooperation have been critical to stopping the spread of the virus," Macdonald said.
The government's goal has been to totally eradicate equine influenza from NSW by mid-March.
"Extensive testing is on-going to ensure we have not missed any isolated pockets of disease and it is vital that horse owners remain vigilant, report any sick horses, and observe movement restrictions," Macdonald said.
As part of the influenza campaign the state government has:
* Vaccinated approximately 50,000 horses;
* Carried out over 100,000 tests at the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute;
* Established more than 20 control and vaccination centers across NSW;
* Enlisted an influenza workforce of about 2,000;
* Implemented a successful zoning system to free up movements and allow breeding season to be undertaken and racing to resume.
Less than six months after the first horse was infected, all properties in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) have been declared free of equine influenza.
"I can say today that not one horse in NSW is now known to have equine influenza," said Ian Macdonald, NSW primary industries minister.
At the peak of outbreak, more than 41,000 horses were infected on more than 5,800 properties.
Macdonald said the government has spent more than $46 million containing the exotic disease, which escaped from a government quarantine center. More than 100,000 horses have since been vaccinated.
"Today is a tribute both to the people who have been directly engaged in the battle against (influenza) and the horse industries, and the thousands of horse owners across the state whose vigilance, discipline and cooperation have been critical to stopping the spread of the virus," Macdonald said.
The government's goal has been to totally eradicate equine influenza from NSW by mid-March.
"Extensive testing is on-going to ensure we have not missed any isolated pockets of disease and it is vital that horse owners remain vigilant, report any sick horses, and observe movement restrictions," Macdonald said.
As part of the influenza campaign the state government has:
* Vaccinated approximately 50,000 horses;
* Carried out over 100,000 tests at the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute;
* Established more than 20 control and vaccination centers across NSW;
* Enlisted an influenza workforce of about 2,000;
* Implemented a successful zoning system to free up movements and allow breeding season to be undertaken and racing to resume.
jeudi 21 février 2008
Australia : Foreign interest shown in outback camel trek
Abc.net.au - Full Story
Posted Thu Feb 21, 2008
A 150 kilometre camel endurance race being planned in western Queensland is attracting international interest.
Arid Lands Australia will hold its inaugural festival in Hughenden in August and says it is about to issue an official invitation to the president of the United Arab Emirates to attend the event.
President Paddy McHugh says the race will offer $50,000 in prize money and he is confident people from across the globe will attend.
"Absolutely ... the United Arab Emirates will have at least two or three vets who will be part of the veterinary team," he said.
"Then we've got interest coming from Canada, America, New Zealand, Malaysia - there's little bits of bites - we've got some interest out of Saudi Arabia as well to come and view the race.
"You've got to remember with the camels over there, it is their lifestyle, their world and for us to do something like this over here, they pay a bit of attention to it I suppose."
Posted Thu Feb 21, 2008
A 150 kilometre camel endurance race being planned in western Queensland is attracting international interest.
Arid Lands Australia will hold its inaugural festival in Hughenden in August and says it is about to issue an official invitation to the president of the United Arab Emirates to attend the event.
President Paddy McHugh says the race will offer $50,000 in prize money and he is confident people from across the globe will attend.
"Absolutely ... the United Arab Emirates will have at least two or three vets who will be part of the veterinary team," he said.
"Then we've got interest coming from Canada, America, New Zealand, Malaysia - there's little bits of bites - we've got some interest out of Saudi Arabia as well to come and view the race.
"You've got to remember with the camels over there, it is their lifestyle, their world and for us to do something like this over here, they pay a bit of attention to it I suppose."
mardi 19 février 2008
NZ horses and rides in top endurance rankings
February 20
Top New Zealand-bred horse Dell Hama, who is currently equal second in the FEI's world endurance horse rankings.
Picture: Endurance.net
New Zealand horses and riders have featured prominently in the recently released 2008 FEI World Rankings.
The FEI has added two new categories to the rankings, the Open Horse and Junior/Young Rider Horse categories. Rankings include events up to 11 February.
In the Open Horse category, Dell Hama is equal second with fellow New Zealand-bred Rhan. Dell Hama won the 2008 Dubai World Challenge earlier this month, and Rhan was the victor in the South Island 160km championship last month.
Of the riders, New Zealand's Alison Higgins (11) is the sole non-UAE rider in the registered rider world ranking list, which is topped by Hamad Mohd Al Ahbabi.
In the Junior/Young Rider rankings, Kiwi Jaime Heywood is third equal. Vigar Shamah is ranked third in the junior/young rider horse rankings.
February 20

Picture: Endurance.net
New Zealand horses and riders have featured prominently in the recently released 2008 FEI World Rankings.
The FEI has added two new categories to the rankings, the Open Horse and Junior/Young Rider Horse categories. Rankings include events up to 11 February.
