DENVER, CO - After nearly a decade of negotiations, an agreement has been made between the Purebred Arabian Trust (representing the Arabian Horse Association’s 100-year old purebred Arabian horse registry) and the World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) that grants the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) Registry exclusive authority over American registrations as recognized by WAHO. This status change is effective January 01, 2008, and returns all associated responsibilities from the Purebred Arabian Horse Registry (PAHR) to the AHA Registry.
"We are delighted in the success of this agreement," said Bob Fauls, Chairman of the Purebred Arabian Trust (PAT), "and believe this to be a momentous occasion promising a bright future of significant benefit to the Arabian horse community."
While this changes nothing relating to domestic registration procedures for AHA members, it does affect registration activity requiring WAHO involvement - namely certain international importation and exportation procedures of purebred Arabian horses and semen. Beginning January 01, 2008, the PAT in conjunction with the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) will be the only registering authority in the United States recognized by WAHO.
In order to facilitate PAT’s admission to WAHO membership, PAHR has agreed it will cease its activities December 31, 2007 and refer new and pending transactions to AHA. Since the WAHO membership of the AHA Registry’s predecessor, the Arabian Horse Registry of America, was terminated in 1997, PAHR has provided to the American Arabian horse community a venue for international Arabian horse transactions, importations and exportations.
A major consideration in achieving this agreement with WAHO is the fact that the Studbooks have been closed and the purebred Arabian database is now firmly established and defined. Hans Nagel, president of WAHO, said From now on, the world-wide Arabian horse breed is an exclusive and closed population and will be guarded as such.
More information will be forthcoming, including but not limited to the next AHA President’s Letter, Modern Arabian Horse magazine, and http://www.purebredarabiantrust.com/
lundi 31 décembre 2007
samedi 29 décembre 2007
Successful Endurance Riding with Jill Thomas, Part 1
Brightcove.tv - Endurance video
Champion Jill Thomas presents a video series on endurance riding training.
Episode 1 begins an in depth introduction to set speed rides for beginners. Part 1 of 3.
Champion Jill Thomas presents a video series on endurance riding training.
Episode 1 begins an in depth introduction to set speed rides for beginners. Part 1 of 3.
samedi 22 décembre 2007
Flu Vaccine for New Zealand- December 2007
Ermanz.govt.nz - More
3 December 2007
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAF BNZ) has lodged an application to use a vaccine to protect New Zealand horses against the equine influenza virus, the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) announced today.
The equine influenza virus caused major disruption in the horse racing and breeding industry in Australia earlier this year after infected animals were discovered in New South Wales. Thousands of horses eventually tested positive for the virus. Australia has since imported a vaccine to help control the disease.
ERMA New Zealand has received an application from MAF BNZ for a rapid approval for a vaccine called Flu Avert® I.N. This vaccine contains a weakened live equine influenza virus which is administered to horses intranasally. This vaccine stimulates an immune response that is similar to the response that occurs when the horse catches a virulent wild strain of the virus. The vaccine has been used in the United States since 1999 and also in Canada.
ERMA New Zealand’s General Manager, New Organisms, Dr Libby Harrison, says the rapid approval process being used in this case means the flu vaccine meets certain low-risk criteria and can be assessed more quickly than usual as long as the required level of information is provided. “An application like this requires information on the biological characteristics of the organism and the route of administration of the medicine. If the relevant information cannot be provided to show that the vaccine meets the low-risk criteria we can’t proceed with a rapid approval.”
Dr Harrison says once ERMA New Zealand’s Decision-making Committee has the information it needs, it has to consider whether the application meets the criteria for approval, which include assessing any potential adverse effects on public safety and health, valued species, the environment and natural habitats. “The Committee will then decide what sort of controls should be placed on the use, storage and disposal of the vaccine. Finally, in order to approve the vaccine the Committee has to determine that, given the controls, the risks it poses are negligible.”
The equine flu vaccine also has to be approved by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority’s Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Group before it can be used.
For further information contact:
David Venables, Communications Manager, ERMA New Zealand.
3 December 2007
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAF BNZ) has lodged an application to use a vaccine to protect New Zealand horses against the equine influenza virus, the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) announced today.
