Verginie Atger on Kaena and Jean Luc Riou on Lasco du Prat both pushed hard to catch the front runners, competing the 6th phase in 24.51 and 24.76 km/hr respectively, but fell a bit short. a 1 second differential between Begaud and Atger, followed by Riou 10 seconds later decided 2,3,4 in this 164km endurance race!
1 - Celine Schwartz on King Farhoz de Paute
2 - Jack Begaud on Kheopsy du Pilat
3 - Verginie Atger on Kaena
Detailed and overall results of the 54 starters (with 29 competions) from 10 countries maybe found at: EnduranceEurope.net
1 commentaire:
une erreur dans votre classement 160 km de st galmier le 5ime nicolas vazquez et jora de labio
vous mettez 2 fois le 4 ieme
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