In the Open Horse category, Dell Hama is equal second with fellow New Zealand-bred Rhan. Dell Hama won the 2008 Dubai World Challenge earlier this month, and Rhan was the victor in the South Island 160km championship last month.
Of the riders, New Zealand's Alison Higgins (11) is the sole non-UAE rider in the registered rider world ranking list, which is topped by Hamad Mohd Al Ahbabi.
In the Junior/Young Rider rankings, Kiwi Jaime Heywood is third equal. Vigar Shamah is ranked third in the junior/young rider horse rankings.
jeudi 7 février 2008
Fast Track 'Window' Extended to FEI Veterinarians - Feb 7 2008
Following on from the successful Fast Track process for the *Rating of FEI Endurance Judges, the FEI introduced a similar process for the *Rating of FEI Endurance Veterinarians at the start of 2007.
By 31 December 2007 most FEI National Federations had registered their FEI Veterinarians using the *Rating Criteria as circulated by the NFs at the end of 2006.
In order to allow those Federations who have yet to submit their registrations an extension of time, the cut off date for using the FEI Veterinary Fast Track option will now close on 31 March 2008.
Thereafter, any FEI Endurance Veterinarian who wishes to become *Rated must follow the full criteria as defined.
As agreed, the use of *Rated Endurance Veterinarians at *Rated Endurance rides will remain voluntary throughout 2008. This will become compulsory starting January 2009.
Following on from the successful Fast Track process for the *Rating of FEI Endurance Judges, the FEI introduced a similar process for the *Rating of FEI Endurance Veterinarians at the start of 2007.
By 31 December 2007 most FEI National Federations had registered their FEI Veterinarians using the *Rating Criteria as circulated by the NFs at the end of 2006.
In order to allow those Federations who have yet to submit their registrations an extension of time, the cut off date for using the FEI Veterinary Fast Track option will now close on 31 March 2008.
Thereafter, any FEI Endurance Veterinarian who wishes to become *Rated must follow the full criteria as defined.
As agreed, the use of *Rated Endurance Veterinarians at *Rated Endurance rides will remain voluntary throughout 2008. This will become compulsory starting January 2009.
mardi 5 février 2008
Endurance Britain helps Buckinghamshire rescue horses
February 6, 2008
Endurance GB, the governing body for the sport of endurance riding in Great Britain, has donated £1000 to Redwings Horse Sanctuary to support the work that the charity is doing treating horses rescued from Spindles Farm in Amersham.
Following the biggest rescue operation ever mounted by combined charities, there was much discussion on the Forum section of EGB's website, about what members could do to show support for the rescue, and help the charities involved. After discussion at the Management Committee, it was decided that, in accordance with a principal tenet of EGB 'welfare of the horse is paramount' a substantial donation would be the best way to show the concern of EGB members, and would be the quickest way to give tangible help for the horses.
"There were many requests from ride organisers for permission to ask entrants for an extra £1 at rides, to collect for Operation Esther, or permission to run events specifically to raise money for the rescued horses," said John Yeoman, chairman of Endurance GB. "But the management committee felt that a more immediate response was called for, and that is what led us to give this substantial donation."
Operation Esther had its beginning when Horse and Hound online forum member Michelle Mortimer placed a plea on the site for people to give up a luxury and donate that money to the charities concerned.
Operation Esther is named after the youngest donkey rescued from the farm. Esther and her mum Mary were taken to Redwings sanctuary, where she was given her name.
"Everybody involved with Operation Esther and the collection of donations has really taken it to their hearts and we are all very grateful," Michelle said.
"It is brilliant to be able to help the charities who took in not only these equines, but take in rescued horses, ponies and donkeys all year round."
February 6, 2008
Endurance GB, the governing body for the sport of endurance riding in Great Britain, has donated £1000 to Redwings Horse Sanctuary to support the work that the charity is doing treating horses rescued from Spindles Farm in Amersham.
Following the biggest rescue operation ever mounted by combined charities, there was much discussion on the Forum section of EGB's website, about what members could do to show support for the rescue, and help the charities involved. After discussion at the Management Committee, it was decided that, in accordance with a principal tenet of EGB 'welfare of the horse is paramount' a substantial donation would be the best way to show the concern of EGB members, and would be the quickest way to give tangible help for the horses.
"There were many requests from ride organisers for permission to ask entrants for an extra £1 at rides, to collect for Operation Esther, or permission to run events specifically to raise money for the rescued horses," said John Yeoman, chairman of Endurance GB. "But the management committee felt that a more immediate response was called for, and that is what led us to give this substantial donation."
Operation Esther had its beginning when Horse and Hound online forum member Michelle Mortimer placed a plea on the site for people to give up a luxury and donate that money to the charities concerned.