The equine influenza virus caused major disruption in the horse racing and breeding industry in Australia earlier this year after infected animals were discovered in New South Wales. Thousands of horses eventually tested positive for the virus. Australia has since imported a vaccine to help control the disease.
ERMA New Zealand has received an application from MAF BNZ for a rapid approval for a vaccine called Flu Avert® I.N. This vaccine contains a weakened live equine influenza virus which is administered to horses intranasally. This vaccine stimulates an immune response that is similar to the response that occurs when the horse catches a virulent wild strain of the virus. The vaccine has been used in the United States since 1999 and also in Canada.
ERMA New Zealand’s General Manager, New Organisms, Dr Libby Harrison, says the rapid approval process being used in this case means the flu vaccine meets certain low-risk criteria and can be assessed more quickly than usual as long as the required level of information is provided. “An application like this requires information on the biological characteristics of the organism and the route of administration of the medicine. If the relevant information cannot be provided to show that the vaccine meets the low-risk criteria we can’t proceed with a rapid approval.”
Dr Harrison says once ERMA New Zealand’s Decision-making Committee has the information it needs, it has to consider whether the application meets the criteria for approval, which include assessing any potential adverse effects on public safety and health, valued species, the environment and natural habitats. “The Committee will then decide what sort of controls should be placed on the use, storage and disposal of the vaccine. Finally, in order to approve the vaccine the Committee has to determine that, given the controls, the risks it poses are negligible.”
The equine flu vaccine also has to be approved by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority’s Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Group before it can be used.
For further information contact:
David Venables, Communications Manager, ERMA New Zealand.
vendredi 21 décembre 2007
Musculoskeletal System: blog from Persian Horse
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Equine Musculoskeletal System
Written By: Leslie Berro.
The Equine Musculoskeletal System
The horse is an athlete; some are more naturally gifted than others. But the common denominator between them all, is that the musculoskeletal system, pound for pound, is their largest bodily component; over 60%! When you buy a horse, you're buying motion. When a million dollar horse no longer moves like one, he isn't one! And this is the system mainly responsible for motion. Yet it is mostly overlooked because it does not reveal itself in radiographic and other testing mediums.
...More: View full blog
The Equine Musculoskeletal System
Written By: Leslie Berro.
The Equine Musculoskeletal System
The horse is an athlete; some are more naturally gifted than others. But the common denominator between them all, is that the musculoskeletal system, pound for pound, is their largest bodily component; over 60%! When you buy a horse, you're buying motion. When a million dollar horse no longer moves like one, he isn't one! And this is the system mainly responsible for motion. Yet it is mostly overlooked because it does not reveal itself in radiographic and other testing mediums.
...More: View full blog
samedi 15 décembre 2007
Endurance Great Britain
Endurance GB Newsletter
Leics & Rutland Endurance GB Group

Daniel Videla
Upgrading in 'ONE' season from Novice - Open to Advanced as a Rider.
Riding two horses Northwood Lass 11yr Arab x mare and Island Columbus 11 yr Arab gelding.
Daniel has a new 3yr Arab gelding Kazaiyid to bring into ridden work keeping him busy this winter . Daniel is from Mendoza , Argentina and is returning to the UK for Christmas and New Year . But he will be returning on the 7th Jan as he is in respsonsible for all the horses & people for two treks 150km across the Andes from Mendoza to Chile . The first is for The Princes Trust and the second is for the Antony Nolan Trust . If anyone fancies a horse holiday in Argentina and adventure of a lifetime just contact Fiona for details fififairhurst@hotmail.com
Gillian Hasberry
Upgrading from Open to Advanced with her Connemara St Flannnans Niamh at the College ride in September by passing and gaining a Grade 1.
They have also qualified for the British Dressage Winter Regionals at Preliminary and Novice Level. Last but not least thye also won the Endurance Trophy in the Connemara Performance Award Scheme plus 3 other trophies .
Leics & Rutland Endurance GB Group

Daniel Videla
Upgrading in 'ONE' season from Novice - Open to Advanced as a Rider.
Riding two horses Northwood Lass 11yr Arab x mare and Island Columbus 11 yr Arab gelding.
