El Raid Blog
Esta manana en la sede central de la Cruz del Campo en Sevilla, se ha presentado oficialmente el V Kaliber-Andalucia con la presencia de D. Manuel Jimenez Barrios, Secretario General para el Deporte Consejeria de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucia; D. Diego Antonanzas de Toledo, Director de Sponsoring y Eventos de Imagen de Heineken España y de D. Jose Manuel Soto Alarcon como alma mater del Kaliber-Andalucia.

Empezo el acto con la presentacion oficial del Cartel anunciador del V Kaliber-Andalucia.

Posteriormente tomo la palabra Jose Manuel Soto el cual presento el video del Raid confeccionado con bellas imagenes de Kaliber anteriores. Tambien informo del recorrido por los bellos parajes andaluces y de las dificultades generales que estos ultimos tiempos estamos pasando, pero que a pesar de todo, sigue adelante este bello evento ecuestre.
This morning at the headquarters of the Cruz del Campo in Seville, has officially launched the V-Kaliber Andalucia with the presence of D. Manuel Jimenez Barrios, Secretary General for Sport Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sports of the Junta de Andalucia, D. Antonanzas Diego de Toledo, Director of Sponsoring & Events Image Heineken Spain and D. Jose Manuel Soto Alarcon alma mater as the Kaliber-Andalucia.
Empezo the event with the official launch of the V Poster Kaliber-Andalucia. Later, speaking Jose Manuel Soto who presented the video of the raid made with beautiful images of previous Kaliber. Also reported the tour of the beautiful places in Andalusia and the general difficulties in recent times we are passing, but nevertheless, keep going this beautiful equestrian event.
Then responsible for Kaliber spoke in Andalucia, as one of the leading proponents of this Raid and meaning the magnificent views of the event.
Cerro the act the Secretary General for Sport of the Junta de Andalucia, reminding the union that unites him with Jose Manuel in the Raid, because since the first Al-Andalus, is supporting the sport, which provides information to Andalucia by worldwide.
At the close of this presentation, they gave us all the wizard with glasses of beer, accompanied by rich viands prepared by Gambrinus school students with a good ham from our friend Maximilian.
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