Operation Esther is named after the youngest donkey rescued from the farm. Esther and her mum Mary were taken to Redwings sanctuary, where she was given her name.
"Everybody involved with Operation Esther and the collection of donations has really taken it to their hearts and we are all very grateful," Michelle said.
"It is brilliant to be able to help the charities who took in not only these equines, but take in rescued horses, ponies and donkeys all year round."
PETA vs. Bin Laden: News Stranger Than Fiction - Feb 5 2008

The Jurga Report - Full Story
February 5 2008
Two unlikely newsmakers share a story this week. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has spoken out against a proposed endurance horse race across North Africa that would replace this year's Paris-to-Dakar car race.
The famous off-road car race was canceled for security reasons, fearing terrorist intervention.
Enter Omar Osama bin Laden, the 26-year-old estranged son of Al Queda leader Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden the Younger has proposed a horse race to replace the car race, and is serving as spokesman and organizer, with his British wife. The race would cover 4800 km (roughly 3000 miles) and the horses would "race" 30 miles per day.
Bin Laden refers to the project in the international press as a "peace mission".
PETA calls it cruelty...
vendredi 18 janvier 2008
Two Canadian Riders Opt Out of Olympics - Jan 18 2008
Thehorse.com - Full story
by: Christa Lesté-Lasserre
January 12 2008, Article # 11156
Three top dressage riders--one from Switzerland and two from Canada—have renounced their participation in the 2008 summer Olympics in China, citing potential equine health hazards posed by extreme climate and travel conditions.
Canadian riders Cindy Ishoy and Ashley Nicoll-Holzer, members of the 1988 bronze-winning team in Seoul, announced their withdrawal from the Hong Kong-based events late Thursday, according to Canada's Globe and Mail, two days after Swiss rider Silvia Iklé announced that she would not participate in the games in order to protect the health of her horses, Salieri CH and Romario.
"It was with great difficulty that I came to this decision …
by: Christa Lesté-Lasserre
January 12 2008, Article # 11156
Three top dressage riders--one from Switzerland and two from Canada—have renounced their participation in the 2008 summer Olympics in China, citing potential equine health hazards posed by extreme climate and travel conditions.
Canadian riders Cindy Ishoy and Ashley Nicoll-Holzer, members of the 1988 bronze-winning team in Seoul, announced their withdrawal from the Hong Kong-based events late Thursday, according to Canada's Globe and Mail, two days after Swiss rider Silvia Iklé announced that she would not participate in the games in order to protect the health of her horses, Salieri CH and Romario.
"It was with great difficulty that I came to this decision …
jeudi 17 janvier 2008
Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist - Jan 17 2008
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Omar Osama bin Laden bears a striking resemblance to his notorious father - except for the dreadlocks that dangle halfway down his back. Then there's the black leather biker jacket.
The 26-year-old does not renounce his father, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, but in an interview with The Associated Press, he said there is better way to defend Islam than militancy: Omar wants to be an "ambassador for peace" between Muslims and the West.
Omar - one of bin Laden's 19 children - raised a tabloid storm last year when he married a 52-year-old British woman, Jane Felix-Browne, who took the name Zaina Alsabah. Now the couple say they want to be advocates, planning a 3,000-mile horse race across North Africa to draw attention to the cause of peace.
"It's about changing the ideas of the Western mind. A lot of people think Arabs - especially the bin Ladens, especially the sons of Osama - are all terrorists. This is not the truth," Omar told the AP last week at a cafe in a Cairo shopping mall.
Of course, many may have a hard time getting their mind around the idea of "bin Laden: peacenik."
"Omar thinks he can be a negotiator," said Alsabah, who is trying to bring her husband to Britain. "He's one of the only people who can do this in the world."
Omar lived with the al-Qaida leader in Sudan, then moved with him to Afghanistan in 1996.
There, Omar says he trained at an al-Qaida camp but in 2000 he decided there must be another way and he left his father, returning to his homeland of Saudi Arabia.
"I don't want to be in that situation to just fight. I like to find another way and this other way may be like we do now, talking," he said in English.
He suggested his father did not oppose his leaving - and Alsabah interjected that Omar was courageous in breaking away, but neither elaborated.
Although there is no way to confirm the details he describes of his childhood and upbringing, the strong family resemblance and Omar's knowledge of Osama's family life have convinced many that he is bin Laden's son.
U.S. and Egyptian intelligence officials have not commented on his identity, but Omar and his wife insist they have not been bothered by Egyptian officials.
Omar said he hasn't seen or been in contact with his father since leaving Afghanistan. "He doesn't have e-mail," Omar said. "He doesn't take a telephone ... if he had something like this, they will find him through satellites."
Omar doesn't criticize his father and says Osama bin Laden is just trying to defend the Islamic world.