Daniel has a new 3yr Arab gelding Kazaiyid to bring into ridden work keeping him busy this winter . Daniel is from Mendoza , Argentina and is returning to the UK for Christmas and New Year . But he will be returning on the 7th Jan as he is in respsonsible for all the horses & people for two treks 150km across the Andes from Mendoza to Chile . The first is for The Princes Trust and the second is for the Antony Nolan Trust . If anyone fancies a horse holiday in Argentina and adventure of a lifetime just contact Fiona for details fififairhurst@hotmail.com
Gillian Hasberry
Upgrading from Open to Advanced with her Connemara St Flannnans Niamh at the College ride in September by passing and gaining a Grade 1.
They have also qualified for the British Dressage Winter Regionals at Preliminary and Novice Level. Last but not least thye also won the Endurance Trophy in the Connemara Performance Award Scheme plus 3 other trophies .
vendredi 14 décembre 2007
Flu outbreak cancels show horse events - Dec 12 2007
THE equine influenza (EI) outbreak has claimed another victim, with the cancellation of horse competition from next year's Royal Easter show in Sydney.
Organisers today said they were left with little choice when faced with uncertainty over when the statewide restrictions on horse transport would be lifted.
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) president Rob Vickery said the 2008 Sydney Royal Horse Show had been cancelled.
"While it was our greatest desire to accept entries for the Sydney Royal, the reality is that come March the disease may not be at the stage where horses can be easily moved between zones, without extraordinary quarantine and biosecurity arrangements and some inherent risks," Mr Vickery said.
The Sydney Royal Show will not be totally devoid of horses however, with horse activities to include carriage displays, saddler and farrier demonstrations, along with horse and pony displays.
Quarantine zones remain in place across NSW, with testing for EI continuing on properties that have had direct contact with infected horses.
THE equine influenza (EI) outbreak has claimed another victim, with the cancellation of horse competition from next year's Royal Easter show in Sydney.
Organisers today said they were left with little choice when faced with uncertainty over when the statewide restrictions on horse transport would be lifted.
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) president Rob Vickery said the 2008 Sydney Royal Horse Show had been cancelled.
"While it was our greatest desire to accept entries for the Sydney Royal, the reality is that come March the disease may not be at the stage where horses can be easily moved between zones, without extraordinary quarantine and biosecurity arrangements and some inherent risks," Mr Vickery said.
The Sydney Royal Show will not be totally devoid of horses however, with horse activities to include carriage displays, saddler and farrier demonstrations, along with horse and pony displays.
Quarantine zones remain in place across NSW, with testing for EI continuing on properties that have had direct contact with infected horses.
Getting the hump - Dec 14 2007
7days.ae - Full Story By Mike Norrish
Cranky camels have been kicked out of the Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge after a mass show of desert defiance. The gruelling endurance event hit major problems during the desert trekking stage, after the 25 camels enlisted to carry essential supplies lived up to their cantankerous reputations.
And after camel-related problems prevented several teams from finishing the 87-kilometre journey, organisers decided to void the stage. That ruling meant the leaders before the desert trek - Team Eurosport NZ - returned back to first place ahead of the penultimate day's mountain bike trial.
The week-long, multi-event endurance event has been staged by the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority, and features intrepid teams from all over the world. Although two teams from the UAE are taking part, many of the competitors were entirely unfamiliar with the 'ships of the desert'.
Camel training was provided...
Cranky camels have been kicked out of the Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge after a mass show of desert defiance. The gruelling endurance event hit major problems during the desert trekking stage, after the 25 camels enlisted to carry essential supplies lived up to their cantankerous reputations.
And after camel-related problems prevented several teams from finishing the 87-kilometre journey, organisers decided to void the stage. That ruling meant the leaders before the desert trek - Team Eurosport NZ - returned back to first place ahead of the penultimate day's mountain bike trial.
The week-long, multi-event endurance event has been staged by the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority, and features intrepid teams from all over the world. Although two teams from the UAE are taking part, many of the competitors were entirely unfamiliar with the 'ships of the desert'.
Camel training was provided...
jeudi 13 décembre 2007
Ice skater turned horse rider gallops to success - Dec 12 2007
Thisislancashire.co.uk - Full Story By Gordon McCully
A former Chorley ice skater has galloped to success in another sport.
Shelby-Jade France (pictured) has just taken the horse riding endurance event by storm.
Shelby Jade used to be an ice skating star until unfortunately her mum Michelle began to suffer from ill health.
