jeudi 7 février 2008

Fast Track 'Window' Extended to FEI Veterinarians - Feb 7 2008

Following on from the successful Fast Track process for the *Rating of FEI Endurance Judges, the FEI introduced a similar process for the *Rating of FEI Endurance Veterinarians at the start of 2007.

By 31 December 2007 most FEI National Federations had registered their FEI Veterinarians using the *Rating Criteria as circulated by the NFs at the end of 2006.

In order to allow those Federations who have yet to submit their registrations an extension of time, the cut off date for using the FEI Veterinary Fast Track option will now close on 31 March 2008.

Thereafter, any FEI Endurance Veterinarian who wishes to become *Rated must follow the full criteria as defined.

As agreed, the use of *Rated Endurance Veterinarians at *Rated Endurance rides will remain voluntary throughout 2008. This will become compulsory starting January 2009.

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