"My father thinks he will be good for defending the Arab people and stop anyone from hurting the Arab or Muslim people any place in the world," he said, noting that the West didn't have a problem with his father when he was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Omar is convinced a truce between the West and al-Qaida is possible.
"My father is asking for a truce but I don't think there is any government (that) respects him. At the same time they do not respect him, why everywhere in the world, they want to fight him? There is a contradiction," he said.
Osama bin Laden, believed to be in hiding in the Pakistan-Afghan border region, offered a truce to Europe in a 2004 audiotape and a conditional truce to the United States in a 2006 message. In November, he called on European nations to pull out of Afghanistan in a message seen by some experts as an effort to reach out to Europe.
But in a series of messages since last fall, he also has been calling for Muslims to rally around jihad, or "holy war," encouraging fighters in Iraq in particular to continue their battles with U.S. and Iraqi forces.
At least two of Osama bin Laden's sons, Hamza and Saad, are believed to have an active role in al-Qaida - with Hamza believed to be in the Pakistan-Afghan border zone and Saad thought to be in Iran, perhaps in Iranian custody.
But most of the al-Qaida leader's children, like Omar, live as legitimate businessmen. The family as a whole disowned Osama in 1994 when Saudi Arabia stripped him of his citizenship because of his militant activities.
The family is wealthy: Osama bin Laden's billionaire father Mohammed, who died in 1967, had more than 50 children and founded the Binladen Group, a construction conglomerate that gets many major building contracts in the kingdom.
Since leaving his father's side, Omar has lived in Saudi Arabia, where he runs a contracting company connected with the Binladen Group, but he spends much of his time in Egypt. It was during a desert horseback ride at the Pyramids of Giza that he met his wife.
Their marriage in April made them tabloid fodder, particularly in Britain, where headlines touted the "granny who married Osama bin Laden's son." Alsabah, who has married five times, has five grandchildren.
The couple has applied for a visa to Britain. And they are planning their endurance horse race across North Africa, which they hope to start in March. It is in the planning stages — they are seeking approval of governments along the route and need sponsors to help pay for the event and raise money for child victims of war.
Omar said they plan to ride 30 miles a day, with periodic weeklong rests in each country.
Teams from around the world will be encouraged to join in what the couple envisions as an equine version of the Paris-Dakar car rally. That rally was canceled this year due to fears over terrorist threats made by al-Qaida-affiliated groups in North Africa.
Omar, however, said he isn't worried.
"I heard the rally was stopped because of al-Qaida," he said. "I don't think they are going to stop me."
Full story
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Omar Osama bin Laden bears a striking resemblance to his notorious father - except for the dreadlocks that dangle halfway down his back. Then there's the black leather biker jacket.
The 26-year-old does not renounce his father, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, but in an interview with The Associated Press, he said there is better way to defend Islam than militancy: Omar wants to be an "ambassador for peace" between Muslims and the West.
Omar - one of bin Laden's 19 children - raised a tabloid storm last year when he married a 52-year-old British woman, Jane Felix-Browne, who took the name Zaina Alsabah. Now the couple say they want to be advocates, planning a 3,000-mile horse race across North Africa to draw attention to the cause of peace.
"It's about changing the ideas of the Western mind. A lot of people think Arabs - especially the bin Ladens, especially the sons of Osama - are all terrorists. This is not the truth," Omar told the AP last week at a cafe in a Cairo shopping mall.
Of course, many may have a hard time getting their mind around the idea of "bin Laden: peacenik."
"Omar thinks he can be a negotiator," said Alsabah, who is trying to bring her husband to Britain. "He's one of the only people who can do this in the world."
Omar lived with the al-Qaida leader in Sudan, then moved with him to Afghanistan in 1996.
There, Omar says he trained at an al-Qaida camp but in 2000 he decided there must be another way and he left his father, returning to his homeland of Saudi Arabia.
"I don't want to be in that situation to just fight. I like to find another way and this other way may be like we do now, talking," he said in English.
He suggested his father did not oppose his leaving - and Alsabah interjected that Omar was courageous in breaking away, but neither elaborated.
Although there is no way to confirm the details he describes of his childhood and upbringing, the strong family resemblance and Omar's knowledge of Osama's family life have convinced many that he is bin Laden's son.
U.S. and Egyptian intelligence officials have not commented on his identity, but Omar and his wife insist they have not been bothered by Egyptian officials.
Omar said he hasn't seen or been in contact with his father since leaving Afghanistan. "He doesn't have e-mail," Omar said. "He doesn't take a telephone ... if he had something like this, they will find him through satellites."
Omar doesn't criticize his father and says Osama bin Laden is just trying to defend the Islamic world.