Shelby started to ride her mum's horse and this year began competing on him in endurance riding.
Shelby has just taken the endurance world by storm and has just be crowned the Junior Endurance Champion of GB in this, her first season, beating 26 other riders from across the country to take the title.
Points gained from each ride are added together for the championship.
Shelby competes on her mum's horse Streamcross Dakota and rides on average 80k in one day and an average speed of 15kph over varying terrains.
The fitness of the horse and rider is paramount. Shelby is hoping to retain her title next year and will be competing on two horses. Shelby is always supported up and down the country by her mum and dad and brothers Johnathon and Thomas.
mardi 11 décembre 2007
2008 Rambouillet
Contacts : Gilles et Caroline Cabardos
e-mail : cg.cabardos@club-internet.fr
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup
Cette année encore nous avons le soutien fidèle et très important de la Ville de Rambouillet (Mr le maire G. Larcher), le Service des Sports (Mr Valette), les Services Techniques (Mr Jaureguy, Mr Latapie), et l’hippodrome (Mr Poisson, Mr Leymarie). Nouveauté, le Royaume du Bahreïn devient partenaire privilégié pour organiser Rambouillet 2008.
1 Semaine : 2 Sélections ! !
Objectif : Championnat du Monde
Dans la lignée de 2006 (JEM d’Aix la Chapelle) et de 2007 (Barroca d’Alva) Jean-Louis Leclerc utilisera le Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup (160 Km CEI*** et AmaEliteGP) pour sélectionner l’Equipe de France qui ira en Malaisie défendre les couleurs de la France. Cela permettra aussi de s’étalonner auprès des différentes nations présentes.
Objectif : Mondiaux des 7/8 ans
Après de nombreuse discussions et sollicitations, il semblait « naturel » que Rambouillet accueille une étape de la Sélection des jeunes chevaux pour le mondial des 7/8 ans (90 Km Pro1 GP, Ama1 GP. La qualité des sols, la situation géographique, le positionnement dans la saison (10 semaines avant Compiègne), le jumelage avec la CEI***, tous ces paramètres nous ont décidés à franchir le pas.
Objectifs 2008
Enduro-Cheval, confirme sa forte volonté de promouvoir l’endurance équestre pour tous. Cette volonté reposant sur deux piliers fondateurs :
*Un événement pour les cavaliers et leurs chevaux
*Une constante amélioration
Rambouillet :
5 Juin : Qualificative Jeunes Chevaux 7/8 ans
7 Juin : CEI*** Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup
Tartre Gaudran :
13 Sept. : Inter-Régionale Jeune Chevaux
14 Sept : Club, Départementale et Régionale
A travers ces événements Enduro-Cheval fera découvrir notre discipline équestre l’ENDURANCE. Lors de ces 4 journées d’épreuves nous pourrons donc mettre en valeur notre sport sur le plan national et international mais aussi amateur comme professionnel.
L’Equipe d’Enduro-Cheval vous souhaite d’excellentes fêtes de fin d’année.
Contacts : Gilles et Caroline Cabardos
e-mail : cg.cabardos@club-internet.fr
Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup
Cette année encore nous avons le soutien fidèle et très important de la Ville de Rambouillet (Mr le maire G. Larcher), le Service des Sports (Mr Valette), les Services Techniques (Mr Jaureguy, Mr Latapie), et l’hippodrome (Mr Poisson, Mr Leymarie). Nouveauté, le Royaume du Bahreïn devient partenaire privilégié pour organiser Rambouillet 2008.
1 Semaine : 2 Sélections ! !
Objectif : Championnat du Monde
Dans la lignée de 2006 (JEM d’Aix la Chapelle) et de 2007 (Barroca d’Alva) Jean-Louis Leclerc utilisera le Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup (160 Km CEI*** et AmaEliteGP) pour sélectionner l’Equipe de France qui ira en Malaisie défendre les couleurs de la France. Cela permettra aussi de s’étalonner auprès des différentes nations présentes.
Objectif : Mondiaux des 7/8 ans
Après de nombreuse discussions et sollicitations, il semblait « naturel » que Rambouillet accueille une étape de la Sélection des jeunes chevaux pour le mondial des 7/8 ans (90 Km Pro1 GP, Ama1 GP. La qualité des sols, la situation géographique, le positionnement dans la saison (10 semaines avant Compiègne), le jumelage avec la CEI***, tous ces paramètres nous ont décidés à franchir le pas.
Objectifs 2008
Enduro-Cheval, confirme sa forte volonté de promouvoir l’endurance équestre pour tous. Cette volonté reposant sur deux piliers fondateurs :
*Un événement pour les cavaliers et leurs chevaux
*Une constante amélioration
Rambouillet :
5 Juin : Qualificative Jeunes Chevaux 7/8 ans
7 Juin : CEI*** Raid Yvelines / Bahreïn Cup
Tartre Gaudran :
13 Sept. : Inter-Régionale Jeune Chevaux
14 Sept : Club, Départementale et Régionale
A travers ces événements Enduro-Cheval fera découvrir notre discipline équestre l’ENDURANCE. Lors de ces 4 journées d’épreuves nous pourrons donc mettre en valeur notre sport sur le plan national et international mais aussi amateur comme professionnel.
L’Equipe d’Enduro-Cheval vous souhaite d’excellentes fêtes de fin d’année.
mercredi 5 décembre 2007
Jeni Gilbert EnduranceGB Supreme Champion 2007
December 1 2007 - Great Britain
At the EnduranceGB Annual Awards Dinner on December 1, Jeni Gilbert was announced as the new Supreme Champion. She was awarded a saddle donated by Lorna Winn of Saintwestwell Saddlery.
Full list of awards are on the
trophy page.
At the EnduranceGB Annual Awards Dinner on December 1, Jeni Gilbert was announced as the new Supreme Champion. She was awarded a saddle donated by Lorna Winn of Saintwestwell Saddlery.
Full list of awards are on the
trophy page.
mardi 4 décembre 2007
National Federations to Report Metabolic Eliminations

1) a metabolic elimination which requires invasive treatment occurs within 6 months of the Nominated Entries Date for the 2008 WEC.
2) two consecutive metabolic eliminations occur within the same 6 month period.
This loss of CoC will likely effect the decision by riders, trainers, and owners with respect to the application of invasive treatment following an endurance event. It is assumed that intravenous re-hydration following a metabolic elimination will cause the withdrawal of the CoC.
Endurance-Belgium.com Report
FEI Letter to National Federations
FEI Article 825.6 - Final Qualification Criteria
You may comment below.
lundi 3 décembre 2007
Oletta 2007

Click to photos Oletta 2007
2 x 60km on november 24th and 25th in Corsica, France
1 er - CALL FOR ME - BEGAUD Jack - Fr Midi-Pyrennes - 18.480 km/h
2 eme JAMILA DE JALIMA - THEOLISSAT Melody - Fr Provence - 18.470 km/h
3 eme M'AN NAQUE - MICHEL Nathalie - Fr Bourgogne A Hue et a Dia - 18.440 km/h
First podium for Melodie THEOLISSAT and Nathalie MICHEL.
dimanche 2 décembre 2007
Shaikha Madiya in 120-km Abu Dhabi ride - Dec 2 2007

Shaikha Madiya Hasher Mana Al Maktoum of Dubai and Solid as a Rock participate in FEI 3-star 120-km UAE International Endurance Cup sponsored by Sorouh, on the 36th National Day in Abu Dhabi.

AUSTR - Fair Treatment Recreational and Sporting Horse Owners? - Dec 2 2007
Horsedealsflu.blogspot.com - Comment by Erich Raab
Fair Treatment Recreational and Sporting Horse Owners ?
Not least, thanks to the persistent efforts of the Australian Horse Industry Council with the full support of recreational horse owners , the Horse Racing Industry is back in business. And why not. Most horse lovers are glad horse racing is back and movement restrictions for the racing industry horses have been largely removed. Special conditions for the industry have applied all along anyway.
Now, what about the tens of thousands of recreational & sporting horses and their still suffering owners.
posted by horsedeals.com.au
Fair Treatment Recreational and Sporting Horse Owners ?
Not least, thanks to the persistent efforts of the Australian Horse Industry Council with the full support of recreational horse owners , the Horse Racing Industry is back in business. And why not. Most horse lovers are glad horse racing is back and movement restrictions for the racing industry horses have been largely removed. Special conditions for the industry have applied all along anyway.