"My father thinks he will be good for defending the Arab people and stop anyone from hurting the Arab or Muslim people any place in the world," he said, noting that the West didn't have a problem with his father when he was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Omar is convinced a truce between the West and al-Qaida is possible.
"My father is asking for a truce but I don't think there is any government (that) respects him. At the same time they do not respect him, why everywhere in the world, they want to fight him? There is a contradiction," he said.
Osama bin Laden, believed to be in hiding in the Pakistan-Afghan border region, offered a truce to Europe in a 2004 audiotape and a conditional truce to the United States in a 2006 message. In November, he called on European nations to pull out of Afghanistan in a message seen by some experts as an effort to reach out to Europe.
But in a series of messages since last fall, he also has been calling for Muslims to rally around jihad, or "holy war," encouraging fighters in Iraq in particular to continue their battles with U.S. and Iraqi forces.
At least two of Osama bin Laden's sons, Hamza and Saad, are believed to have an active role in al-Qaida - with Hamza believed to be in the Pakistan-Afghan border zone and Saad thought to be in Iran, perhaps in Iranian custody.
But most of the al-Qaida leader's children, like Omar, live as legitimate businessmen. The family as a whole disowned Osama in 1994 when Saudi Arabia stripped him of his citizenship because of his militant activities.
The family is wealthy: Osama bin Laden's billionaire father Mohammed, who died in 1967, had more than 50 children and founded the Binladen Group, a construction conglomerate that gets many major building contracts in the kingdom.
Since leaving his father's side, Omar has lived in Saudi Arabia, where he runs a contracting company connected with the Binladen Group, but he spends much of his time in Egypt. It was during a desert horseback ride at the Pyramids of Giza that he met his wife.
Their marriage in April made them tabloid fodder, particularly in Britain, where headlines touted the "granny who married Osama bin Laden's son." Alsabah, who has married five times, has five grandchildren.
The couple has applied for a visa to Britain. And they are planning their endurance horse race across North Africa, which they hope to start in March. It is in the planning stages — they are seeking approval of governments along the route and need sponsors to help pay for the event and raise money for child victims of war.
Omar said they plan to ride 30 miles a day, with periodic weeklong rests in each country.
Teams from around the world will be encouraged to join in what the couple envisions as an equine version of the Paris-Dakar car rally. That rally was canceled this year due to fears over terrorist threats made by al-Qaida-affiliated groups in North Africa.
Omar, however, said he isn't worried.
"I heard the rally was stopped because of al-Qaida," he said. "I don't think they are going to stop me."
Full story
Austr: Sydney Airport is now no-go for NZ horses - Jan 17 2008
Horsetalk.co.nz - Full story
January 17, 2008
A temporary measure while New South Wales puts the final squeeze on equine flu in the higher risk purple zone will put a stop to New Zealand horses arriving at Sydney Airport.
From February 4, only horses that are immune to equine flu infection will be able to move freely in the purple zone. This is in addition to the new Travelling Horse Statement and event registration requirements that became effective from January 14.
Sydney Airport falls within the purple zone...
January 17, 2008
A temporary measure while New South Wales puts the final squeeze on equine flu in the higher risk purple zone will put a stop to New Zealand horses arriving at Sydney Airport.
From February 4, only horses that are immune to equine flu infection will be able to move freely in the purple zone. This is in addition to the new Travelling Horse Statement and event registration requirements that became effective from January 14.
Sydney Airport falls within the purple zone...
lundi 14 janvier 2008
What the crew thinks of the richest ever endurance ride.
The Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup is being hailed as the greatest endurance ride in the history of the sport after the world record breaking victory by UAE rider Omair Hussain Al Beloushi on a 10 year old Arab gelding Charlandre El Sharif.
That all fine, but what is it like to CREW in the most prestigious ride ever?
I've been crewing at international rides for over 12 years - from European Championships to "ordinary" FEI 3 stars; but always in Europe. This was my first trip to the UAE.
From the moment I arrived here I realised that this is an incredible place. I landed at 1.00am local time. The airport was packed with people, the roads were crammed with traffic and the building sites - the seemingly endless building sites - were all working flat out.
That was back on the 3rd Jan because I came over at the same time as our horse. (As trainer, crew, groom and person-responsible-for-all-things-that-go-wrong, it fell to me to be here to meet our horse and manage her through to ride day.)
Next morning I was up early to greet Khadidja du Pont (our 10 year old Arab mare) as she arrived at the quarantine stables after her 19 hours trip from our home in England's Cotswolds.
I continue to be amazed. The stables are of course air conditioned, the vets are on hand to take bloods and do free post-travel analysis for us if we wish (which of course we do) and there is an impressive system in place - backed up by lots of people - to not only enforce the quarantine regime but also to meet all our requests for feed, hay, bedding, buckets, and information.