Now, what about the tens of thousands of recreational & sporting horses and their still suffering owners.
posted by horsedeals.com.au
Horse welfare at top of FEI endurance review
Abigail Butcher, H&H news editor
2 December, 2007
A working party charged with developing new ideas for the sport of endurance submitted a raft of proposals to the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) last week.
Among them were suggestions for a new qualifying system for riders; suspending horses and riders from competition after they are eliminated from a race; and more specialised training for vets and officials.
The FEI announced plans to overhaul the rules of endurance in the spring, following vast growth in the sport, and a number of equine deaths in recent years.
Under review is qualification, organisation, equine protection, education, legal controls and competition structure — with the welfare of the horse a major priority.
Newmarket vet Fred Barrelet led a group charged with looking at horse welfare.
"One of the criticisms of endurance is that people can get on a horse and six months later ride in an international-level competition," he said. "A proper system of qualification could ensure that riders are competent to negotiate an endurance competition as they move up through the levels."
Mr Barrelet's group has also proposed more research is done on endurance, and that rest periods between rides be imposed.
"We've looked at whether a rider should be suspended if their horse is eliminated [at a vet check]," he said.
The introduction of an FEI-standard logbook and better training for officials have also been suggested, as well as ideas to make the sport more marketable and attractive to the public.
FEI endurance judge and technical delegate John Robertson has been chairing the group looking at competition structure.
"There's a lot of talk about different finishes, distances and the removal of weights for endurance horses," he said. "But nothing has been decided yet, these are only ideas."
Ian Williams, FEI head of endurance who presented the report, said: "The task force will produce their final recommendations by March 2008, after which the proposals will be sent to national federations for comment."
This news story was first published in Horse & Hound (29 November, '07)
Abigail Butcher, H&H news editor
2 December, 2007
A working party charged with developing new ideas for the sport of endurance submitted a raft of proposals to the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) last week.
Among them were suggestions for a new qualifying system for riders; suspending horses and riders from competition after they are eliminated from a race; and more specialised training for vets and officials.
The FEI announced plans to overhaul the rules of endurance in the spring, following vast growth in the sport, and a number of equine deaths in recent years.
Under review is qualification, organisation, equine protection, education, legal controls and competition structure — with the welfare of the horse a major priority.
Newmarket vet Fred Barrelet led a group charged with looking at horse welfare.
"One of the criticisms of endurance is that people can get on a horse and six months later ride in an international-level competition," he said. "A proper system of qualification could ensure that riders are competent to negotiate an endurance competition as they move up through the levels."
Mr Barrelet's group has also proposed more research is done on endurance, and that rest periods between rides be imposed.
"We've looked at whether a rider should be suspended if their horse is eliminated [at a vet check]," he said.
The introduction of an FEI-standard logbook and better training for officials have also been suggested, as well as ideas to make the sport more marketable and attractive to the public.
FEI endurance judge and technical delegate John Robertson has been chairing the group looking at competition structure.
"There's a lot of talk about different finishes, distances and the removal of weights for endurance horses," he said. "But nothing has been decided yet, these are only ideas."
Ian Williams, FEI head of endurance who presented the report, said: "The task force will produce their final recommendations by March 2008, after which the proposals will be sent to national federations for comment."
This news story was first published in Horse & Hound (29 November, '07)
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- Arabian Horse Association Now Included in World Re...
- Successful Endurance Riding with Jill Thomas, Part 1
- Flu Vaccine for New Zealand- December 2007
- Joyeux Noel: L'équipe de Cheval Endurance France
- Sans titre
- Sans titre
- Musculoskeletal System: blog from Persian Horse
- Endurance Great Britain
- Flu outbreak cancels show horse events - Dec 12 2007
- Getting the hump - Dec 14 2007
- Ice skater turned horse rider gallops to success -...
- 2008 Rambouillet
- Jeni Gilbert EnduranceGB Supreme Champion 2007
- National Federations to Report Metabolic Eliminations
- Oletta 2007
- Shaikha Madiya in 120-km Abu Dhabi ride - Dec 2 2007
- AUSTR - Fair Treatment Recreational and Sporting H...
- Horse welfare at top of FEI endurance review