In all we have 27 European horses stabled in 3 barns inside our quarantine compound with a clearly marked 19km quarantine exercise circuit for us to walk and ride our horses.
And all of this just minutes away from the jaw-droppingly awesome venue - Dubai Endurance City.
I took a trip to DEC a few days before the ride - an army of gardeners were watering the grass and clipping the hedges. The place is amazing.
The other thing that hits you is the profile of endurance out here. I blagged my way into the launch press conference in a downtown Dubai hotel - another well organised highly professional event -with lots of media present. Gulf news the leading English language paper in the region is full of our sport, you'll be familiar with that from seeing their articles on endurance.net. But that's just the tip of the iceberg - the local Arabic language media are just as interested in endurance.
Most days I saw journalist and TV crews around the exercise circuit looking for European riders they recognised to interview. I tried hard to look like an important rider. I guess there is something about me that says "He's only the crew". If we are lucky enough to get an invite again I'll have a T shirt with "I'm also an Advance Level rider" written on it (perhaps in French).
And then, after a few days rest for the horse and a few days riding, my wife arrives and we prepare for the off.
Just when I thought I'd got used to Dubai, race day is upon us.
As if the spectacle of 107 starters ("The largest field ever seen outside of a major championship") isn't enough, you have to come to terms with the fact that the big UAE stables travel in numbers. It seems as if each UAE horse has a whole legion of crew at the vet gate. (Note: what is the collective noun for crew?)
And then there is the vet gate itself. Dubai Endurance City looks even more incredible bathed in powerful floodlights. Big screen coverage on site; 7 different restaurants all alive at 6.00am (heaven help the crew who sneaks off for breakfast right now); you can't help but get nervous.
The race itself was astonishing. You can read elsewhere about Omair Husain Al Bloushi,
We watched - his horse was as bright as a button at the end. But let me tell you about crewing this ride.
In some ways crewing here seems easy - nearly all of the ride is accessible to 4x4 vehicles. You can literally drive alongside the course - hence the movie footage you can see. And this is made easier still by the marking - lots of flags, regularly placed and although many of the stages have common elements there are teams out all day taking away coloured flags from loops now completed to minimize scope for confusion.
But in other ways crewing is difficult. Firstly, there is a great deal of deep, deep sand to navigate - far more than the riders and horses have to contends with because (rightly) they get the best surface and the crews take whatever is alongside. Skillful experienced desert drivers can cope with this without getting stuck, those with less desert experienced or who are just bad drivers can only get through it if they drive at speed. You will be amazed how many Arabs join folk like me in the second category. Secondly there is a huge amount of traffic - especially on the first loop - and no rules of the road (because there is no road?) The organisers provided free 4x4 convoys for spectators; the nearby Bab Al Shams Desert Hotel did the same for their guests - and this was designed to REDUCE the number of vehicles following the riders!!
As you can imagine at the start traffic congestion is at its worst.
When we set off into the jet black of the pre-dawn desert at the beginning of the first 32km stage it was like being in the whacky races. All around us hundreds (literally hundreds) of 4x4 vehicles of every shape and make - including ambulances, police and TV crews. They all flashed through the desert, each one carving out its own route and seemingly oblivious to everyone else.
Every vehicle had two objectives: to follow the ride (and in the case of the crews their horse), and not to get stuck in the deep sand.
As we dodged our way through the cars that had already got stuck it became increasingly difficult to maintain momentum without crashing into someone. Eventually our luck ran out, as I swerved to avoid the suddenly stationary car in front the nose of our car dropped down into a deep trough and we were stuck. Buried up to our front axles we had no hope of freeing our crew vehicle. It was less than 20 minutes into the race, we hadn't seen our rider and we couldn't move.
All around us others were in the same predicament. We saw 2 police vehicle and an ambulance nearby - helpless in the sand.
We watched in desperation as the Dubai Equestrian Club's own tow truck slowly worked its way up the hill pulling out one car after another. By the time they pulled us out it was light and we were worried that we wouldn't get back to the vet gate before the horse. We drove back to DEC arriving just in time to get organised before Janice and Khadidja came in to VG1.
From that point on we left a crew member behind at the venue to ensure we would have some Vet Gate support if the worst happened.
Daylight, the spreading out of the field and the VG1 eliminations greatly reduced the congestion on the track. From that point on, although we had some scary moment, we didn't get stuck again. Many other crews did and it remained a real concerned right through to the end of the last loop.
The business of crewing from the start of the second loop was almost ordinary. We had picked up some bottled mineral water (provided free at the start) to use on the run and we made full use of the water stations - located 2 or 3 times each loop and offering a row of big drinking troughs constantly replenished by the organizers. These troughs gave us an opportunity to refill some bottles and to scoop water over the horse.
We were blessed with cool temperatures all day, so dehydration never became an issue for us.
Again thanks to conditions very similar to our summer back home the vet gate procedures ran smoothly for us. Khadidja du Pont presented to the vet in under 4 minutes (average across the day) and we were being conservative. She breezed through the vettings and the 3 compulsory re-exams. During the holds (30 and 40 minutes) we usually needed to put a rug on her to keep her warm. We used Equi-N-Ice coolant to chill leg bandages too - a big help as much of the course was very concussive.
There was just one other issue for us - fuel consumption. The high revving and hard driving to get through the deep sand pushed fuel consumption through the roof and my hired 4x4 ( a small Mitsubishi Outlander) simply didn't have a big enough tank. Before half way I realized that I was going to use MORE than a tank of petrol (another weakness: because the stuff is so cheap out here most vehicles are petrol doing less miles per gallon that the diesels we have back home).
At one Vet Gate as soon as the horse passed the vet I had to leave my wife and two fellow crew to manage the hold time and re-exam so that I could get fuel. Because DEC is in the middle of nowhere that was a 60km round trip. By the time I got back Janice and Khadidja where out on the 5th stage. I caught up with her as soon as I could, but it did cost us a little as the horse was not as wet as I would have liked leaving the vet gate and I'd missed some early opportunities to crew on the course. At this stage I think it would have been really helpful for psychological reasons as the two were all alone. There pace slipped a little on this circuit and I blame myself for that.

Iain and Khadidja du Pont However normal service had been resumed and one more vet gate, one last loop and about 10km of that in the dark and we were home. The last stage was better - both the rider and horse knew they were on the way home and picked up the pace again even though they didn't see another horse.
Janice was the first British rider to cross the line finishing in 23rd place, the 4th European combination to finish. Not bad for our first trip to the desert.
And after all that it really did feel as if we'd taken part in the most prestigious ride in the history of endurance. Top marks to the Dubai Equestrian Club. What an experience...
Iain Cockely-Adams
That all fine, but what is it like to CREW in the most prestigious ride ever?
I've been crewing at international rides for over 12 years - from European Championships to "ordinary" FEI 3 stars; but always in Europe. This was my first trip to the UAE.
From the moment I arrived here I realised that this is an incredible place. I landed at 1.00am local time. The airport was packed with people, the roads were crammed with traffic and the building sites - the seemingly endless building sites - were all working flat out.
That was back on the 3rd Jan because I came over at the same time as our horse. (As trainer, crew, groom and person-responsible-for-all-things-that-go-wrong, it fell to me to be here to meet our horse and manage her through to ride day.)
Next morning I was up early to greet Khadidja du Pont (our 10 year old Arab mare) as she arrived at the quarantine stables after her 19 hours trip from our home in England's Cotswolds.
I continue to be amazed. The stables are of course air conditioned, the vets are on hand to take bloods and do free post-travel analysis for us if we wish (which of course we do) and there is an impressive system in place - backed up by lots of people - to not only enforce the quarantine regime but also to meet all our requests for feed, hay, bedding, buckets, and information.
In all we have 27 European horses stabled in 3 barns inside our quarantine compound with a clearly marked 19km quarantine exercise circuit for us to walk and ride our horses.
And all of this just minutes away from the jaw-droppingly awesome venue - Dubai Endurance City.
I took a trip to DEC a few days before the ride - an army of gardeners were watering the grass and clipping the hedges. The place is amazing.
The other thing that hits you is the profile of endurance out here. I blagged my way into the launch press conference in a downtown Dubai hotel - another well organised highly professional event -with lots of media present. Gulf news the leading English language paper in the region is full of our sport, you'll be familiar with that from seeing their articles on endurance.net. But that's just the tip of the iceberg - the local Arabic language media are just as interested in endurance.
Most days I saw journalist and TV crews around the exercise circuit looking for European riders they recognised to interview. I tried hard to look like an important rider. I guess there is something about me that says "He's only the crew". If we are lucky enough to get an invite again I'll have a T shirt with "I'm also an Advance Level rider" written on it (perhaps in French).
And then, after a few days rest for the horse and a few days riding, my wife arrives and we prepare for the off.
Just when I thought I'd got used to Dubai, race day is upon us.
As if the spectacle of 107 starters ("The largest field ever seen outside of a major championship") isn't enough, you have to come to terms with the fact that the big UAE stables travel in numbers. It seems as if each UAE horse has a whole legion of crew at the vet gate. (Note: what is the collective noun for crew?)
And then there is the vet gate itself. Dubai Endurance City looks even more incredible bathed in powerful floodlights. Big screen coverage on site; 7 different restaurants all alive at 6.00am (heaven help the crew who sneaks off for breakfast right now); you can't help but get nervous.
Wacky Races
The race itself was astonishing. You can read elsewhere about Omair Husain Al Bloushi,
We watched - his horse was as bright as a button at the end. But let me tell you about crewing this ride.
In some ways crewing here seems easy - nearly all of the ride is accessible to 4x4 vehicles. You can literally drive alongside the course - hence the movie footage you can see. And this is made easier still by the marking - lots of flags, regularly placed and although many of the stages have common elements there are teams out all day taking away coloured flags from loops now completed to minimize scope for confusion.
But in other ways crewing is difficult. Firstly, there is a great deal of deep, deep sand to navigate - far more than the riders and horses have to contends with because (rightly) they get the best surface and the crews take whatever is alongside. Skillful experienced desert drivers can cope with this without getting stuck, those with less desert experienced or who are just bad drivers can only get through it if they drive at speed. You will be amazed how many Arabs join folk like me in the second category. Secondly there is a huge amount of traffic - especially on the first loop - and no rules of the road (because there is no road?) The organisers provided free 4x4 convoys for spectators; the nearby Bab Al Shams Desert Hotel did the same for their guests - and this was designed to REDUCE the number of vehicles following the riders!!
As you can imagine at the start traffic congestion is at its worst.
When we set off into the jet black of the pre-dawn desert at the beginning of the first 32km stage it was like being in the whacky races. All around us hundreds (literally hundreds) of 4x4 vehicles of every shape and make - including ambulances, police and TV crews. They all flashed through the desert, each one carving out its own route and seemingly oblivious to everyone else.
Every vehicle had two objectives: to follow the ride (and in the case of the crews their horse), and not to get stuck in the deep sand.
As we dodged our way through the cars that had already got stuck it became increasingly difficult to maintain momentum without crashing into someone. Eventually our luck ran out, as I swerved to avoid the suddenly stationary car in front the nose of our car dropped down into a deep trough and we were stuck. Buried up to our front axles we had no hope of freeing our crew vehicle. It was less than 20 minutes into the race, we hadn't seen our rider and we couldn't move.
All around us others were in the same predicament. We saw 2 police vehicle and an ambulance nearby - helpless in the sand.
We watched in desperation as the Dubai Equestrian Club's own tow truck slowly worked its way up the hill pulling out one car after another. By the time they pulled us out it was light and we were worried that we wouldn't get back to the vet gate before the horse. We drove back to DEC arriving just in time to get organised before Janice and Khadidja came in to VG1.
From that point on we left a crew member behind at the venue to ensure we would have some Vet Gate support if the worst happened.
Daylight, the spreading out of the field and the VG1 eliminations greatly reduced the congestion on the track. From that point on, although we had some scary moment, we didn't get stuck again. Many other crews did and it remained a real concerned right through to the end of the last loop.
The business of crewing from the start of the second loop was almost ordinary. We had picked up some bottled mineral water (provided free at the start) to use on the run and we made full use of the water stations - located 2 or 3 times each loop and offering a row of big drinking troughs constantly replenished by the organizers. These troughs gave us an opportunity to refill some bottles and to scoop water over the horse.
We were blessed with cool temperatures all day, so dehydration never became an issue for us.
Again thanks to conditions very similar to our summer back home the vet gate procedures ran smoothly for us. Khadidja du Pont presented to the vet in under 4 minutes (average across the day) and we were being conservative. She breezed through the vettings and the 3 compulsory re-exams. During the holds (30 and 40 minutes) we usually needed to put a rug on her to keep her warm. We used Equi-N-Ice coolant to chill leg bandages too - a big help as much of the course was very concussive.
There was just one other issue for us - fuel consumption. The high revving and hard driving to get through the deep sand pushed fuel consumption through the roof and my hired 4x4 ( a small Mitsubishi Outlander) simply didn't have a big enough tank. Before half way I realized that I was going to use MORE than a tank of petrol (another weakness: because the stuff is so cheap out here most vehicles are petrol doing less miles per gallon that the diesels we have back home).
At one Vet Gate as soon as the horse passed the vet I had to leave my wife and two fellow crew to manage the hold time and re-exam so that I could get fuel. Because DEC is in the middle of nowhere that was a 60km round trip. By the time I got back Janice and Khadidja where out on the 5th stage. I caught up with her as soon as I could, but it did cost us a little as the horse was not as wet as I would have liked leaving the vet gate and I'd missed some early opportunities to crew on the course. At this stage I think it would have been really helpful for psychological reasons as the two were all alone. There pace slipped a little on this circuit and I blame myself for that.

Iain and Khadidja du Pont
Janice was the first British rider to cross the line finishing in 23rd place, the 4th European combination to finish. Not bad for our first trip to the desert.
And after all that it really did feel as if we'd taken part in the most prestigious ride in the history of endurance. Top marks to the Dubai Equestrian Club. What an experience...
Iain Cockely-Adams
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